Sunday, April 27, 2014

Trickle Down

For at LEAST thirty years or so
Haven’t most of us grown very weary
As politicians have beaten us over
Our heads with their lousy trickle-down theory?

How have they managed to fool so many
And put us all in our current funk?
Research is showing—though we knew all along—
That the trickle-down theory’s a lot of bunk.

We’ve only seen the rich get richer
After years and years of deregulation.
And since the poor have just grown poorer,
Something is wrong with the whole situation.

We cannot depend on leaders like Paul Ryan
To solve this economic mess.
His plan puts the burden on less wealthy people,
And who benefits from it? I’ll give you one guess!

Some say a steep progressive taxation
Is one way to help us out of the slump.
But then there’s resistance from rich and powerful
Magnates such as the obnoxious D. Trump.

I’d like to know how the trickle-down theory
Became so popular and earned such renown.
What I have seen of it hasn’t been pretty:
I hate to say what is trickling down.

By Bob B (4-27-14)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Let's Invest in Our Kids!

As Elizabeth Warren pointed out,
Cuts in research and education
Infrastructure and innovation
Have affected our country, without a doubt.

Skyrocketing costs for attending college
Are keeping many out of school,
Thus having an impact as a rule
On future workers’ quest for knowledge.

Imagine what our students go through
When over one trillion dollars of debt
Hangs over their heads as a constant threat,
Especially each time the payments are due.

Keep interest low for the payment of loans
So the students can quickly get on their feet
When they finish school and start to compete
In the workforce, where there are many unknowns.

Our government does not have to make
Billions of dollars from our struggling youth
While banks borrow money—and this is uncouth—
At zero interest! Please, give me a break!

Too many voters are being misled
By the rich and powerful who won’t pay their share
Of taxes. Invest in the billionaire?
No, let's invest in our kinds instead!

By Bob B (4-26-14)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Karl Rove Speaks on the Koch Brothers' Behalf

Here’s a funny story
Concerning our friend Karl Rove.
This one is a doosie—
A real treasure trove.

He hailed the brothers Koch
As patriots for their grit,
Persistence and hard work.
Sounds good, but let’s admit:

While hard work and persistence
Can apply to one with class,
You can also use the words
To describe the common ass.

Thank you, Mr. Rove,
For speaking on their behalf.
On this lazy morning,
I needed a good laugh.

By Bob B (4-25-14)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Have People Gone Quite Mad?

What a sad day for the State of Georgia—
Can any bozo there get a gun?—
When the state loosened gun restrictions!
How much sense does this make? None!

This growing fascination with weapons
That we can observe occurring here
Puts us all in greater danger
As reasoning faculties disappear.

“Protect yourselves from the bad guys with weapons”;
“More guns will make us safer,” they say.
You don’t have to be a genius to see
The powerful influence of the NRA.

The gun lobbyists have wily convinced
The American people that our gun law fights
Are all about protecting what
They think are Second Amendment rights.

Billionaires and lobbyists control
Our nation with the ludicrous pretense
That they’re looking out for our best interest—
A major affront to our common sense!

Smarter—NOT unrestricted—laws
Are the kinds of laws that will protect us
And not foolhardy legislation
To which our paranoid leaders subject us.

What a slap in the face to someone
Who’s lost a loved one in a violent killing!
The callous indifference of firearm fanatics
Is not only scary but also bone chilling.

So guns everywhere will protect our kids?
Sandy Hook should be a reminder.
Have people gone quite mad, or what?
Instead of seeing clearly, many have grown blinder.

By Bob B (4-24-14)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Putin and the Ukraine

Now Putin’s comments on the Ukraine...
Does he know the difference between truth and lies?
If there were an award for equivocation
He would win the number one prize.

Those men in unmarked uniforms are
Not Russian soldiers, he maintains.
Then—oops—we find out a little later
They are Russia’s soldiers and not the Ukraine’s.

In the Ukraine there are no Russian troops,
Putin says, knowing there’d be repercussions.
Then we find out a little bit later
They ARE there to “protect” the ethnic Russians.

Then Snowden asks Putin if the government intercepts
The Russian people’s communications.
Of course not, says Putin, Russian laws
Wouldn’t allow such abominations!

Does Putin think that we were born yesterday?
Does he believe that we’re all that naive?
Since when has he cared about human rights?
You never know what he has up his sleeve.

Will other countries see Russian soldiers
And Russian tanks make their advance?
At what point will Putin have to “protect”
Ethnic Russians in Poland or France?

By Bob B (4-23-14)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Paying the Piper

Nearly fourteen billion years ago
Our incredible universe clang
With an incomprehensible blast:
The super miraculous, awesome Big Bang!

It’s hard to fathom the age of the universe,
But even consider the age of dear Earth:
Nine billion years after the Bang
The universe witnessed our planet’s birth!

Despite the billions of years in the making,
Mankind’s time on this planet’s been brief.
But in our short period of time here on Earth
We’ve certainly caused our planet some grief.

Two hundred thousand years of evolving
For modern man, and yet despite
All of those thousands of years of development,
We still haven’t managed to get some things right!

To our foolish carelessness,
The demise of how many species is linked?
(To our credit, at least no one
Can say we made the dinosaurs extinct!)

Efforts by zoos and societies to save
Endangered species have been put in place;
At the same time we continue to threaten
Others at a frightening pace.

Think of all the chopping and drilling
And digging and fracking we've done. Yes?
Add to that the contamination.
We have made a real mess!

We know that Earth’s temperature is rising;
Glaciers continue to melt every day.
Weather’s more fickle with storms more destructive.
To solve this you’ll have to do more than just pray.

What a shame that certain leaders
Remain antagonistic to facts.
How people fall for such careless denial...
What a heavy toll this exacts!

We’re lucky to have this beautiful world;
We’re lucky to share it with others and enjoy it.
But we will have to pay the piper
If we continue to abuse and destroy it.

(4-21-14) By Bob B

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pity the Poor Rich Ones

Pity the poor rich ones
Whose lives are so very tough—
Whose two hundred fifty million
Is simply not enough—

Or those whose worth has just doubled
During the current administration,
And not tripled or quadrupled!
Such an abomination!

Pity the poor rich victim
Who’s persecuted and blamed
When asked to pay more taxes
(We should all be ashamed!)

Or the poor put upon Koch brothers,
Who are always under attack
As they rake in millions of dollars.
Why should they have to give back?

Let’s also pity the billionaires
When most of us fail to see
That the wealthier they become,
The better off the poor should be.

Pity the poor tycoon
Who hungers for status and power—
Who’d suffer humiliation
If he fell from his ivory tower.

And pity the NRA members
Who complain that gun laws curtail
Our rights to weapons. Heavens!
They might lose out on a sale!

Pity the rich ones when laws
Prevent them from having their way,
And the government only supports them
When it gives the wealthy more sway.

Don’t forget wealthy businessmen
With corporate profits sky high
And corporate welfare in billions,
Yet they’re barely scraping by.

Pity the unscrupulous rich—
The ones feeling slighted and sad—
When the generous wealthy make
The unscrupulous ones look so bad.

Yes, pity the poor rich ones
In money so engrossed—
Who have few reasons to whine
Yet seem to complain the most.

By Bob B (4-21-14)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Let's Get to Work!

The American work ethic reached its peak
When we limited hours to forty per week.
Weekends were added to the deal.
Certainly all that had great appeal.

But gradually we have gone down the drain
As American companies have become less humane.
Now we have fewer guarantees

Corporate profits is the name of the game;
More work for less pay is the companies’ aim.
Cuts in benefits, pensions, and hours
And limiting workers’ bargaining powers

Are affecting our workers nationwide.
Over half admit that they’re dissatisfied
With their jobs. Are you surprised?
Our work situation must be revised.

With a minimum wage at seven twenty-five,
That’s barely enough to stay alive.
That might be all that a student might need,
But not for a parent with children to feed.

Unemployment benefits expired
Because the members of Congress are mired
In an ideological impasse depriving
People of help when they’re barely surviving.

With a struggling economy, that’s not the time
To consider being jobless a crime,
Or to make it harder for people to cope
When they find themselves at the end of their rope.

Struggling workers now say with a sigh
That they’ll probably have to work till they die.
And there are people who have been reviled
When taking time off to be with a child.

Vacation time is another story.
Our record there is lacking in glory.
In Europe you start with four weeks per year.
That’s very different from what happens here.

In the U.S. laws there exists a great flaw:
There is no paid vacation by law!
After twenty-five years at a job you are lucky
To get three weeks off. Isn’t that sucky?

Let’s not pass blame; let’s not be greedy
Like the heartless ones out there—slimy and seedy.
Now is the time. Don’t sit back and shirk!
Let’s help the people! Let’s get to work!

By Bob B (4-18-14)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Where Does Your Chicken Come From?

Where does your chicken come from—
The chicken you find on your plate?
It’s probably in a slaughterhouse
Where the bird meets its fate.
From clamps holding its feet,
It hangs upside down with the others—
Not the kind of ending
They'd choose if they had their druthers.
They’re dragged through a cold salty bath
To stun them and keep them from thrashing;
A cutter then slashes their throats
With its deadly, silvery blades flashing.
If that were the end, they'd be lucky;
But most of their hearts are still pumping.
For ninety more seconds they’ll hang.
Can you hear the hearts thumping?
Dead or alive they are dumped
Into pools of scalding water
Where the ones that are still alive
Will flop and scream from this slaughter.
After the torture is over
All of the bodies are slated
To be gutted, plucked, and whatever....
They’ve basically been desecrated.

Other methods used—
And I admit I don’t know ‘em—
To butcher our feathered friends are
Beyond the scope of this poem.
Regarding this bloody massacre,
Mentioned above, I maintain:
Conditions before this bloodbath,
Are also not very humane.
The chickens are squeezed into cages
In conditions sometimes unfit.
How would you like to stand
Up to your ankles in shit?
What about free-range poultry?
Be careful: you might see
That despite the nice-sounding concept,
It’s not what it’s cracked up to be.
And then there’s the farmyard chicken
That the farmer’s so gleefully fed,
Which has no idea that someday
Its master will chop off its head.
I’m not trying to scare you
Or be indiscreet,
But we must all be aware
Of how we get our meat.

I could inform you about
What happens to a cow,
Or lamb or pig; however,
I'll spare you that for now.

(4-17-14) By Bob B

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Ballad of Cliven Bundy (In Three Parts)

(Part I)

Listen to the tale of Cliven Bundy—
Nevada cowboy and rancher dude—
Who has circumvented the law for years
With his cocky, to-hell-with-you attitude.

Now the government owns eighty-five
Percent of the State of Nevada’s land.
Ranchers’ cattle can graze on the property;
A payment of fees is the only demand.

But Bundy’s avoided paying the fees,
(He is above the law, of course.)
When the BLM* entered the picture,
Bundy refused to give in to force.

It wasn’t long before every crackpot
Crept out of the woodwork while bearing a gun;
Facing the BLM together,
They defended ol’ Bundy, their favorite son.

The fact that Bundy had refused
To pay his fees didn’t faze them;
Wherever Bundy wants his cattle
To roam—gall durn—he can graze them!

Cliven Bundy
And the rest:
Meanest outlaws
In the West.

The incident turned into a standoff
Till the BLM made its retreat.
Outlaw Bundy and his cohorts
Cheered their enemy’s ignominious defeat.

The news like wildfire spread across
The right-wing media apparatus,
And the lawbreaker Cliven Bundy
Was elevated to hero status.

Now Occupy Wall Street demonstrators:
Right wingers cheered as police pushed and kicked ‘em;
But here is a person who’s breaking the law,
And people consider the scoundrel a victim!

To all the ranchers who follow the rules
And obey the laws this incident shows
That when you don’t agree with a law,
The solution is merely to thumb your nose.

If cowboy Bundy refuses to recognize
The federal government, that’s his choice.
But maybe some time in a federal prison
Might give him less of a cause to rejoice.

Cliven Bundy
And the rest:
Meanest outlaws
In the West.

*BLM = Bureau of Land Management
By Bob B (3-16-14)

 (Part II)

So Bundy’s supporters—in armed defiance—
Came to his rescue to fight the feds,
Not caring that Bundy had broken the law.
(What do you expect from a bunch of dead heads?)

Bundy’s rowdy militiaman thugs
Boldly shared their plan to confront
The armed federal agents with
Protesting women lined up in front!

Adding humor to this outlandish farce
Was Mr. Bundy—a real sight gag—
Parading around on his horse and carrying
The American—yes, the NATIONAL—flag!

Poor cowboy Bundy just doesn’t get it.
Watch him gloat as he takes his bows.
While not acknowledging the federal government,
He allows it to “subsidize” his cows!

Cliven Bundy
And the rest:
Meanest outlaws
In the West.

By Bob B (4-23-14)

(Part III) 

The more Bundy was interviewed,
The more the outlaw dug his own grave:
He asked if the African American’s life
Wasn’t better when he or she was a slave!

Not only did Bundy prove to be
With his federal defiance among the basest,
But he also clearly demonstrated
That he was an ignorant racist!

Then Bundy also likened himself
To the Founding Fathers of this nation,
Which, along with his bigotry, brought him
Less support for his “victimization.”

Mister Bundy, pay your fees
To let your cattle joyfully wend
Their way across the federal lands—
And then this ballad could have an end.

Cliven Bundy
And the rest:
Meanest outlaws

In the West.

By Bob B (4-26-14)

Ayn Rand and Her Followers

Have you ever heard of the writer
Who went by the name of Ayn Rand?
If not, it’s likely because
Her works aren’t much in demand.

Reason’s the only means
Of acquiring knowledge, she said;
And people who believe in religion
Are foolish and terribly misled.

She said that the individual
Should exist for his own sake;
She hated social programs,
And big government made her quake.

Unbridled capitalism
With no regulations
Was the economic system
That met her expectations.

Despite all of her writings
And her self-proclaimed surety,
She ended up fairly poor,
Living on social security.

You’ll find that Rand’s ideas
Have a familiar ring,
For some politicians share them—
Some from the far right wing.

Ayn Rand is the inspiration
For Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, and some cronies;
But a funny inconsistency
Is evident in these phonies:

From the party that says it’s founded
On Christian values, these guys
Ironically chose an atheist
As a figure to idolize.

By Bob B (4-15-14)

More on the Gender Pay Gap

Recent polls show that Americans are split
Over the wage gap between women and men.
When it's different pay for different jobs,
Well, that's a different story then.

But equal pay for equal work--
That is the problem that we must address.
If women and men have the same position,
There's no reason she should have to make less.

Many want to decrease the pay gap
But not through more laws. Yet it's worth noting:
If it hadn't been for past legislation,
Women wouldn't even be voting!

By Bob B (4-15-14)

On the April 13 Jewish Community Center Shootings

What is it?
Hatred feeding ignorance?
Or stupidity feeding hatred?
A vicious cycle...
Three innocent victims--
Ironically, two Methodists and a Catholic
At a Jewish community center--
Lose their precious lives...
Hatred and guns:
A bad combination...
All it takes is one white supremacist thug
And a gun,
And hearts cry...

By Bob B (4-14-14)

On Being a Patriot

You don’t have to wave your country’s flag;
Nor do you have to boast and brag
That yours is the best country on earth—
Whether or not it’s the land of your birth—
To be a patriot.

There’s no need to brandish your weapons to show
That you have rights that you’ll never forgo;
Nor do you have to copy the ones
Who feel the need for an arsenal of guns
To be a patriot.

You don’t have to heed all you've been told,
Be afraid to seek truths that your leaders withhold,
Or forget that in your laws there’s a reason
That public dissent’s not the same thing as treason
To be a patriot.

You don’t have to feel that the government is right
To force young men and women to fight
In wars that profit the War Machine--
And which in your heart you know are obscene--
To be a patriot.

There’s no need to always bewail and prate
The separation of church and state
Or let the troublemakers upset you
By saying the government’s out to get you
To prove you’re a patriot.

You're not required to always believe
A leader whose words are meant to deceive
Or one who's clearly developed the art
Of tearing the nation's people apart
To be a patriot.

But caring about the poor and the needy;
Wanting to have, without being greedy;
Feeling concern for the rights of ALL;
And helping others up when they fall:
That's being a patriot!

By Bob B (4-13-14)

Just a Simple Little Love Song

Sometimes I’m happy;
Sometimes I’m sad;
Sometimes I’m good;
Sometimes I’m bad.

Sometimes I’m right;
Sometimes I’m wrong;
Sometimes I write poems;
Sometimes I write songs.

Sometimes I like salty;
Sometimes I like sweet;
Sometimes I eat veggies;
Sometimes I eat meat.

Sometimes I’m calm;
Sometimes I fret;
Sometimes I remember;
Sometimes I forget.

Sometimes I drive;
Sometimes I walk;
Sometimes I’m silent;
Sometimes I squawk.

Sometimes I laugh;
Sometimes I cry;
Sometimes I’m outgoing;
Sometimes I’m shy.

Sometimes I’m feisty
Sometimes I’m nice;
Sometimes I’m wordy;
Sometimes I’m concise.

But one thing won’t change—
It will always remain:
My love for you
Will never wane.

By Bob B (4-13-14)

Candidate from Georgia Seeks Help (from Sarah Palin)

Karen Handel, GOP Senate
Candidate from Georgia will give it a shot
To have Sarah Palin "help" her campaign
By narrating her first TV spot.

It makes me wonder what Handel is thinking.
Is this how she wants her campaign to begin?
Didn't she learn from McCain's fiasco?
Tell me, doesn't she want to win?

By Bob B (4-12-14)

The Brothers Koch

If you’ve never heard of the brothers Koch
And of all their insidious doings to date,
It may be because they’re behind the scenes—
Visibility low, yet influence great.

They say they deeply care about their country.
That would be nice if it were true.
Their major concern deals with profit
And how much more money they can accrue.

If they really cared about this nation
Why is it that their companies clearly
Emit twenty-four million tons
Of pollutants into our environment yearly?

With annual revenues of 100 billion,
Koch Industries isn’t what you would call small.
And a combined fortune of 35 billion
Shows that the brothers aren’t bad off at all.

Having wealth is not the problem;
It’s what they do with their money that counts.
Their way’s to hijack the democratic
Process by doling out large amounts.

Opposing federal and state regulations
Of their money or businesses, they have paid
Millions of dollars to advertising
And to candidates who will join their crusade.

Sure, they donate to cancer prevention,
And then lobby the EPA not to say
That formaldehyde (made by their company)
Is NOT a carcinogen. Oy vey!

Have you heard about the cover-ups
Of environmental violations?
The scoundrels will go after any candidate
Who tries to crack down on Koch operations.

Why do you think they’re so eager to build
The Keystone pipeline through the USA?
They’re big investors in Alberta’s tar sands!
Of course, to them the idea’s okay.

What about programs to help the needy,
Health care for seniors and for children as well,
Social Security and fairness in taxing—
The Koch brothers feel that can all go to hell.

Millions are spent fighting climate change warnings
As they hoodwink the people to support what they do.
But when it gets down to it, the Koch brothers really
Don’t support me and they don’t support you.

Watch for the lies in political ads
And beware of the bait and switch strategies they use.
The KOCHTOPUS grasps us in its giant arms—
Koch Industries may win; if so we all lose.

By Bob B (4-11-14)

Equal Pay

More inexplicable news on the web:
Senate Republicans deal a blow
To narrowing the unfair gender pay gap
By voicing a harsh, resounding NO.

Why do they feel so threatened by women?
These lawmakers seem to be going berserk.
What is the problem with women receiving
Equal pay for equal work?

“That would greatly hinder employers
From granting raises” is a common excuse.
(That probably means raises for men!)
To me their reasoning is rather obtuse.

Only those beaten down by the system
Could support this narrow-minded stance.
Women should give these stodgy politicians
A piece of their mind. Now is their chance!

By Bob B (4-10-14)

An Onion by Any Other Name...

They say a substantial number of Americans
Feel that torture can be justified
In combatting terrorists. Wow! That’s incredible!
Who are these people—Jekyll slash Hyde?

When we use torture to get information
By inflicting pain, discomfort, or fear,
The info obtained is not always the truth—
Though it might be exactly what we WANT to hear.

Cheney with all of his colorful language
Can apply his own names to these methods profane.
But if they look, and sound, and feel like torture,
They're torture! I thought we were much more humane.

I assumed that we as a civilized people
Had abandoned such practices long ago.
When people still justify torture,
I’m afraid that humanity has stooped pretty low.

By Bob B (4-9-14)

Au Revoir, My Dear Friend: To Liên (1944 - 2013)

A life so early beset by struggles
Was yours when your family fled from Hanoi
And in South Vietnam sought refuge and freedom—
It’s sad what conflicting ideals can destroy.
The South was only a tentative haven
While you attended French schools through the years.
The North-versus-South conflict exploded;
Your country was hurled into suffering and tears.
But luckily you escaped with your children,
Again seeking refuge, this time in the West:
In Europe, Canada, and then California—
A safe life for your children, your constant quest.

Your flower boat has gently borne you
To the Other Shore—your journey’s end.
You will always be in my heart.
Tạm biệt, lovely Liên; au revoir, my dear friend.

We met in the 80s and as fate would have it
We became friends. I’ll never forget
How we thoughtfully guided our students—
Our work together: the perfect duet.
I could sit and listen forever
As you shared interesting tales from your past.
Your knowledge was thorough, your stories intriguing,
Your manner so charming, your wisdom so vast.
I miss our dinners and social occasions.
In thinking about them I have to smile:
We’d talk for hours over large bowls of phở,
And I’d get a word in just once in a while.

Your flower boat has gently borne you
To the Other Shore—your journey’s end.
You will always be in my heart.
Tạm biệt, lovely Liên; au revoir, my dear friend.

If anyone needed a helping hand,
You would be there, offering support.
Then, not needing to earn recognition,
You’d turn down all praise; you’d sell yourself short.
How I envied your mastery of languages—
English, French, Vietnamese!
Your mellifluous voice—I can still hear it—
Tender, angelic, as soft as a breeze.
Our phone conversations—whenever they happened—
Were always an adventure. Oh, yes, but I swear
That I could never be in a hurry—
I needed at least a whole hour to spare.

Your flower boat has gently borne you
To the Other Shore—your journey’s end.
You will always be in my heart.
Tạm biệt, lovely Liên; au revoir, my dear friend.

Teacher, friend, sister, cousin—
I saw you in so many ways—
Your kindness and generosity inspired me,
Broadened my world, brightened my days.
You lived for your family—who always came first—
And never resentful, you never complained.
Imagine how much you influenced your children
With your giant heart! Just think what they’ve gained!
How much you accomplished in your precious life!
How much you managed to do on your own!
You, with that tiny, delicate frame,
Were one of the mightiest people I’ve known.

Your flower boat has gently borne you
To the Other Shore—your journey’s end.
You will always be in my heart.
Tạm biệt, lovely Liên; au revoir, my dear friend.

By Bob B (4-8-14)

The Ryan Budget Plan (You Call This a Budget Plan?)

Is it déjà vu or what?
Somebody please tell me why
Paul Ryan keeps reappearing
Just like a pesty fly.

Or like a needle caught in a groove
Of an old record--until you nudge it--
Ryan keeps proposing
His same old damaging budget.

The plan neglects working-class families,
Seniors, the poor, and the needy,
And puts money into the pockets
Of the rich. Hey, let's not be greedy!

Tax cuts for wealthy Americans,
Subsidies to corporations,
And tax breaks for oil companies
All chip at our country's foundations.

Struggling students would suffer--
Programs for children as well--
And the Medicare program for seniors
Would likewise be shot to hell.

So, let's not hurt the people
With a plan so wrong through and through.
There is one place for Ryan's proposal,
And that place has to do with kazoo.

By Bob B (4-7-14)

That Same Little Girl: A Song to My Sister

I was eighteen when we brought you home.
How I will always remember that day!
The prettiest baby that I’d ever seen!
(What would you expect your proud brother to say?)
A six-week-old infant had now become ours
After many months on a paperwork sea.
We held in our arms a tiny bundle—
My baby sister, Rebecca Marie.

A new baby sister can be exciting—
For a few days, that is; I cannot lie.
To babysit wasn't part of my plans.
My social life? I just knew it would die!
But somehow we managed. It wasn’t so bad.
But those ear infections! Man, what a scare!
Helpless, sometimes I held you for hours;
I’m glad we still had that old rocking chair.

It seems now that the days passed by quickly.
You started swimming before you were one.
Mom had to take you to all of your lessons;
That tearful experience for Dad was no fun.
But you grew up fast. Can you imagine
How my life quickly became so enriched
From taking you to parks and to movies
And from watching Sesame Street and Bewitched?

I’ll never forget when I joined the army—
You were that slightly rambunctious small fry—
And I had to fly from L.A. to Missouri.
It killed me inside to have to kiss you good-bye!
But I returned home after leaving the service,
Finished my schooling, began my career.
It seemed like watching a film in fast motion:
Images fleeting, you in high gear.

The seasons sped by as we journeyed onward.
We shared happy moments, along with the sad.
But the saddest days that we spent together
Were in '98 when we lost both Mom and Dad.
Then life made you, our brothers, and me
Enter a sobering, eye-opening new phase.
Though living apart, we all held together;
We kept looking forward to happier days.

I now look back at all of life’s moments
Some memories are fading, but one thing I know:
Your coming into our lives was a blessing;
You filled our lives with both sparkle and glow.
Though you are now grown-up with a family,
Whenever I see you my thoughts start to swirl,
For I can still see you prancing around me—
All I can see is that same little girl.

(4-5-14) By Bob B

The Recent Supreme Court Decision

O Great Supreme Court,
Interpreter of the Law,
Pillar of wisdom,
Worthy of awe!

What a bold move--
Removing restrictions
On political donations!
Such admirable convictions!

Your reasons are clear:
Money has power
And NOT the people--
A thought too dour.

Your honorable loyalties
Garner attention;
As to conflicts of interest,
We make no mention.

Let's not bewail
The death of Democracy;
Let us proclaim:
All hail, Plutocracy!

By Bob B (4-4-14)

Come and Visit Guantánamo Bay!

How would you like to come and stay
At our 5-star hotel at Guantánamo Bay?

Come, relax, and enjoy the view,
Soft sand, clean beaches, and blue water, too.
Don’t bring your suits or your fancy clothes;
You won’t have any need for those.
We have outfits to fit every size
And ALL in matching colors. Surprise!
Your safety’s of utmost importance so we
Have ways to keep you as safe as can be.
We have added special structures throughout
To keep all the nosy riff-raff out,
And not, as some scoundrels like to spin,
To keep our lovely hotel guests in.
So how would you like to come and stay
At our 5-star hotel at Guantánamo Bay?

You say you like to swim in the ocean
In places where there is little commotion?
You say that you like water sports, too?
Have we got the perfect activity for you:
Enough buckets of water to fill a fjord,
Accompanied by your own special board.
If the darkness scares you from sunset till dawn,
We have some rooms where the light’s always on.
And there’s no need to buy CDs at our shop:
WE’VE got rooms where we blast music nonstop.
Can you imagine a better deal?
Everyone says this resort is unreal!
So come on! Please join us and have a good stay
At our 5-star hotel at Guantánamo Bay.

You say you’re into fine dining and such;
Well, one thing that you’re going to like very much
Is knowing that your stay will also include
Your meals. Yes, there’s no extra charge for the food!
If reading’s your thing, then it’s guaranteed:
You’ll find you’ll have hours and hours to read.
In an effort to help discourage inquisitors,
We’ll make sure you’re not bothered by visitors.
Try to imagine a better vacation:
A tropical paradise with no cessation!
You’ll wonder how anyone could possibly conceive
Of this place that you will find so hard to leave.
We’re happy to have you, so come on and stay
At our 5-star hotel at Guantánamo Bay.

By Bob B (4-2-14)

Ah, To Be an Ostrich!

Ah, to be an ostrich!
I'd bury my head in the sand.
I could remain oblivious
To what was going on in this land.
I'd hide from gnawing hunger
That showed on children’s faces.
My total lack of involvement
Would leave no guilty traces.

Ah, to be a bear!
I’d hibernate in my cave
And wouldn’t worry about
Those whom I couldn’t save.
The lost and disenfranchised
Could struggle on their own,
While I stayed safe and sound
And slumbered all alone.

Ah, to be a turtle!
I would hide in my shell,
Ignoring world injustice
And abuses here as well.
When the power-grabbing wealthy
Tromped on the rights of the poor,
From such wrongdoing I’d hide
Behind my keratin door.

Ah, to be an eagle!
I'd soar across the sky.
Removed from worldly problems,
I’d never have to ask why
So many people kill others
For reasons so absurd.
I could maintain my distance.
How lucky to be a bird!

But being an ostrich is awkward
For people tend to stare
When your head's under the ground
And your butt sticks up in the air.
Being a bear can be hard,
For a cave can be damp and cold,
And not to mention lonely:
I guess that would get very old.
And about being a turtle—
And this is the honest scoop—
Your chances are very good
That you’ll end up in soup.
Finally, on being an eagle:
Though flying brings you great mirth
And you love high altitudes,
You still must come down to earth.

(4-2-14) By Bob B

The Affordable Care Act

Despite great controversy for years
The Affordable Care Act’s now in place.
And we all know that the enrollment period
Commenced with a certain lack of grace.

For months we heard on the TV and radio
Of dire predictions; they also went viral.
The naysayers, hoping for an ACA failure,
Constantly harped on its inevitable death spiral.

Nine point five million now have insurance—
Many of whom didn’t have it before.
Let’s be grateful that people have coverage
Instead of seeking out more faults galore.

Yes, nine point five meets the projected numbers—
At least at the moment that’s how it looks—
But some people now, who don’t like the program,
Say that the government is cooking the books.

Of course, the insurance and medical companies
Both could play hardball to make the plan fail
By raising their prices and insurance premiums—
A despicable tactic that we should assail.

And as it now stands the program’s not perfect
But naysayers—instead of trying to nix it—
Should find ways to work together with those
Who are willing to tweak it and basically fix it.

By Bob B (4-1-14)

Georgia's Absurd Gun Laws

The recent decision in Georgia allowing
Guns in churches, schools, and bars
Makes you wonder where their heads are!
What! Are those decision-makers from Mars?

My goodness, have they lost touch with reality?
Moreover, don't they have any sense?
How could they push through these dangerous notions,
And do so at the people's expense?

People complain about the direction
That our country is taking. And they should!
When lawmakers make such asinine decisions,
Honestly, they are up to no good.

A major part of the problem's the people
Whose voting behavior seems to suggest
That by electing these villains to office,
They think they are back in America's Wild West.

By Bob B (3-31-14)

Sarah Palin Again in the Spotlight?

Is Sarah Palin in the spotlight again?
Oh, how she devours that attention!
To that add the dollars she makes—
Not a mere pittance, need I mention?

She waves her American flag,
Calling all of her followers to rally,
And then spouts off more inane phrases
Than I could possibly tally.

“Sarah, we love you!” they yell.
“Sarah, you are our savior!”
Do they not see how their fawning
Encourages her obnoxious behavior?

She says that for certain the country
Is heading in the wrong direction.
Her jingoistic solutions
Came out in the 0-8 election.

You would never really know it
If she had some insightful suggestions,
For in her many interviews
She’ll talk all around people’s questions.

She was asked where she got information—
What sources she would peruse.
There was nothing! Was she too embarrassed
To admit it was ONLY Fox News?

Yes, I still wonder how she—
With her voice so piercing and brittle—
Can talk and talk so much
And actually say so little.

By Bob B (3-31-14)

Advice to the Poet

If you’re seeking a form of expression
And your thoughts are in disarray,
After some careful reflection,
This is what I would say:

If you really want to show ‘em,
You ought to try writing a poem!

If you want it succinct and concise,
That would certainly be very nice.

If it’s rhythm that you are pursuing,
You’ve got to know what you are doing.

If you want your poem to rhyme,
You’d better have lots of time.

If you want it to be very clear,
It’s best not to drink too much beer.

If you tend to leave too much unsaid,
It will go over everyone’s head.

If inversions you frequently use,
Respect for your style will you lose.

If personification’s your thing,
You might make many hearts sing.

If some metaphors are affixed,
Be very sure they’re not mixed.

If your simile’s as old as the hills,
You’ll see how much interest it kills.

If your poem has too many words,
You should probably cut out two-thirds.

If you want to be light and expressive,
Try not to be over excessive.

If you want to earn any praise,
Be sure to avoid trite clichés.

If symbols are your cup of tea,
Try not to use more than three.

If you always insist on the sonnet,
Well, you’ve got a bee in your bonnet.

If you constantly give them sad ballads,
You’ll make them weep in their salads.

If there’s too much alliteration,
You’ll find that you’re fostering frustration.

If you’re too much into analytics,
You’d better watch out for the critics.

If you can write perfect stanzas,
Well, those are poetic bonanzas.

If you want it to go on forever,
You’d better be especially clever.

If you don’t know when to quit,
They’ll say enough of this....

SO...if you have an idea to share,
This advice should give it some flair.

By Bob B (3-31-14)

Light (Children’s Song #1)

The sun shines on us all—
No matter who we are—
And when at night there’s darkness,
The light comes from a star.
So never feel resentment,
Sadness or despair.
If the sky is full of clouds above you,
Know that the light’s still there.

The sun shines on us all—
Alike on friend and foe.
Nobody can claim it
Or escape its constant glow.
If you have misty doubts
That are darkening your vision,
The light within your heart will help you
Make the right decision.

The sun shines on us all,
And we have no excuse
But to welcome its embrace and
To put it to good use.
You can close your eyes,
And though you cannot see it,
The light is always there inside you—
You can never flee it.
The light shines on us all...

By Bob B (3-29-14)

Piers Morgan Bows Out and Gun Laws

Piers Morgan said his good-byes
On his CNN interview show.
He took the opportunity
To deliver gun violence a blow.

In a manner very direct
His insightful points were stated.
Gun violence in America
Is a problem often debated.

One of our biggest problems
Is the manner that the NRA
Bullies the American people
And cleverly leads them astray.

“More guns will limit the violence.”
“We need guns in our schools.”
“Guns don’t kill people; it’s people.”
Do they actually think we’re all fools?

The issue’s not just about rights.
The gun sellers bewail
Any loss of revenue
That comes from not making a sale.

And some people spread silly rumors
That the government has up its sleeve
A plot to confiscate weapons.
How can they be so naive?

The gun lobby with all its power
And smugly using its sway,
“Encourages” the politicians
To give their ideas a yea.

The second Amendment is cited
With arguments captious and smarmy,
To justify multiple weapons.
But who needs enough for an army?

And furthermore, what is the problem
With enforcing gun registration,
Or restricting the sale of bullets
That cause extreme mutilation?

And automatic weapons?
How much sense does it make
To support their proliferation?
Come on. Please give me a break!

Don’t Sandy Hook or Aurora
Mean anything at all?
How many more children must die
Before we have the wherewithal

To speak up and put our foot down
Out of caring and love for this nation?
To those who do, I applaud;
I give them a standing ovation.

By Bob B (3-29-14)