Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Place Called Lie Lie Land

Once there was a nation, which
Boasted of its wealth and size.
In that nation lies became truth,
And truth became known as lies.

Thus, the country corroborated
An expert's wise and salient prediction
That soon the people everywhere
Wouldn't know fact from fiction.

"Science is irrelevant,"
The leaders of the land decreed.
"Clamp down on critical thinking
And we'll maintain control indeed."

The people became MORE baffled,
MORE confused, MORE perplexed,
And wondered what kind of craziness
They were going to encounter next.

The art of political doublespeak
Was praised, encouraged and expanded.
If you called it gobbledygook,
You were severely reprimanded.

Reporters who sought facts were called
"Purveyors of mendacity,"
While those who were irrational
Were "pillars of veracity."

The general rule was answer a question
With a question, or try to deflect
Any queries toward dead ends.
The tactic was called "Misdirect."

The leader was an expert at
Duplicity and subterfuge.
(Ruling without compassion and sense
Can work when a person's ego is HUGE.)

Democratic institutions
Were mercilessly under attack
By vicious lies, to such an extent

That pillars of freedom started to crack.

Sad it was to see such a land
Change from what it once had been.
Not until people opened their eyes
Would things improve. Not until then.

(3-21-17; 1-30-18) By Bob B