Saturday, January 30, 2016

He Came Home from War a Different Man

He came home from the Middle East
A depressed and very different man,
After having served a tour
In Iraq and one in Afghanistan.

At one time an athlete with a hopeful future
And mentor to his cheering peers,
He struggled now to balance his memories
With the dismal, heavy weight of tears.

Tears that suddenly came from nowhere
Drenched his pillow. A panic would sweep
Through his body making him dread
The nights and the thought of falling asleep.

The outbursts of anger frightened him more;
They frightened his wife and children as well.
Avoidance and withdrawal only seemed
To aggravate his daily hell.

People and places constantly triggered
Painful memories of war and death.
Loud noises would send him through
The roof and make him gasp for breath.

Walking down a city street,
He'd have a flashback and quickly duck.
His heart would race until he gained
Control of his fears that had run amok.

The doctors diagnosed his condition:
Battle fatigue, or PTSD.
They had a list of remedies.
Of course, there was no guarantee.

Serotonin reuptake
Inhibitors failed to do the trick.
And tricyclic antidepressants
Made him feel listless and sick.

Tranquilizers and neuroleptics
Caused him to be more confused.
Prazosin and propranolol
Prescriptions both remained unused.

When the pills failed to help him,
Alcohol became his friend.
At least temporarily;
The haunting nightmares wouldn't end.

His family suffered along with him.
His friends slowly drifted away.
Who had time to spend with someone
Whose life was in such disarray?

His plaques and medals on his walls
Made his pain more acute.
His isolation made him feel
Emotionally destitute.

Cognitive behavior therapy!
That's what a doctor recommended.
The desperate man acquiesced.
He said he'd go, but just pretended.

He dropped the kids off at the sitter's,
Drove back home, texted his wife,
Held his pistol to his head,
Squeezed the trigger, and ended his life.

(1-30-16) By Bob B

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Elephant NOT in the Room: GOP Debate #7

The GOP presidential wannabes
In debate number seven tried to shine.
How many more of these can we take?
Somebody has to draw the line.

"The elephant NOT in the room," Trump,
Was absent for fear that Kelly would dis him.
There went some entertainment value.
But did anyone really miss him?

Rubio, always so agitated,
Covered insecurity with sass.
He always sounds as though he's running
For president of his high school class.

For humor at the two-hour debate,
Carson proved to be indispensable.
Asleep at the wheel, he'd suddenly awaken
And mutter something incomprehensible.

Cruz and Rubio went back and forth
Each applying the art of riposte
Regarding issues on immigration
And which politician flip-flops the most.

Bush tried REALLY hard
To turn around his current rejection
And prove that he is the best candidate
To beat a Democrat in the election.

Kasich insisted that he could solve
Our nation's problems in a jiffy,
Based on his previous record,
Which, some say, is a little iffy.

Christie's merely an angry lout.
His words always cut and chide.
It seems he's overcompensating
For something he is trying to hide.

Rand Paul was back on the stage.
To him the others are all out to lunch.
He claims he's the most fiscally
Conservative one in the bunch.

Pulling out the religion card,
Dodging questions, and giving stump speeches
Characterize the seventh debate.
Is that what Politics 101 teaches?

(1-29-16) By Bob B   

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wherever We Are

The scent of pine wafting through the woods;
The gentle rush of serpentining streams;
Plaintive begging calls from forest birds;
A silvery pool reflecting the moon's bright beams…
Nature's sights and scents and sounds combined
Or on their own can give great peace of mind.

A flower squeezing through a neighbor's wall;
An unattended garden, overgrown;
The sounds of children playing in a park;
A stranger musing on a porch alone…
Wherever we are, we can nonetheless
Be moved in ways that words cannot express.

(1-28-16) By Bob B

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Corrido of the Bundy Brothers (Corrido de los hermanos Bundy)

This is a tale of two Bundys--
Ammon and Ryan by name.
They and the FBI
Both played the waiting game.

The brothers' dad, Cliven Bundy,
At one time had a close call
With the feds. I guess that he
And his sons are "tal para qual."

The brothers and their compadres
With rifles and pistols in hand
Headed north to Oregon
And occupied federal land.

A national wildlife refuge
Served as the activists' fort.
There they were holed up for weeks,
Until their plans were cut short.

Ammon says they were there
To serve a "righteous cause."
He says that the "Lord" disagrees
With our American laws.

(How does he know that? you wonder.
Does he have Aaron's rod
Or maybe a miraculous link--
A direct-line connection with God?)

Along with "Captain Moroni,"
The protesters said they would stay
Until they got what they wanted.
People said, "Take them away."

Agents moved in on the outlaws
On rural #395.
Shots rang out in the skirmish.
One outlaw didn't survive.

The others were arrested.
Off to jail they would go,
Leaving behind their footsteps
And blood spots in the cold snow.

The protesters’ use of force,
Intimidation and threats
Brought about their downfall.
I doubt they have any regrets.

Giving the land to the people
Is one of their muddled demands.
But aren't wildlife refuges
And parks the people's lands?

So it's addios to the Bundys.
Right now their fate is unclear.
But a new conspiracy theory
Will occupy them next year.

(1-27-16) By Bob B

Monday, January 25, 2016

Wisdom Beyond Wisdom

Seeking wisdom beyond wisdom
Is not as easy as some people say.
Once you think you've reached your goal,
You find you're miles and miles away.

All the words--the scriptures, the sayings--
Amount to a mere particle of dust
When compared with ultimate truth,
Beyond all measure, profound, robust.

The dangerous ones, who judge and condemn--
Who blame and shame and vilify--
Smolder in the embers of intolerant beliefs
That shape their moral battle cry.

Yongjia Xuanjiao of the Tang Dynasty--
Thinker and inspirational muse--
Cautioned humanity NOT to slander
The vast blue sky with limited views.

(1-25-16) By Bob B

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Don't Drink the Water!

Have you heard of a recent disaster?
If not, let me give you a hint:
It has to do with polluted water
And a well-known Michigan city called Flint.

For a year and a half, state officials
Ignored complaints of contamination
And downplayed the possible dangers
That lead would have on the population.

As a cost-saving measure the leaders
Had switched up Flint's water supply
To the corrosive Flint River, causing
A problem that we cannot deny.

With no corrosion controls in place,
The water became poisoned with lead
That leached from pipes into the system
And made the water brownish red.

When officials--elected or state-appointed--
Brush aside people's complaints
And put children's lives in danger,
What an ugly picture that paints!

To cut costs, sometimes our leaders
Make a decision, often the wrong one.
Their great wisdom ultimately
Ends up costing us more in the long run.

(1-23-16) By Bob B

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Blame Game

So Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump.
Ah, two peas in a pod:
One practically unintelligible;
The other pretending to be God.

It's hard to tell if Palin's endorsement
Will help or hurt Trump's campaign.
Neither one admits mistakes;
That would go against the grain.

At a campaign stop in Oklahoma,
Palin brought up her son's arrest--
A case of domestic violence involving
Track and his girlfriend, which Palin stressed

Was mainly caused by President Obama.
Again, the president receives the blame.
Such accusations are getting so old--
Always obnoxious, always the same.

Track, a vet from the war in Iraq,
Came back changed, and who wouldn’t?
Misplaced blame won’t fix his problem
With alcohol and violence, and it shouldn’t.

Track probably served honorably,
And all vets deserve support.
But there could be many reasons
When a person's behavior falls short.

Palin can blame whomever she chooses.
Her passion for blaming is resolute.
But has it ever occurred to her
That maybe Track's just a violent brute?

(1-21-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

At Least We Can Laugh

We know that most politicians aren't
Famous for their brevity.
Nonetheless, they can often
Provide us with moments of levity.

WHEN he becomes the next president--
Yes, the man at the top--
Marco Rubio promises us
That he would never swap

Prisoners for hostages.
His strategy, or plan,
Would be like Reagan's in that he wouldn't
Negotiate with Iran.

Rubio's a bit confused, however,
Or he doesn't have a handle
On history. Or does he disremember
The Iran-Contra scandal?

Trading arms for hostages--
Wouldn't you agree?--
Is a form of negotiating
To set hostages free.

Comparing himself to Reagan makes him
Come off sounding hollow.
Particularly in this case Reagan's
The wrong example to follow.

(1-19-16) By Bob B

Monday, January 18, 2016

MLK Day 2016

The sun rises on a day in which
We commemorate
An important figure in American history--
Specifically, the late

Martin Luther King, Jr.,
A man to whom we owe
Respect for leading our country out of
The darkness of Jim Crow.

At thirty-three years of age
King pressed the case
For civil rights with JFK
And put the movement in place.

When only thirty-four years old,
The dreamer touched the nation
With "I Have a Dream," which gained him
Praise and admiration.

The Nobel Peace Prize came his way
At the age of thirty-five.
How much more could he have accomplished
If he were still alive?

May we be judged, said King, NOT
By the color of our skin,
But by the content of our character.
Freedom lies therein.

Bus boycotts, Freedom Rides--
So many people united
To march for rights and to bring more light
To a time dark and benighted.

The Voting and Civil Rights Acts
Opened many doors;
And yet the fight for rights continues,
Which clearly underscores

The need for constant vigilance
To guard against the suppression
Of equal rights for ALL people.
Let's make a steady progression.

King said, Nothing pains some men
More than having to think.
That means we must work all the harder
To try to stay in sync.

The sun will set this evening; tomorrow
A new day will dawn.
May the memories of MLK
Continue to live on.

(1-18-16) By Bob B

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Funny Changes

Languages constantly change.
English has, and how!
If not, we would still
Be saying "thee" and "thou."

Sometimes advertising
And the media create a shift
In the way we use certain words
That's annoying. Get my drift?

Businesses, for example,
Have a "free gift" for you.
You think, "A free gift--oh, boy!"
I like getting gifts, too.

But think about it a moment:
Aren't gifts ALWAYS free?
So "Come in for your free gift"
Is a redundancy.

We hear that someone "went missing,"
Which to me sounds weird.
The expression sounds so clunky.
What's wrong with "disappeared"?

To say "to graduate high school"
Actually makes no sense.
(The number of people who say that
Has grown rather immense.)

Schools graduate students.
How hard does that sound?
We graduate from college--
Not the other way around.

And then there's "close proximity."
That's redundant because
"Proximity" itself means "closeness."
We should all know that it does.

So "close proximity" means
"Close closeness," though you might
Say, "That's what I meant."
I would respond, "Yeah, right."

Language changes aren't
Evil or reprehensible.
Grammarians just wonder why
The changes aren't more sensible.

(1-17-16) By Bob B

Friday, January 15, 2016

GOP Presidential Debate #6

The Republican presidential debates
Have become extremely boring.
Debaters sidestepped pertinent questions
And placed their focus more on scoring.

Still confusing facts and figures
And resorting to wild exaggeration,
The debaters made it their ultimate goal
To blast the current administration.

Rubio ignored questions and spouted
Talking points--yes, the ones
He's been saying all along,
Such as the president's after our guns.

Carson wondered if Americans have
Standards and values, which really is
A stupid question. Of course, we do--
Just not intolerant ones like his.

Trump's still spouting anti-immigrant
Rhetoric, which caused some dispute.
He just can't help making such statements
As "People come in; they live; they shoot."

Cruz, who is a skillful debater,
Made the mistake, by the way,
Of criticizing "New York values."
What a clumsy thing to say!

Bush criticized the president's recent
Executive orders and wondered why
The president hadn't worked with Congress.
Ha! Poor Jebby! What a guy!

Kasich often makes sense; however,
His problem is that in this race,
He's a little TOO sensible
For the right-wing Republican base.

And Christie, well, as usual
His talking points were planned out fully.
It's SO hard for him NOT to come off
Sounding like a childish bully.

Notice there wasn't a single question
About climate change. (Or did I snooze?)
Oh, I just remembered: the debate
Appeared on Fox Business News.

Were there insightful moments? A few.
But most were overshadowed when
The debaters bickered back and forth
And spewed their venom again and again.

(1-15-16) By Bob B

Thursday, January 14, 2016

(Not) Wanting and (Not) Desiring

The foundation of selfishness
Has much to do with wanting and desiring
And places a heavy focus on
Thoughts of obtaining and acquiring.

The instinctive ego takes control
And motivations become self-centered.
We're often heedless and unaware
Of the shadowy place that we have entered.

Naturally, self-centeredness
Colors what we think and do;
But NOT wanting and NOT desiring,
On the other hand, can be selfish, too.

Wanting: selfish? Not wanting: selfish?
How--we might ask--does that make sense?
NOT wanting may substantiate
Our way of life at others' expense:

Not wanting others to share the same freedoms;
Not wanting others to have the same rights;
Being silent when seeing injustice;
Ignoring people's struggles and plights;

Not acknowledging the efforts of others;
Not desiring to work toward peace;
Not wanting to know oneself;
Not caring if hatreds cease;

Being indifferent to the happiness of others;
Not allowing others to progress;
Not wanting to know how to fix
Our planet once we've made a huge mess.

NOT wanting in many ways
Speaks as loudly as word or deed,
And we become helpless victims
Of our sad and varying levels of greed.

What motivates us really?
Do we know, or do we care?
Is it safer NOT to know?
It might seem so, but beware.

(1-14-16) By Bob B

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I Read It on the Internet

"I read it on the Internet
So it must be true.
There it was in black and white,
With colored photos, too.

"Question what I read? Why?
That's customary?
It was on the Internet!
That's not necessary.

"No, the writer doesn't matter.
What credibility?
The article was written with
Impeccable facility.

"Of course it confirms what I think.
Thus, it was worth reading.
Words to the contrary
Wouldn't be worth heeding.

"Did it open up my mind?
Please, don't make me laugh.
'Open minds are dangerous!'
Should be my epitaph.

"A challenge? Ah, who needs that.
I would rather be
Nestled in my notions
And my complacency."

(1-13-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

They Just Can't Afford to Pay Their Share

It's funny how in the very odd world
Of income and taxes here in the U.S.
Those who can afford to pay their share
Often end up paying far less.

If I were among the 400
Highest-earning taxpayers here,
With an average of three hundred thirty-six
Million dollars of income a year,

I would have paid seventeen percent
In federal taxes in 2012.
How and why this happens is something
Into which we ought to delve.
Had they earned less--let's just say
One hundred thousand dollars instead--
They would have paid the very same rate!
Doesn't that also make YOU see red?

If high-paid lawyers and lobbyists
Can alter the tax code, set up a trust,
Or create a loophole for the wealthy,
It's not illegal, but simply unjust.

(1-12-16) By Bob B

Saturday, January 9, 2016

It's NOT Rocket Science

All the president has to do
Is mention gun regulation that COULD work,
And what do we have? Thousands of paranoid
Gun-lovers coming out of the woodwork.

Can they calmly sit down for ONCE
And listen to a viable suggestion
And NOT madly run for their guns
And say the proposal is out of the question?

Ask them in a non-threatening manner
If they seriously recollect
That the president said he was taking their guns
Or anything else to that effect.

Say "Background checks. Listen again:
Background checks. NOT confiscation."
It's almost as though some guys confuse
Gun laws with the threat of castration.

We're talking common sense here, right?
We don’t want guns in the wrong hands.
But finding ways to control that has been
As hard as controlling the shifting sands.

Most Americans like the idea
Of background checks, according to polls.
It's just a few paranoid ones
That shoot the plan full of holes.

Why be held hostage by politicians
Held hostage in turn by the NRA?
If we want a safer America,
We must act now and not delay.

(1-9-16) By Bob B

Friday, January 8, 2016

Where Is Your Head, Mr. Ryan?

Paul Ryan can't understand
President Obama's breakdown and tears
When he discusses Sandy Hook.
I can't believe my eyes and ears!

If the death of twenty children
Doesn't move you, you have shown,
Mr. Ryan, by words and actions
That you must have a heart of stone.

Of course ALL shootings are sad,
But at Sandy Hook Americans saw
That twenty kids had been riddled with bullets.
Shouldn't that be the very last straw?

An executive order to close gun show loopholes
And expand background checks should improve
Our chances of stopping SOME shootings,
Since Congress has failed to make a move.

"Tyrant!" some shout. "Unconstitutional!"
Others say, "The tears are fake."
"An attack on law-abiding citizens!"
We hear that nonsense from many a flake.

Ryan says the president's trying
To turn our heads from issues that are real.
Making America safer for all:
THAT's what I would call a square deal.

(1-8-16) By Bob B

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Just what we need: to waste more money
Investigating the Benghazi attacks.
Having spent over 5.6 million,
We'd like the burden off our backs.

Seven separate congressional committees
Preceded the current protracted one--
A partisan Select Committee that has
Accomplished nothing in the long run.

A partisan exercise to attack political
Opponents is what it is. Surprised?
It has been over 600 days
Since the committee was organized.

And all because Republican leaders
Repudiated major conclusions
From previous investigations.
They'd rather forge facts from illusions.

Chairman Gowdy's timing is crucial
As he continues this political charade.
After all, it’s election year;
Republicans need a farcical crusade.

(1-7-16) By Bob B

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Gunlandia (à la Seuss)

One day in a land that's quite renowned,
Disturbing news was floating around.
People cried, "Help! It's happening today:
Our leader is taking our guns away!"
Millions swarmed to their gun shops for fear
Their gun shops' demise soon would draw near.
Since no one wanted to be a gun mourner,
The lines stretched around every corner.
"So thirty thousand people will die
From guns in this country each year? Oh, my!
Just THIRTY thousand? Well, that's nifty;
I was afraid I was going to hear FIFTY
Thousand people," said one eager buyer,
Imagining all the guns he'd acquire.
"Three hundred million guns in this land,"
Said another, holding a gun in his hand;
"That's a statistic that I can't rebuff,
But frankly speaking that isn't enough.
A gun gives you power to a certain degree,
But having an arsenal: that makes you free!"
The people cried, "Yay! The more guns the merrier!
Down with every gun-buying barrier!"
From out of the shops the gun buyers streamed.
Their weapons sparkled and glittered and gleamed:
Fancy rifles; assault weapons, too;
Sawed-off shotguns in red, white, and blue.
Someone said, "Wait! There's one thing I need:
A machine gun will bring my collection up to speed."
The laughter and gaiety rose to a high pitch
As the shoppers scratched each gun-buying itch.
"My guns," said one woman, "actually give
Me and my husband a reason to live."
Hubby said, "Yeah, my gun is my life.
I even like it more than my wife.
Our leader wants to stack the decks
In favor of strengthening background checks.
I believe in simplification;
Down with every gun regulation!"
More cheers broke out from those who dreaded
The warnings from anyone more level-headed.
"The Second Amendment should be the rule
Of the land; if you disagree you're a fool,"
Pontificated a bespectacled chap
Who sported a spiffy NRA cap.
"And if gun show loopholes bother you, well,
You can simply go to hell."
Gun store owners were beside themselves;
They couldn't keep the guns on their shelves.
The manufacturers liked the ripple
Effect as they watched their bank accounts triple.
They said, "We have a reason to brag;
Let's put a firearm on our great flag!"
The people shot down firearm discussions
And heedlessly ignored repercussions.
They felt that they needed to put up a fight
For what they thought was a guaranteed right
In a country known as Gunlandia--a place
Where being gunless was a disgrace;
Where what really mattered was rule number one:
Life’s incomplete if you don’t have a gun.

(1-6-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Saudi Justice

Saudi Arabia, our so-called "friend"
And ally in the Middle East,
Has proved once again it knows
How to perform a real blood feast.

Forty-seven alleged terrorists
On ONE day were executed
By beheading or the firing squad.
That it happened is undisputed.

Vague laws and dubious trials…
And then it's suddenly bang! or whack!
That's one way to stifle dissent
When you think you're under attack.

Consider our dealings with the Saudis.
Doesn't the thought make you recoil
Of billions of dollars in weapons sales
And our dependence on Saudi oil?

Some people here who are running for office
Categorically fail to condemn
The Saudis' actions, which goes to show
Some of us aren't much different from them.

(1-5-16) By Bob B

Monday, January 4, 2016


The Bundy outlaws are back in the news,
Once again stirring up both cheers and boos.
This time it's Cliven Bundy's son
Ammon Bundy who's packed up his gun
And headed for Oregon with his outlaw band,
Willing to make it "Bundy's Last Stand."
They call themselves a "militia," but no,
"Right-wing insurgents" is more apropos.
Fighting an ideological battle
That centers on more than ranchers and cattle,
The outlaws have made it their goal to thwart
A reversal made by a federal appeals court--
A legal decision, which extends
The sentence of two arsonist "friends,"
Who, by the way, turned themselves in,
Having decided to take it on the chin.
An idea spurs the protesters along:
That federal ownership of land is wrong--
At least when it limits livestock from grazing
On government land. Thus the hell-raising.
The gun-toting thugs have occupied
A federal building, where they'll abide.
How much support would they receive
For seizing a building and refusing to leave
If they weren't white? Good question, yes?
Not very much would be my guess.

(1-4-16) By Bob B

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Everything Hangs by a Tenuous Thread

Everything hangs by a tenuous thread.
Don't be vain or unrealistic.
Such is existence: it comes and goes.
That's being honest and NOT pessimistic.

Abandon a false sense of security.
Throw off thoughts of invincibility.
Does knowing that things are beyond your control
Dare to threaten your fragile tranquility?

Fiery summers can parch the earth;
We are vulnerable in bitter cold winters.
Although our home seems strong and solid,
A tornado can leave our "fortress" in splinters.

Rising waters inundate the land.
When that happens, we grow less smug.
As hard as we try to control nature's flooding,
We can't simply pull a bathtub plug.

Our firm foundation seems indestructible;
Efforts to make us safe are painstaking.
Nevertheless, notice how helpless
All of us are when the ground starts shaking.

Timeless time is tightly tied
Inextricably to being.
Such interconnectedness
Ought to be consoling and freeing.

What about resilience? you ask.
Life has a resilient bent
That helps us deal with challenges
And face what we can't circumvent.

You know the saying, the old cliché:
Here today; gone tomorrow.
Our attitude will determine whether
Our life is full of happiness or sorrow.

Live each moment, love others,
Learn constantly, and plan ahead.
Just remember that ultimately,
Everything hangs by a tenuous thread.

(1-2-16) By Bob B