Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Parade

The wounded vet marched in the town's
Memorial Day Parade
With feelings of pride along with the sense
Of having been betrayed.

He'd fought in nightmarish skirmishes
In a hellish no man's land,
Pledging allegiance to a country whose war
He didn't understand.

Though proud he was to have served his country,
He couldn't always claim
To be proud of his country at times,
Which was a rotten shame.

When signing up he knew he might
Have to pay a price--
But not the feeling of abandonment
For his sacrifice.

In some ways he felt lucky, for he'd
Returned with his duffel bag--
Unlike some of his friends who had
Come home wrapped in a flag.

The crowds cheered, the bands played,
The ceremony was formal.
Afterwards, the crowds would go home;
Their lives would go back to normal.

Normal for him was a daily struggle,
Therapy, medication,
Recurring dreams, unemployment,
Continuous frustration.

"No more empty promises;
No more tales or lies,"
He muttered softly as "Taps" was played
And tears streamed from his eyes.

(5-30-16) By Bob B

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Phantom Debate

Trump agreed to debate Bernie Sanders,
But one of his main stipulations
Was that the network would have to put up
Millions of dollars in charitable donations.

Trump suggested that the money
Go to causes in women's health,
Which, I agree, would be a good
Reason to donate a great deal of wealth.

But listen, ladies everywhere,
Donald Trump is trying to woo you.
I hate to tell you, Mr. T,
But most women can see right through you.

After Trump disparaged women
With negative comments whenever he could,
He thinks he's now showing women
Sincere efforts to try to make good.

It's like his attempt--which he figured
Would be redeeming and certainly valid--
To tweet a photo of him in his restaurant
Chomping on a taco salad.

That's his way to undo his words
Bashing Mexicans--his hateful invective.
"You see, I love the Mexican people."
Nice try, Trump, but none too effective.

But, alas, Trump changed his mind.
He cancelled the special debate with Sanders.
Which lucky group will be
The NEXT one to whom Trump panders?


It didn't take long for Trump to do it.
It's hard to believe, but it is true.
In California, Trump has found
A new group to pander to:

This time it's voters in central Cal.
Trump told them that without a doubt--
Now be sure you are sitting down--

Listen again: There is no drought,
Said the billionaire media star,
Who'll say whatever comes to his head.
Either HE is clueless or he thinks we are.

Trump thinks he can get away
With saying anything. Don't deny it.
It's scary to hear him spout his nonsense.
What's even scarier is people buy it!

(5-28-16) By Bob B

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Lucita clearly wasn't a beauty.
Her grade school features were unrefined,
Awkward, plain, unattractive….
(I'm trying not to be unkind.)

Her classmates loved--as many kids do--
To find people's faults and then make fun of them.
Lucita's classmates tormented her;
I know because I was one of them.

I didn't say mean things about her,
Tease her or call her a horrible name.
My silence, however, made me complicit;
Because of my silence, I shared their shame.

How often are we silent when
We see injustice right before us?
Do we fear becoming involved
Or hope that the "evil" will ignore us?

History shows what happens to people
When others stay silent and don't speak out.
Only by standing up to injustice
Can real change come about.

Lucita didn't stay long at the school.
I think her family moved away.
I'm sure the kids found someone else
To taunt, belittle, pester, and flay.

I hope that for Lucita a happy,
Fulfilling life has been her reward;
I hope the once gawky duckling
Opened her beautiful wings and soared.

(5-26-16) By Bob B

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Houseful of Memories

The house that I grew up in has changed through the years.
It hides now in the foliage so lush and thick around it.
It holds countless memories--of laughter, tears, and fears--
Despite the ocean of leaves and bushes that have drowned it.

I still can see us playing in what was once a yard--
Croquet, catch, softball, and often kick the can.
Finding things to keep us busy wasn't hard.
We played cops and robbers, tag, and Superman.

I see us in our costumes running out the door,
Eager to fill our trick-or-treat bags with treats.
In December, we rearranged the furniture before
Dad brought home our tree and Mom put out the sweets.

The smell of donuts frying in Mom's old deep fryer
Brought my weekend morning slumber to a halt.
The way she planned out life was something to admire.
She was thoughtful, caring, and organized to a fault.

I still feel the excitement of family get-togethers,
Visits from relatives, parties with our friends.
Our relationships were bonds instead of tethers.
I feel we maintained a love that never ends.

Then there was the time of chaos when my brother
Fell from a car, cracked his head, and almost died.
Though blinded, he survived; but unlike any other,
That was a time when we were terrified.

That house saw me pass through many years of school--
From kindergarten till I got my college degree.
During my hippie years when I thought I was cool,
The house was still my refuge while I was finding me.

Into the house came my newly adopted sister
While I was still in college. Soon the Army called.
I said good-by, but darn! how I missed her!
That was one of the few times I have bawled.

After I'd left for the Army, my parents moved away.
I never once set foot inside that house again.
Although I now live in a different house today;
I keep having dreams of that house from way back when.

Many many things are only memories now;
So many family and friends have departed.
I trust that thoughts of love and gratitude somehow
Will keep me from feeling down and broken-hearted.

(5-25-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What Do They Say About Glass Houses?

Trump is blasting Hillary Clinton
For Bill's marital indiscretions--
Trump, whose own relationships
Could jump right out of True Confessions.

While married to Ivana, he played around
With the woman who became wife number two.
A few years later he dumped that wife,
And later wife three made her debut.

He loves to brag about sexual conquests
And play the role of the macho man.
He has a way of reducing women
To sexual objects whenever he can.

His multiple marriages are not at issue;
Neither are his gorgeous wife-clones.
But the insults that he hurls against others...
Hasn't he heard of glass houses and stones?

(5-24-16) By Bob B

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Frightening Place (à la Seuss)

When a tyrant arose in a land of the free--
Let's say his name began with a "T"--
The people who actually voted him in
Began to experience one word: chagrin.
At one time the public had been swept away
By most of the things that the man had to say.
To some of the people his words were outlandish;
One NEVER knew what verbal sword he would brandish.
He'd call his opponent a fake or a liar.
Whoever disliked him would come under fire.
What started out being reluctant endurance--
And frankly was not an uncommon occurrence--
Became what you'd call blind allegiance to him.
The general climate became rather grim.
Could he be a champion for all dispossessed
People who suffered? No, he was obsessed
With his power and authoritarian rule.
He certainly didn't pick them up in school.
How he hated the critics who called him a con
And pretended to be a handsome Don Juan!
Most people obviously found that amusing,
Except for the ones who devoured his schmoozing.
He claimed that he loved and admired his nation
But stressed in his speeches its sad deprivation.
He believed that the president needed more power
And he also thought he was the man of the hour.
How did the man with no grasp of history
Make it that far? 'Twas really a mystery.
Also, the man had no impulse control.
Who said the devil possessed the man's soul?
When asked about torture he smiled, saying that
He'd implement it at the drop of a hat.
The fear soon became so widespread in that land
As some of the people were hounded or banned.
The clueless ones quietly stood by and let
Their liberties undergo threat after threat.
The man's main appointees were so out of touch!
But people learned not to expect very much.
With the other political parties divided--
It was not a wise move, they later decided--
This madman deluded the country and managed
To let the land's national psyche be damaged.
There turned out to be a lot of distress in
That land that had needed a history lesson.
Life becomes scary and cruel and slanted
When dangerous things become taken for granted.
Just hope that your country will always beware
And not let this horrible thing happen there.*

(5-22-16) By Bob B

*Inspired by an article in The New Yorker, by Adam Gopnik, May 20, 2016

Saturday, May 21, 2016

In Bed Together

Oh, what a surprise!
Our lovely NRA
Has endorsed Trump. So now,
Doesn’t that make your day?

In bed together, the two--
The NRA and Trump--
Are having a wonderful time,
Each one playing the chump.

They serve lies and false claims
To gullible voters, who
Eat up the far-fetched nonsense
And bow and kowtow on cue.

They say it's about the battle
For Second Amendment rights.
They cast their deceptive bait;
The paranoid public bites.

"Clinton's after your guns!"
Is one of their many refrains.
My goodness, they act as though
We haven't got any brains!

Mis- and disinformation
Are getting hard to avoid.
They must be miserable people
To be so paranoid.

(5-21-16) By Bob B

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Heavenly Thoughts

The concept of heaven titillates,
Bewilders, and often befuddles.
Imagining how it operates
Leaves one in tangles and muddles.

Think of a woman whose husbands have numbered
At least two or three.
In heaven will they all be together?
How awkward that would be!

Let's say you want servants galore
To cater to every desire.
Is there perchance a sign on the Gates
That reads "Servants for Hire"?

If HER idea of heaven would mean
Being forever with HIM,
But HIS wishes do not include HER,
Her chances of bliss will be slim.

Though harp music is fine now and then,
Too much would be cloying.
But whiny, screechy electric guitars
Could also become annoying.

If winning's your thing, then heaven's for you,
Whatever the sport you choose.
But if you win, don't forget:
Somebody has to lose.

Now who wants to lose in Paradise?
There must be a glitch.
Or maybe it's false advertising.
You know: bait and switch.

If my idea of heaven would be
Walking around in the nude,
We would have a problem if

You, dear friend, were a prude.

If for a dog heaven would be
Forever chasing cats,
Paradise for a cat might be
A constant supply of rats.

That would be fine and dandy for dogs
As far as we can tell.
For cats, however, the dogs' heaven
Would end up being cat hell.

Back to the rats, if heaven meant
Feeding a hungry feline,
They would seek a sign saying Exit,
For which they'd make a beeline.

The more you think about the idea,
The more it gets confusing.
You can try to figure it out,
But you can't win for losing.

(5-19-16) By Bob B

Sunday, May 8, 2016

For Cousin Carrie (1959-2016)

The night calmly, quietly departed,
Letting the sun nudge in the dawn.
A new day often brings joy,
But not today, for Carrie has gone.

A torch has suddenly been extinguished;
A candle's flickering flame has gone out.
As hard as we try to hope against hope,
Some things we can do nothing about.

Full of life, exuberance, and charm,
Carrie touched many hearts with her spirit.
Try as one might to match her vitality,
Few people could ever come near it.

Her matchless energy filled us with wonder.
Her gregarious character was lively and hearty.
As soon as Carrie entered a room,
She became the life of the party.

A struggle-free path she didn't have;
A few demons madly pursued her.
Despite occasional challenges,
Death was the only one that subdued her.

Subdue her? No, that isn't right.
Her inimitable energy exists
In the turbulent, blowing desert winds;
In the cool, soothing mountain mists;

In the majestic, glorious New Mexican mesas;
In the gently rising hot air balloon;
In the crest of the regal desert roadrunner;
In the calm, peaceful face of the moon;

In the gracefully blooming yucca flower;
In the crisp, caressing autumn breeze;
In desert blooms; in the pinyon pine;
In the autumn colors bursting from trees.

I will not say good-bye to Carrie.
I'll just take in a breath of air,
Hear her voice, her songs, her laughter,
And feel her presence everywhere.

(5-7-16) By Bob B

Saturday, May 7, 2016

May Freedom Prevail!

A dark cloud passes over the land
Obscuring the light of rationality.
Winds of uncertainty beat against
The threatened structures of democracy's vitality.

Never before has a politician
Vowed to deport from American soil
Eleven million people. Tell me:
How does that not make your blood boil?

To carry out a mass deportation--
To tear millions of families apart--
Would violate the rights of us all
And be neither compassionate nor smart.

Never before has a politician
Promoted religious profiling here,
In a country where we have the right to believe
Or NOT--a freedom that we hold dear.

Never before has a politician
Suggested that America should harm
The families of suspected terrorists.
Good gracious! Sound the alarm!

If democracies undermine themselves
By taking away people’s rights it seems
That there's a very thin line between
Such democracies and fascist regimes.

May the light of reason pass through
The dark clouds obscuring the sun!
May reason stifle the threats of tyranny
So we can proclaim that freedom has won!

(5-7-16) By Bob B

Thursday, May 5, 2016

And Then There Was One

After months of debating,
Name-calling, and the like,
One GOP candidate's
Popularity hit a spike.

All of the other candidates
Dropped out of the race
With tails between their legs
Or a little egg on the face.

The remaining GOP candidate
Is Donald T. Trump.
All along people thought
His popularity would slump.

How he made it this far
Despite inglorious attacks
On women, Latinos, and Muslims
Amazes me to the max.

His pompous and egotistical
Comments take the cake.
A misogynist and xenophobe:
What a president he'd make!

Many top Republicans
Don't even trust the man.
(Though one of the losing candidates
Is now his biggest fan.)

To the baffled people of other
Countries it’s unclear
How Trump became so popular
And what is happening here.

Trump’s now softening his tone
To woo those who eschew him--
An attempt a bit too late,
For people can see right through him.

A climate of fear and anger
And a path we soon would regret:
If that's what Americans want,
That's what they're going to get.

(5-5-16) By Bob B 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

So There But for Fortune...

Touching her forehead to the cobblestone street
And raising her upturned palms in the air,
The beggar maintains her pose for hours--
A pose of misery, pain, and despair.

Into the Venetian square pours
A constant flow of tourist mobs.
Few pay any attention
To the beggar's miserable, plaintive sobs.

Once in a while her eye will catch
The eye of somebody passing by.
Feeling remorse, disgust, or discomfort,
The person turns away with a sigh.

Occasionally, a kind-hearted soul
Will drop a coin into the palm
Of the beggar woman's beseeching hand,
Hoping to give her a moment of calm.

"Grazie molto, signore, signora,"
The woman cries, lifting her head.
Tears stream down her wrinkled cheeks
From watery eyes, puffy and red.

"Don't encourage her," somebody says.
"Why doesn't she find some employment?"
"How disgusting!" says another.
"She puts a damper on my enjoyment."

Who knows the desperation
That brought the woman to her current state?
It's always easier to turn one's head,
To criticize or castigate.

One man says, "You'll never find me
Begging like her. That's what I know."
He's unaware that the poor woman
Said the same thing years ago.

(5-4-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Into the All

Lest we hopeful humans forget
That glory ever fades,
Dashing hopes of permanence.
Ah, the ace of spades.

The morning dew on leaves and blossoms
Evaporates in the sun,
Bearing deep significance
When all is said and done.

Holding on to attempts to glimpse
Into eternity
Defrauds the mind that wants to believe
What wasn't meant to be.

What was, what is, and what shall be
Will manifest despite
All attempts to categorize
What is wrong or right.

Relaxing into the universe--
Into the constant flow--
We release the bonds, the fetters,
Of what we think we know.

That must be the ultimate--
The effortless release,
Blissless bliss, beingless being,
Indescribable peace.

(5-3-16) By Bob B

Sunday, May 1, 2016

I Dreamed Again of Trumplandia

I dreamed again of Trumplandia.
The nightmare keeps recurring--
The lines between fact
And fiction constantly blurring.

The best of the worst is stifled;
The worst of the best promoted.
Reality is expressed
In words that are sugarcoated.

Lady Liberty frowns;
Her stance seems to shout:
"Away, huddled masses!
Wretched refuse, keep out!"

What is crass becomes golden;
What is golden turns crass.
What appear to be diamonds
Are actually cut glass.

Vindictiveness is praised.
The language becomes oblique.
The common form of expression
Develops into a shriek.

Walls surround the country,
So high that gawking crowds
Strain to see the tops
Obscured by dreary, gray clouds.

Cameras are able to capture--
When the spotlight shines--
The pupils of the leader:
Two dollar signs.

Despite reports, only
A few wallets grow fatter.
The government sends the message:
Wealthy lives matter.

I cringe when I see the people
Grow more and more apathetic.
I tell myself it's a dream
And hope that it's not prophetic.

(5-1-16) By Bob B