Sunday, June 3, 2018

A Mother's Lament

"Son, Son, where are you now?
Is someone rocking you to sleep
And singing you a lullaby?
Who wipes away the tears when you weep?

"I came here not for free hand-outs.
Nor did I come to this country to steal
Jobs that most people don't even want.
It's to your mercy that I appeal

"For safety for my children and me--
Safety from living in constant fear.
Surrounded by death, we took a chance
And fled a gang that started here.

"We haven't sneaked across your border;
We're patiently standing at your gate.
Why do you see us as criminals
And look at us with distrust and hate?

"When you ripped my son from my arms,
You criticized me for crying.
Who is watching him and his sister?
Uncertainty is terrifying.

"Daughter, Daughter, where are you now?
Do not worry about your mother.
Do not fear the shadows at night.
And please watch over your little brother."

-by Bob B (6-3-18)