Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Gun Crazy

Bizarre shooting in Las Vegas.
Crazy incident and violent scene.
Rowdy, dangerous wild-west shoot-out.
Mom fatally wounded by teen.

Tammy Meyers had taken her son
Armed with a pistol to seek out a thug.
Is this a case of what's bound to happen
When gun-wielding people start to feel smug?

A car chase ensued; shots were fired.
A family is grieving; a kid's been detained.
By taking the law into its own hands,
Now does the family see what it’s gained?

Another incident took place in January:
Christina Bond was shot in the head
While adjusting the gun in her bra-holster--
A careless mistake, and now she is dead.

In December 2014 a mom
Was shopping at Walmart with a gun in her purse.
Her two-year-old son took out the gun
And killed his mother. How's that for a curse?

An obvious lesson comes to mind here:
Although many think that weapons are fun
And necessary, that doesn't mean
That everyone ought to be carrying a gun.

By Bob B (2-24-15)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Please Don't Be My Valentine

Please don't be my Valentine
UNLESS your heart's sincere--
Unless you get all tingly
Whenever I come near.

You can't be my Valentine
If dreaming's obsolete--
If without me in your life
You wouldn't be complete.

How can we be Valentines
If we cannot laugh
At all our idiosyncrasies
That speak on our behalf?

There's NO way we'll be Valentines
Unless you find me charming--
Unless you find my silly habits
Pleasantly disarming.

We cannot be Valentines
Unless it means forever--
Unless our solid love is one
That even death can't sever.

No, we won’t be Valentines
Unless my words ring true,
And feelings that you have for me
Are just like mine for you.

But IF we CAN'T be Valentines,
Nothing else then matters--
My WORLD will be an empty shell;
My HEART will be in tatters.

By Bob B (2-14-15)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Deeper Issues?

Our biblical characters had some issues.
Most of them weren't committing crimes,
But they would have needed some treatment
If they'd been living in modern times!

Lot, for example, had a drinking problem.
The man got drunk and slept with his daughter.
Actually with two! Advice to Lot:
Go to A.A. and stick with water.

An inferiority complex
Must have driven the angry Cain.
No matter what he did, he always
Seemed to incur God's disdain.
In searching for pairs of all animals on earth,
Noah's compulsion crossed the border
Of what today we would call
An obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Saul had to be extremely bipolar.
Talk about mood swings! On different occasions
He tried to kill David, who luckily escaped
By the skin of his teeth and with no abrasions.

If someone--like Solomon--had seven hundred wives
And three hundred concubines, we'd tend to say
That he had a number of serious issues,
But we don't want to go there today.

Moses talked to a burning bush,
Samuel and Elijah heard voices that told them
What to do. Now we’d say they
Were schizophrenic if voices controlled them.

Harod was really into himself;
He had to be highly narcissistic.
When Paul was persecuting the Christians,
His behavior was rather sadistic.

Without AA or psychiatrists,
Or drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, thorazine,
Valium, Haldol, Zoloft, Lithium,
Seroquel, Paxil, and clozapine,

Our Biblical characters were on their own
To fend for themselves to carry out their mission,
Without medical insurance and someone
To say, "Get thee to a physician!"

(2-12-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Findings in the Manot Cave

They say that in the Manot Cave
In the area known as Galilee
Part of a human skull was found,
Which is important for you and me.

The fifty-five-thousand-year-old remains
Put Homo sapiens in Neanderthal land.
We know that despite some interbreeding,
Homo sapiens got the upper hand.

The Neanderthals became extinct.
Why they disappeared is a mystery.
Violence, pathogens, competitive replacement?
Whatever it was, it is ancient history.

The findings help us to know our past,
To see our connectedness and to probe
Into the early migration of mankind
To view how we populated the globe.

Life wasn't easy for humans in the past.
We can tell when we dig up bones.
How did they ever survive back then
Without computers and mobile phones?

(2-11-15) By Bob B

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Why, Brian, Why?

What a shame to watch Brian Williams'
Credibility go south!
I wonder if Williams now regrets
Having put his foot in his mouth.

He WAS in a helicopter over Iraq;
That part of his story is true.
But HIS wasn't hit by enemy fire
That endangered him and his crew.

So what's going on here? A lapse of memory?
Seeking importance or fame?
Or could it be ALL about ratings?
We know that's the name of the game.

Misleading the public is a ploy
I never thought Williams would choose.
That is a tact we're more apt to see
On a station such as Fox News.

The wheel of fortune is constantly turning;
You rise to the top for a spell,
And before you know it, suddenly it seems
That everything’s going to hell.

The lesson? Well, making up stories
That boost your ego or delight you
Will ultimately bring about your fall
As your stories come back to bite you.

By Bob B (2-10-15)

Monday, February 9, 2015

One Step Away from Cuckoo

Bobby Jindal of Louisiana
Has eyes on the presidency. Heaven forbid!
He certainly won’t get very far
When more folks see what his supporters did.

Trying to help his campaign they distributed
Literature blaming—I say with a grin—
Hurricane Katrina and deadly tornadoes
NOT on nature, but instead on SIN!

Have people stepped out of a time machine
Directly from times when the ancients explained
Natural occurrences as God’s vengeance
With imaginations that were unrestrained?

Common sense should not be compromised.
Nor should fancies disguised as reality
Block out truth or lead us down
A narrow path of irrationality.

By Bob B (2-9-15)