Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Ryan Budget Plan (You Call This a Budget Plan?)

Is it déjà vu or what?
Somebody please tell me why
Paul Ryan keeps reappearing
Just like a pesty fly.

Or like a needle caught in a groove
Of an old record--until you nudge it--
Ryan keeps proposing
His same old damaging budget.

The plan neglects working-class families,
Seniors, the poor, and the needy,
And puts money into the pockets
Of the rich. Hey, let's not be greedy!

Tax cuts for wealthy Americans,
Subsidies to corporations,
And tax breaks for oil companies
All chip at our country's foundations.

Struggling students would suffer--
Programs for children as well--
And the Medicare program for seniors
Would likewise be shot to hell.

So, let's not hurt the people
With a plan so wrong through and through.
There is one place for Ryan's proposal,
And that place has to do with kazoo.

By Bob B (4-7-14)

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