Thursday, March 30, 2017

Dangerous Denial

Denial gets you nowhere.
When there's a problem, face it.
If it's a major challenge,
Open your mind and embrace it.

The trouble is a problem
Won't go away on its own.
Don't wait until
The flower is overblown.

If a situation
Affects our national security,
Can a solution wait
For some remote futurity?

Bury your head in the sand
If your mind is closed.
But if you do, remember:
Your rear will be exposed.

How to solve a problem
When our leaders drub
Twaddle into our heads?
Ah, that's the rub!

How to get to the bottom
Of what is happening around us
Is problematic when
Efforts are made to confound us.

What is clear to some,
To others is quite blurry.
Suspicions arise when something
Is covered up in a scurry.

To know or not to know?
Is that the question that taunts us?
Why didn't we stop it?
Will be the question that haunts us.

(3-30-17) By Bob B

Saturday, March 25, 2017


The recent Trumpcare plan encountered
Limited chances for survival.
It hacked away at Obamacare
And found itself dead on arrival.

The plan was altered to have more appeal
To the House Freedom Caucus. Why?
The House Freedom Caucus supports
The freedom to get sick and die.

Cutting ten essential services°
Made the proposed plan a sham
By turning it into a possible
Nightmarish insurance scam.

Praise to the members of Congress who
For the RIGHT reasons boldly decried
The plan proposed by Paul Ryan--
A plan laced with cyanide.

Affordable health care for all
Should be our principal goal.
Profit-making insurance companies
Shouldn't be getting out of control.

Trump says, "Let's just watch
Obamacare keep imploding,"
As saboteurs continue to take
Shots at the plan and keep reloading.

Republican leaders don't really want
To fix what we have, to tweak or massage it;
They want to see Obamacare fail
By letting companies sabotage it.

People first, then money.
Let's keep our priorities straight
And not let cold avarice thrive
While health and compassion disintegrate.

(3-25-17) By Bob B

°Ten essential services to be cut:

  1. outpatient care
  2. emergency room trips
  3. in-hospital care
  4. pregnancy, maternity and newborn care
  5. mental health and substance abuse disorder services
  6. prescription drugs
  7. rehabilitative services
  8. lab tests
  9. preventive services
  10. pediatric services

Thursday, March 23, 2017

If Your Birth Sign is Aries...(3-21 to 4-19)

A doer--yes, that's what you are.
A challenge is always good for you.
But people around you learn very quickly
That you resent being told what to do.

Though you are a hard worker,
Too many details can be a shackle.
But you are eager to initiate
Projects that others don't want to tackle.

You are assertive and impulsive.
New adventures always thrill you.
Showing others that you are a leader
Motivates and helps fulfill you.

Being a lively participant
In the everyday bustle of life excites you.
Being able to finish what
You start always thrills and delights you.

Physical accomplishments
Show that your energy is abundant.
To say that you are always in motion
Would, of course, be redundant.

In fact, to everything that happens,
You have a physical reaction.
To anything that's enterprising,
You have a natural attraction.

You have a lot of inner strength;
You are open and direct.
But a disregard for others
Occurs if energy goes unchecked.

Your independent nature is fine,
Since inwardly you are so strong.
But you can also be self-centered.
To say that wouldn't be wrong.

Generous in many ways
With time and energy, you know
That keeping high ideals in mind
Is the surest way to go.

You march headstrong into combat--
Verbal or physical. Forward you trudge.
Your anger never lasts for long,
And seldom do you hold a grudge.

But you can be impatient, pushy,
And sometimes a little overzealous.
But because of your honesty,
If something is wrong, you will tell us.

Watch that your self-confidence
Doesn't end up being excessive.
Learn the difference between being
Confidently and rudely aggressive.

Ready to try anything once,
You always maintain a frantic pace.
But disappointment of stifled efforts
Shows up clearly on your face.

You're always ready to fight injustice.
There are few doubts--if any--
Whether you can accomplish your tasks.
Just try NOT to take on too many.

(3-23-17) By Bob B

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Place Called Lie Lie Land

Once there was a nation, which
Boasted of its wealth and size.
In that nation lies became truth,
And truth became known as lies.

Thus, the country corroborated
An expert's wise and salient prediction
That soon the people everywhere
Wouldn't know fact from fiction.

"Science is irrelevant,"
The leaders of the land decreed.
"Clamp down on critical thinking
And we'll maintain control indeed."

The people became MORE baffled,
MORE confused, MORE perplexed,
And wondered what kind of craziness
They were going to encounter next.

The art of political doublespeak
Was praised, encouraged and expanded.
If you called it gobbledygook,
You were severely reprimanded.

Reporters who sought facts were called
"Purveyors of mendacity,"
While those who were irrational
Were "pillars of veracity."

The general rule was answer a question
With a question, or try to deflect
Any queries toward dead ends.
The tactic was called "Misdirect."

The leader was an expert at
Duplicity and subterfuge.
(Ruling without compassion and sense
Can work when a person's ego is HUGE.)

Democratic institutions
Were mercilessly under attack
By vicious lies, to such an extent

That pillars of freedom started to crack.

Sad it was to see such a land
Change from what it once had been.
Not until people opened their eyes
Would things improve. Not until then.

(3-21-17; 1-30-18) By Bob B

Monday, March 20, 2017

Here, Kitty Kitty!

"Darn! She's calling me again.
Doesn't she know I'm not in the mood?
If I have to go to her,
It had better involve some food.

"Not that same old brand again!
What if I merely walk away?
Will she get the point of what
I am trying to convey?

"No, my tactic isn't working.
That's no way to treat a cat!
Don't forget that we felines
Created the art of tit for tat.

"Clothes just out of the dryer--
A perfect place to curl up
Until she rudely disturbs my slumber
And yells out, 'No, no, Buttercup!'

" 'Buttercup.' What a name!
I would rather my name be
Nefertiti or Cleopatra.
But 'Buttercup' she stuck on me.

"Oh, well, I get even.
When guests come, I just hide.
They will meet me on MY terms.
After all, I've got my pride.

"Once she gave me a catnip toy
Then took it away. Don't know why.
She probably realized
That catnip sort of made me high.

"Yesterday she yelled at me.
I broke her favorite figurine.
I thought it was for me to play with.
Talk about a crazy scene!

"Today I'd better walk on eggshells;
I'll have to mind my p's and q's.
I need to find a place where I
Can lie undisturbed and snooze.

"She thinks I'll protect her from
Little critters. She's so trusting.
But I won't go near a rat.
They're so utterly disgusting!

"Maybe I'd better stop complaining,
Although it's part of my nature to grouse.
If she isn't TOO annoying,
I will let her stay in my house."

(3-20-17) By Bob B

Saturday, March 18, 2017

My Thingamajig

Problems can be small;
Problems can be big.
I'm having a problem
With my thingamajig.

Too much information,
Some might say.
But it's a kind of problem
You can't wish away.

When they are new,
They work like a dream.
Everything flows
In a steady stream.

But as they get older,
Like many things--I swear--
They start showing
A lot of wear and tear.

I'm sure you could
Make a funny quip;
But it isn't funny
When they start to drip.

One could try to stop
The dripping with one's hand.
But obviously,
It won't go as planned.

I often wonder what
Freud might have said.
The problem's not unique;
It's fairly widespread.

It really doesn't help
To squeeze it or strike it.
Where can I find
Another one just like it?

There HAS to be someone
Who could repair it.
Or do I have to
Simply grin and bear it?

I can't ignore the problem;
It won't disappear.
Is SUCH a pain in the rear!

(3-18-17) By Bob B

Friday, March 17, 2017

Interior Monologue

"Distractions, yes! How I love them!
I love to keep the media guessing.
And I can do most anything
And still get my supporters' blessing.

"Wait until they see my budget.
I can hardly contain my laughter.
Crafty convincing will prove we don't
Need the programs I'm going after.

"The EPA? A waste of money.
How easy it will be to arrange
To spend our money on something much
More important than climate change!

"And programs for the needy? Bah!
Important to me is the person who offers
The most discreet methods of placing
Large amounts of cash in my coffers.

"My poorest supporters won’t even see
How badly they are being screwed.
I'll keep blaming the dishonest press
And the Democrats' ineptitude.

"Those making over 250
Thousand dollars a year deserve
More in the way of tax breaks for they
Are the supporters I aim to serve.

"I don’t care if kids go hungry.
The rich and poor and in-between
Will benefit more if we direct funds
Into our giant war machine.

"I'm beside myself with joy.
I'm the expert. I'm so good
At making people think I give
A damn about their livelihood.

"The poor, the kids, the elderly,
People needing jobs…ALL
Will be so much better off
After I build my towering wall.

"I need my weekends at Mar-a-Lago.
It's there where I can clear my head.
Will three million dollars of taxpayer money
Per weekend put us in the red?

"It's great how you can manipulate
The people by making up facts and lies.
Most of them don't even know
You're pulling the wool over their eyes."

(3-17-17) By Bob B

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Robin Hood in Reverse

Instead of fixing Obamacare,
Republicans are making it worse.
They want to play Robin Hood,
But they are playing the role in reverse.

Wanting to come to someone's rescue,
They've come up with a major switch
By robbing money from the poor
And giving that money to the rich.

To cut Medicaid by billions
Of dollars over the next ten years
Will hurt the people who need the money
The most. The plan deserves no cheers.

To give 880 billion
Dollars in tax cuts to those with wealth
Shows that many Republicans care
More about money than people's health.

Experts predict that over a decade
Twenty-four million people will lose
Their health insurance, which is not
Very reassuring news.

As usual, the elderly
And poor will be the hardest hit.
People have to raise their voices.
We have the right to throw a fit.

So raise your fist in protest while
Ryan and his merry men
With hypocritical smiles on their faces
All come riding through the glen.

(3-15-17) By Bob B

Monday, March 13, 2017

Ubiquitous Bugs

Another claim, and it's a doozy.
This one's crossing new frontiers
Of paranoia and total insanity.
You'll hardly believe your very own ears.

Kellyanne CONjob is now saying
In all seriousness that they've
Determined that Donald Trump could have
Been spied on via a microwave!

There's no need for evidence
In our conspiracy theory society.
Just make up anything
And it can be the cause of anxiety.

Put the finest dress on a fib;
However, no matter how hard you try
To decorate and embellish it,
Your lie simply remains a lie.

Trump had better check his Sharpie.
Who knows? It might be bugged.
And just to be safe, his coffee maker
And blow-dryer should stay unplugged.

(3-13-17) By Bob B

Saturday, March 11, 2017

More Lies

When Trump took office, Sean Spicer,
Press Secretary, expressed
Negative feelings about low figures
For unemployment and further stressed

That such statistics were meaningless.
The important thing is jobs, he said.
Apparently, he was implying
That we have often been misled.

New figures have just come out
Regarding the unemployment rate,
Which is 4.7 percent.
The White House NOW thinks that's great!

Suddenly, figures and numbers
Have meaning, though they didn't before.
Isn't it odd how credibility
Doesn't matter anymore?

The White House has no faith at all
In what the CBO° has to say
Regarding repercussions of
The Republican "fix" for the ACA.°°

White House figures will be more accurate,
Spicer insists, which implies
That we are going to be bombarded
With more alternative facts and lies.

(3-11-17) By Bob B

°Congressional Budget Office
°°Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Unbelievable Savagery

Dandara dos Santos, a transgender woman,
Lived in Fortaleza, Brazil.
Although we know very little about her,
The fate that befell her should make you feel ill.

The woman, forty-two years old,
Was dragged from her home by a cruel group of thugs
Out into the street of the town
Where she met with kicks and slugs.

The vicious and violent attackers beat her--
Also using a plank of wood--
While she pleaded and begged for her life
On the cobblestone street of the neighborhood.

They dumped her into a filthy wheelbarrow
And took her to an alley where shortly thereafter
Dandara died from repeated beatings
Amid cold-blooded taunts and laughter.

What is wrong with humanity
That humans can be so animalistic?
Two hundred ninety-five transgender people
Were murdered in a year°--an ugly statistic.

Dandara, most of us didn't know you,
And yet we know that you by far
Outvalue the hateful brutes that killed you.
Rest in peace, wherever you are.

(3-8-17) By Bob B

°From Oct 1, 2015 to Sep 1, 2016, worldwide

Monday, March 6, 2017

Our Adventures in Wonderland

How we ever ended up
In Wonderland is anyone's guess.
A white rabbit led us down
A hole without an easy egress.

Not enough people wondered
Why the rabbit seemed so strange--
How such a peculiar figure
Could bring about positive change.

Opened doors are way too small;
Closed doors are securely locked.
Either the key is out of reach
Or the path to find it is blocked.

Desperately, we seek an escape.
Once a singular exit appears,
We can swim out with the rat
Or stay and drown in a flood of tears.

We find ourselves in a caucus-race,
Going nowhere. No one's winning.
Floundering about we wonder
Why the Cheshire Cat is grinning.

The caterpillar dreamily tells us,
"Eat of the mushroom--from either side.
One makes you smarter; one makes you dumber.
Use your conscience as your guide."

It's hard to keep our stories straight,
For we hardly know who we are.
We aren't what we were yesterday,
And yet we are, which seems bizarre.

Identities become confused
When everyone speaks in nonsense rhymes.
The bundle that we hold in our arms
Becomes too much to handle at times.

The March Hare, Dormouse, and Hatter,
Sitting together and drinking their tea,
Have a circuitous conversation--
An alternate reality.

Dare we play with the King and Queen,
Who, by the way, think we're fools?
We have all the accoutrements,
But they keep changing all the rules.

The Queen shouts, "Off with their heads!"
Without a bit of remorse or repentance.
Her philosophy is, of course,
The verdict should follow the sentence.

All the chaos in Wonderland
Has baffled us and also incensed us.
How do we manage in such a place
When the cards are stacked against us?

Find Alice. Where is Alice?
She might help us find the solution.
If she saw through the Cheshire Cat's smile
And if she has a strong constitution.

(3-6-17) By Bob B

Sunday, March 5, 2017


Trump thinks that his phones were tapped
During the campaign season.
If that had been the case, there had to
Have been a very good reason.

If intelligence agencies
Did indeed suspect
Questionable activity
Worthy of being checked,

Maybe they did tap his phones.
But James Clapper* denies it.
Another example of Trump crying "Wolf!"?
We know how often he tries it.

Or is it just one more distraction
To steer us away from how
Trump and certain Republican friends
Are screwing us over right now

By talking of vouchers; talking of limiting
Freedom of expression;
And making a mess of health care, which
Has been their constant obsession;

And letting people discriminate
Based on religious convictions--
An insult to equal rights and they
Can see no contradictions. 

Trump's team and Russians have had
Frequent conversations.
Whatever the topics, we know they weren't
Mere congratulations.

Perhaps it's just Trump's paranoia
Coming to the fore.
What started out as a joke isn't
Funny anymore.

(3-5-17) By Bob B

*Former Director of National Intelligence

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Broken Teacup*

Ikkyu as a very young child
Displayed signs of being clever.
That he would one day be a great master,
There was no doubt whatsoever.

His teacher had one small treasure--
A precious teacup, a rare antique.
Its beauty was beyond compare,
Its style and craftsmanship unique.

One day Ikkyu happened to break
His teacher's cup. Horror-struck,
He heard his teacher's approaching footsteps,
And there he was: a sitting duck.

Ikkyu quickly picked up the pieces
And held them behind his back. "Why,"
He asked his sagacious teacher,
"Is it that people have to die?"

"Dying is a natural thing,"
The teacher replied, trying to give
A meaningful explanation.
"Everything has just so long to live."

Ikkyu slowly held out his hands,
Showing his teacher the broken cup.
Then he demurely said, "It appears
As though your teacup's time was up."

(2-3-17) By Bob B

*An old anecdote retold here in verse

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Strawberry*

While walking in a desolate area
Without a weapon and all alone,
A man encountered a vicious tiger.
He stopped in his tracks and uttered a moan.

He ran to the edge of a nearby cliff
And glanced at the jagged rocks below.
Desperate, he climbed down a vine
And hung there swinging to and fro.

Looking up, he saw two mice
And had to stifle his fearful cries.
The mice were gnawing on the vine!
His whole life flashed before his eyes.

Then he noticed a strawberry plant.
Holding on as best he could,
He plucked a single berry and ate it.
A berry had never tasted so good!

(3-2-17) By Bob B

*An old tale retold here in verse

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

What Goes Around, Comes Around*

A poor farmer had grown so old
That he could no longer work on his land.
He sat on the porch and watched his son work,
Assuming his son would understand.

However, the son, working the fields,
Occasionally would look at his dad
And think to himself, "He does nothing!
His uselessness is driving me mad!"

The son's frustration increased daily.
His selfish resentment wouldn't subside.
He gathered some wood, constructed a coffin,
And told his father to climb inside.

Dragging the coffin to the edge of a cliff,
He stopped when he heard a tapping sound
Coming from the lid, which
He removed and laid on the ground.

The father looked up at his son and said,
"Son, I'd like to avoid a tiff,
But it is obvious to me that you
Are going to throw me over the cliff.

"Throw me over the precipice.
That's odd behavior, but I'll excuse it.
But keep this beautiful, wooden coffin;
YOUR children might want to use it."

(3-1-17) By Bob B

*An old tale retold here in verse