Friday, June 29, 2018

On Showing Sarah the Door

Hey, Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
Now you know how others feel
When they go to a restaurant
And aren't allowed order a meal;

Or when they visit a business from which
They're turned away--for goodness' sake!--
Because the owners flatly refuse
To bake them a wedding cake.

Take a walk in the shoes of others,
Sarah, instead of pontificating
And parroting the president's lies
Without even hesitating.

Unfortunately, you have chosen
To back an agenda, vile and hateful.
You can hardly expect that those
Who suffer from it are going to be grateful.

Displaying a bit of empathy
Would make you sound a little smarter
And more caring, unless you prefer
To play the put-upon victim or martyr.

-by Bob B (6-29-18)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

By Doing Things My Way

(To be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

Despite all that you hear,
I'm doing great; I'm number one now.
My made-up "truths" endear
Me to my base; we're having fun now.
My ranting and my raving show that mine's not the small fry way.
You'll win…you'll win much more by doing things my way.

I wish the FBI
Would stop investigating.
They know too much. That's why
It is all so aggravating.
I never liked a wuss who would take the humble pie way.
No, I am much more ruthless doing things my way.

I've told some lies, once in a while…
Well, every day, but that's my style.
My Congress boobs have got my back. At the right time we'll attack.
I plot and scheme for my regime by doing things my way.

Putin's my friend, oh,
And Kim Jong Un and I are buddies.
Merkel and Trudeau?
My goodness, they're such fuddy-duddies.
All I have to do is just display my evil eye way,
And I'll get what I want 'cause it is my way.

I am the law; that's plain to see.
And very few are smart like me.
I will say what comes to mind, and I don't care if it's unkind.
A little greed helps you succeed when doing things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

-by Bob B (6-26-18)

Sunday, June 24, 2018

The D.T. Playbook: Ch 3 (Immigration)

Start a humanitarian crisis.
Separate families at the border.
Remind people that immigrants
Are very low in the pecking order.

Continue with a counter program.
Keep repeating hundreds of times
How immigrants are dangerous
And also the cause of so many crimes.

Then reverse the order that
Separates the families so
You can pretend you care immensely
(Even though it's just a show).

Blame the Democrats all along
For causing all the injustice and pain.
Say they all want open borders--
That they are the ones who are inhumane.

After bombarding the people with
False "facts" on immigration,
Their tolerance for cruelty
Will grow. The power of demonization!

The frequent use of negative words
Will help to galvanize your base.
Make them insensitive
To basic rights; then play your ace.

Send to the border the First Lady.
Give her a tasteless jacket to wear
So she can add more controversy
And callousness to the whole affair.

Have your conspiracy theory friends
And harpy friend appear on the news
To brainwash viewers so more and more
People will start to share your views.

Encourage your sycophants in Congress
To parrot your buzzwords hour after hour,
And you'll be well along the way
To having what you want: POWER.

-by Bob B (6-24-18)

Friday, June 22, 2018


Melania must not care
About the hullabaloo
Over her jacket that said

She should know that people
Perchance could misconstrue
Why her jacket says

A lack of sensitivity
Of course came shining through
When she chose to wear

Going on a mission
Is not the time to debut
A jacket that has the words

Her callous motivations
And what she chooses to do
Sound just like her husband's

If she married Donald
For money--if that's true—
It's her life, her choice.

When he's sent to prison
And she cries out, "Boohoo!"
We’ll say to one another,

-by Bob B (6-22-18)

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


How much more of this can we take?
How can people stand idly by
While major atrocities are being
Committed and STILL turn a blind eye?

Parents are still being separated
From their children at our border.
The Trump administration is
Ruthlessly carrying out the order.

We hear the children cry for their mami,
Cry for their papi, and what do we do?
We put them in cages and tents, heedless
Of all of the pain they are going through.

Secretary Nielsen has tried
To justify the hardline position,
Blaming the victims and giving excuses
As to the importance of the mission.

White nationalist Stephen
Miller must be jumping for joy
As he achieves his goal: provoking
Anybody he can annoy.

AG Sessions cites the Bible
To find support for his devilish deeds.
At the same time, authorities
Are confiscating rosary beads.

John Kelly is all for it.
He thinks being cruel is fine
When you badly need a deterrent
To keep people from crossing the line.

Spineless Republican members of Congress
Worry about offending Trump's base.
Dragging their feet on the issue, they
Don't care if they're a disgrace.

Meanwhile, the suffering
Continues. Children--traumatized--
Are innocent victims. This is what happens
When human rights are compromised.

-by Bob B (6-19-18)

Monday, June 18, 2018

Four Seniors

Recently, four seniors
Didn't don their caps and gowns
And walk down the aisle as did
Seniors in other cities and towns.

These four seniors' lives were cut short
In the city of Parkland in February.
While their classmates reveled, they
Slept somewhere in a cemetery.

These are just four who have died
In shootings across the country this year.
And though there's been talk of change,
Definite action remains unclear.

Sure, some lawmakers
Have said, "Look! We're getting tough,"
And passed some minor legislation.
But baby steps are NOT enough.

At least more candidates
Now are NOT afraid to say
In campaign ads in many states,
"I'll stand up to the NRA."

Meanwhile the NRA hopes
That memory loss supersedes
People's desire for swift action.
Complacency can grow like weeds.

Remember that we need more
Than just a prayer and a simple "Amen."
We need to unite, to act, to vote.
Never again means never again!

-by Bob B (6-18-18)

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Where Are We Now?

Where, pray tell, are we now?
How far have we progressed?
Have we covered our ears so we can't
Hear the cries of the dispossessed?

Have pages been ripped out of history books
So that the people cannot see
The struggles that many undertook
To help to set all people free?

A nation "indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all"
Can benefit at times from a self-
Evaluative overhaul,

Or maybe from a look in the mirror
To see whether the image displayed
Truly represents the picture
Of freedom meant to be conveyed.

Through irreconcilable differences,
Have we now become divorced
From hopeful ideals that early on
The shapers of our nation endorsed?

Are we sincerely looking within
Our hearts to make a "more perfect" nation,
Or are we more consumed with drawing
Attention to the standing ovation?

Are we shutting the door to the soul
Of America and walling out
The power and strength that forms the basis
Of what this country is all about?

Let us not be blindsided
By rogue forces that hope to succeed
In weakening what makes us strong,
Only to relish watching us bleed.

-by Bob B (6-16-18)

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Joining the Cult

Senator Bob Corker* refers
To what has become the scary result
Of blind devotion to Donald Trump.
He calls the movement a GOP cult.

It's easy to join the cult if you
Don't mind sacrificing free will.
Getting out of the cult is another
Story; that will take some skill.

Members lose their sense of self
When they join the Cult of Trump.
When Trump says "Bow!" they all bow;
When he says "Jump!" boy they jump!

Cult members in Congress have
Handed legislative power
Over to Trump, their supreme
Leader before whom they cower.

Regarding constitutional
Authority: will it last?
Or will it suffer a slow death
And thus become a thing of the past?

All the Leader has to say
Is "They are wrong and I am right,"
And followers agree en masse.
Not to agree would be impolite.

Effusive praise and allegiance must go
To the Leader who is all-about-me.
He says he knows what's good for you.
Woe to you if you disagree.

It used to be that presidents
Worked for the people, but we have found
That currently with the Cult of Trump,
It's the other way around.

How many more will drink the Kool-Aid?
Who else will fall under Trump's spell?
Remember Jonestown? In the end,
Things did not go very well.

-by Bob B (6-14-18)

*Republican Senator from Tennessee

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Real Enemy

The president tweets once again,
Displaying that urge that he can't suppress.
Furious, he writes that our nation's
Biggest enemy is the press.

Since he prefers his fantasy world,
His total unease with the truth is striking.
A state-run media, like North Korea's,
Would probably be more to his liking.

We watched as Trump met with Kim,
And though he lavished praise nonstop
Upon the leader, the most important
Thing to him was his photo op.

What makes us shine is not the fiction
That Trump and his minions perpetuate.
Instead it's the hard, investigative
Reporting that makes this country great.

If Trump were really seeking the truth,
A little advice couldn't be clearer:
To find the real enemy of the people,
He merely has to look in the mirror.

-by Bob B (6-13-18)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Farewell, Marco Antonio Muñoz

Crossing the Rio Grande in May,
A Honduran man with his wife and his son
Sought asylum, only to find
Their struggles here had barely begun.

Taken to a processing center,
The family learned the disheartening news:
They would have to be separated.
Having no say-so, they couldn't refuse.

Farewell, Marco Antonio Muñoz.
Some say, "We warned you time after time."
You came for help, and look what happened:
Seeking asylum became your crime.

A CBP° spokesman said that Muñoz
Became "combative" and started to yell.
What parent wouldn't in that situation?
Muñoz was moved and locked in a cell.

Authorities checked on Muñoz often
Not expecting what lay in store
For them in the morning, for one of them found
Muñoz lying dead on the floor.

"Self-strangulation and hanging" they say
Were what caused the father's demise.
Would he be holding his son right now
Had conditions been otherwise?

Farewell, Marco Antonio Muñoz.
Some say, "We warned you time after time."
You came for help, and look what happened:
Seeking asylum became your crime.

AG Sessions feels zero tolerance
Will separate the wheat from the chaff--
That Trump believes in the rule of law.
Mr. Sessions, don't make us laugh!

Others have suffered a similar fate
As a result of our cruel demands.
Our leaders will offer their justification,
But they still have blood on their hands.

Farewell, Marco Antonio Muñoz.
Some say, "We warned you time after time."
You came for help, and look what happened:
Seeking asylum became your crime.

-by Bob B (6-12-18)

°Customs and Border Patrol

Monday, June 11, 2018

The Time Is Now!

Where were you when people marched
For rights, for justice, for science, for peace?
Our growing apathy or insouciance
Will only make the tensions increase.

What were you doing when in the distance
Dark clouds were taking form?
Couldn't you see the flashes and hear
The thunder from the approaching storm?

Had you somehow forgotten the great
Importance of reading between the lines?
Had you divested yourself from the need
To pay attention to warning signs?

When ideology becomes
More important than people, we're doomed.
To what degree depends on how much
Propaganda is consumed.

When cancer cells invade the body,
If we hope to stay alive,
We must make the body a place
Where the invader cannot thrive.

Shame on us if we don't act.
Shame on us if we allow
Democracy to crumble around us.
Mobilize! The time is now!

-by Bob B (6-11-18)

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Tell Me It Isn't True!

No! Tell me it isn't true!
Tell me that Trump didn't say
That Russia should have been attending
The G7 summit yesterday.

Alas! It's true. We have it on tape--
A message from our commander in chief,
Which caught off guard our loyal allies,
Whose jaws dropped in disbelief.

What a return of investment for Putin,
Who's made no effort to rectify
Conditions that got him ousted from
The summit in the first place! Why

Doesn't Trump understand
How clearly transparent his actions are?
(That's the kind of president
You get when people lower the bar.)

It appears that Putin is dictating
American policy once again.
He loves seeing a rift between
The US and its allies. But then,

Collusion during the presidential
Campaign is one thing. What takes the prize
Is watching Trump collude with Russia
Right before our very eyes!

-by Bob B (6-9-18)

Friday, June 8, 2018

The D.T. Playbook: Chapter 2

The D.T. Playbook: Chapter 2:
Alienate your allies and friends.
Then sidle up to strongmen
Leaders, pretending to make amends.

Impose tariffs on your close allies.
Oh, yes, and don't forget
To stupidly suggest that they
Could possibly be a national threat.

Countries that were threats in the past
Might be scrambling head over heels
To make what in the future for you
Will be lucrative business deals.

Overlook the fact that your
Dictator friends have a score
Of D minus or F on human
Rights violations heretofore.

Although you and your allies have
Supported one another for years,
Let them know that you support
Countries that will give you cheers.

Keep ignoring foreign involvement
In past elections. Instead attack
People in your own system.
Tell them faith is what they lack.

Don't forget: distractions, distractions.
Always keep confusion brewing
So people have a tough time seeing
What kind of damage you are doing.

Finally, keep repeating words
And phrases over and over. Create
The illusion that your strategies
Are going to make the country great.

-by Bob B (6-8-18)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

How to Do It According to Pruitt

As scandal after scandal envelops
The head of the EPA--
Scott Pruitt--let's hear what
He might have to say:

"Having my aide do personal tasks…
That wasn't bad, was it?
Personally, I believe
That everybody does it.

"A condo deal from a lobbyist…
Sure, it might've been sweet.
So I like to travel first class--
Why am I taking heat?

"Circumventing the White House
To give my aides huge raises.
Whoever has a problem with that…
Well, they can go to blazes!

"A 43,000-dollar soundproof
Office telephone booth
Will give me secrecy to make
More deals; and that's the truth!

"Fifteen hundred dollars for a set
Of pens is not a waste--
Especially when you know your friends
Have expensive taste.

"It isn't easy to rollback so many
Environmental rules.
I can toss out many more
If I have the right tools.

"Special deals with a lobbyist…
Come on: give me some slack.
Can't you see that we are only
Scratching each other's back.

"Millions spent on a massive security
Detail? Don't you agree
That it makes sense to go all out
To protect someone like me?

"So what if I'm the target of
Thirteen investigations.
I'm still helping the industries
And ending regulations.

"The president says I'm doing a great job.
I am not on my own.
Damn the environment; full speed ahead!
Let my motto be known."

-by Bob B (6-7-18)

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Ongoing Farce

Going after football again,
President Trump, feeling miffed,
Challenged the Philadelphia Eagles:
Mess with Trump and vengeance is swift.

Some of the team didn't want to
Attend a White House event, and so
Trump UNinvited the team
And had his own flashy show.

Criticizing the football players,
Trump--who seldom gets it right--
Said that they were insulting our troops.
How he LOVES to pick a fight!

Attempting to show how patriotic
He was, Trump--man of sharp tongue--
Wanted the National Anthem AND
"God Bless America" to be sung.

Standing in front of the military
Choir, Trump sang along.
What's funny is he showed he didn't
Know the lyrics to either song!

-by Bob B (6-6-18)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

An Epitaph for Democracy: 2084

The students examined their holograms
Suspended before them in mid-air.
The colorful images always gave
Their history lessons added flair.

"You can see countries where," said the teacher,
"Democracy at one time flourished--
Before the form of government
Became weak and undernourished.

"Voting was once considered a right--
Not a privilege for only a few.
Multiple demands destroyed
The system once thought tried and true:

"Manipulation by greed and power,
Proliferation of lies and scams,
Thought control and disinformation,
And leaders who were merely shams

"Undermined the people's freedom.
Clueless people were led astray
By cunning voices persuading them
To stupidly vote their rights away.

"Often people's myopia
Can undermine their common sense.
Doesn't it make you wonder how
So many people can be so dense?"

Maybe I've gone too far, he thought.
I want them to think, to question. But when
Word reached the authorities' ears,
No one saw that teacher again.

-by Bob B (6-5-18)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Mother's Lament

"Son, Son, where are you now?
Is someone rocking you to sleep
And singing you a lullaby?
Who wipes away the tears when you weep?

"I came here not for free hand-outs.
Nor did I come to this country to steal
Jobs that most people don't even want.
It's to your mercy that I appeal

"For safety for my children and me--
Safety from living in constant fear.
Surrounded by death, we took a chance
And fled a gang that started here.

"We haven't sneaked across your border;
We're patiently standing at your gate.
Why do you see us as criminals
And look at us with distrust and hate?

"When you ripped my son from my arms,
You criticized me for crying.
Who is watching him and his sister?
Uncertainty is terrifying.

"Daughter, Daughter, where are you now?
Do not worry about your mother.
Do not fear the shadows at night.
And please watch over your little brother."

-by Bob B (6-3-18)

Friday, June 1, 2018

Perverting the Power of Pardon

Perverting the presidential power
Of pardon isn't hard to do
When you're Trump and the FBI
Happens to be your bugaboo.

Corner a rat, and it will attack.
Corner Trump, and he'll lash out.
Take your pick of how many
Institutions he will flout.

It's easy to see that when you have
So many crooks and thugs in your nook,
Observers will start to conclude that you--
Surprise!--also look like a crook.

Trump: the great manipulator.
Watch how he begs, steals, and barters.
Watch how proud he is at how

He can create victims and martyrs.

Arpaio, Libby, D'Souza and others--
Some convicted of the same
Crimes that people surrounding Trump
Might be charged with. What's his aim?

If Trump's people maintain their silence
And keep investigators guessing,
After they've served their master well,
The dangling pardon will be their blessing.

Another attack on our judicial
System is Trump's current M.O.
A pardon a day keeps trouble away
In Trump's daily reality show.

-by Bob B (6-1-18)