Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Unheard Voices

Where are the moderate Muslims
Whose voices remain unheard?--
Who allow the religious extremists
To have the final word?

Where are the moderate Christians
Who will speak out against fanatics?--
Against hate-mongering leaders
Or manipulative charismatics?

What about moderate Hindus,
Or moderate Buddhists or Jews,
Who will stand up to radicals
And their discriminatory views?

Where are the moderate voices--
The voices of reason and love--
That focus on sense and compassion
And promote all aspects thereof?

When religious fanatics
Manipulate and distort
The truths behind their scriptures,
They sell their religions short.

When worshipers speak out with reason
And love--embracing ALL people--
Then goodness will flow from every
Temple, mosque, or steeple.

So let the voices of wisdom
Drown out expressions of hate
And stop the spread of ignorance
Before it is too late.

By Bob B (9-30-14)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Party Brawl in Alaska

One wild night in September,
In the year twenty fourteen,
Will be a night to remember.
Will it make the silver screen?

At a birthday celebration
In Anchorage, Alaska,
There arose a huge altercation.
Is this typical? I ask ya.

The party was calm--as planned.
But all of that calm was short-lived.
Things got way out of hand
After the Palins had arrived.

Bristol threw a right hook
At a partygoer's face.
We can imagine that took
A lot of charm and grace.

Track went after a guest
Who had dated Willow--his sister.
Maybe someone can attest
As to whether the guy had dissed her

At any rate, Track romped around
Shirtless and undeterred
From displaying in a manner profound
His facility for flipping the bird.

In the chaos, Hubby Todd
Acquired a bloody nose.
That can't be so odd
When there's a brawl, I suppose.

They say that Sarah yelled out,
"Don't you know who I am?"
It seems that without a doubt,
Nobody gave a damn.

Someone had called the police,
Who asked the Palins to leave.
The officers tried to make peace.
With rowdies that's hard to achieve.

No one pressed charges, they say.
As to how the chaos got going,
The police said that at the soirée,
Alcohol was flowing.

Later Sarah claimed
To be proud of Bristol's behavior.
Instead of feeling ashamed,
She considered her daughter a savior.

To protect her family, indeed,
A "prayer shield"--she says--played a role.
(But what they all REALLY need
Is greater self-control.)

It's scary when you think
That this Alaskan resident
Was actually on the brink
Of becoming our vice president!

By Bob B (9-26-14)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Mission Graveyard

The mission graveyard was peaceful and calm.
Sporadic gravestones and crosses marked
The final resting places of some
Who for some reason had embarked

On a new journey--a new phase--
A final, unavoidable transition.
Their remains still sleep, I hope undisturbed
By visitors at the sleepy mission.

Swaying in the gentle breeze,
The olive trees wistfully cast
Their shadows on the neglected sod
And on the graves that we wandered past.

Reading the inscriptions on the gravestones
Brought so many questions to mind:
Who were the people buried here?
Whom did they sadly leave behind?

Were they rich or were they poor?
Was their life easy or hard?
Was it pestilence, age, or violence
That brought them here to sleep in this yard?

My glance fell upon a simple stone.
I couldn't help but think that maybe
Some people's lives had been torn apart;
Carved in the gravestone was one word: Baby.

Oh, Life and Death, you keep us wondering.
No matter how much we people yearn
To second-guess you, you surprise us
And deliver us to the grave or urn.

(9-23-14) By Bob B

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Sum of Our Experiences

The sum of our experiences:
That's who we are.
Do our experiences guide us
To reach for that distant star?

Do they allow us to see
Through a person's façade?
Do they help us uncover
Dangerous deceit and fraud?

Do they take us to places
Of deep and profound thought
Outside our ego selves,
Where we're something we're not?

Or do our experiences hold us
In a superficial realm
Or on a ship of mindlessness
With ignorance at the helm?

Do they allow us to open
Both our minds and our hearts--
To discard superstition
And embrace what reason imparts?

Since we're made up of all
That we have seen and known,
How reassuring it is
To know we're not alone.

That reassurance
Should make us mindfully strive
To work for the good of all people
So that our planet can thrive.

(9-23-14) By Bob B

Monday, September 15, 2014

Some Just Don't Get It

"No medicine for me," a patient says.
"If God wants me healthy, He will cure me.
Your pills and your shots and your treatments, Doctor,
Do nothing to comfort or assure me."

God notices the woman's stubbornness
And shakes His head in utter disbelief.
"Why doesn't she realize that I gave her
Doctors and medicine to give her relief?"

"Why should I help the sick and needy?"
Asks a man. "Let them fulfill
Their own destinies. If I can manage,
Why can't they? It could be God's will."

God shakes His head again in amazement.
"Why does he think I came up with compassion
And the concept of sharing and helping others?
Love is not a thing that we ration."

A fire approaches a family's home;
The fireman instructs them to leave the vicinity.
The family members refuse to flee
And await a message from their Divinity.

"What is wrong with people?" God asks.
"I sent a fireman to protect them from danger.
Why don't they use the reason I gave them?
I swear: Some people grow stranger and stranger."

"God told me to hate those people,"
Says a man, carrying a sign.
Spewing his venom, he spreads his lies
Based on reasons he claims are divine.

"Who the heck does he think he is
To claim that he knows how I think and feel?"
Cries God, losing patience with people
Whose hateful behavior is far from ideal.

"Reason clouded by ego and hatred?
Compassion clouded by anger and greed?
Judgment clouded by irrationality?
Some people really make my heart bleed!

"But wait! Somebody else is calling.
What is it now? Is this a mistake?
This one wants help to win SURVIVOR!
Come on, people! Give me a break!"

(9-15-14) By Bob B

Friday, September 12, 2014

Our Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech is a wonderful right--
A right that all Americans cherish.
It's a right that not all countries enjoy,
And one that we wouldn't want to see perish.

People have the right to express
Their opinion in public; yes, that is true.
One thing about it is when they speak out,
Their venomous ignorance often comes through.

Isn't there a saying about
Thinking before expressing a thought?
Many people ignore that advice;
What's more, those people ignore it a lot.

Publicly expressing rancor and bigotry
Might sound appropriate to those who feel
That they have the right to deny other people
Their rights, which they do with great zeal.

Extremist ideas and irrational thinking
Are surely part of the human condition.
People whose speech condemns other people
Are on a destructive, hateful mission.

A malicious message spoken in public--
A far-out attack or outlandish expression--
Allows us to see the foolishness in
The speaker's illogic and lack of discretion.

An astutely aware and compassionate public
Will let malice fall on deaf ears.
And those who employ such invective,
Instead of our anger, deserve our tears.

When we hear people spewing inanities
Powered by ignorance and hatred, we should
Consider the source and counter the poison
So it doesn't taint all that is good.

(9-12-14) By Bob B

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Remembering 9-11 (on the 13th Anniversary)

I'm sure all of us remember where
We were and what we were doing when
We heard the news on 9-11--
News that's been etched in our hearts since then.

How unreal it felt at the time!
Immobilized by shock,
We stared at TV screens for hours,
Heedless of the ticking clock.

Life was on hold for a period of time;
We couldn't believe what we were seeing.
Our vulnerability emerged. We felt
A serious threat to our well-being.

That day changed our lives forever.
Most of us lost our innocent views
That we had of the world and our place in it
As we watched the horrible, frightening news.

May we always keep in our hearts
The people who lost their lives that day
In New York, in Washington, D.C., and on
A field in Somerset County, P-A.

And may we also keep in our hearts
The dear loved ones of all the departed--
Those who have suffered from this tragedy
And have had to carry on broken-hearted.

The world since then has changed a great deal.
All we can do is try to find peace.
But sadly peace is a distant goal
As violence never seems to cease.

By Bob B (9-11-14)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Making Tough Choices

Living in this world
Means making important decisions,
Many of which will cause
International divisions.

Our country's made difficult choices,
And sometimes we have been wrong.
We've ended up in places
Where we didn't belong.

At times we've supported figures
Of questionable democracies--
Figures who ran their countries
More like scary autocracies.

We must examine our motives
For decisions we have to make.
Are they people-centered?
If not, then for goodness' sake,

Why do we get involved?
To protect business dealings?
For resources? Power? Control?
What about people's feelings?

When making choices in life,
We have to come to our senses.
We know that every decision
Involves consequences.

We are one voice of many;
Knowing that requires
That we work with other nations
If we want to put out the world's fires.

If our decision-makers
Decide on a path and stand fast,
Let's hope that they don't repeat
Mistakes that we made in the past.

By Bob B (9-10-14)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How to Write and Publish a Book of Untruths

Any crackpot can write a book
Of lies about whatever.
Look at non-fiction book lists for
Examples of such an endeavor.

Taking information out
Of context lets you blur
The separation of truth from lies
Like a skillful saboteur.

Facts become insignificant.
With careful manipulation,
You can even invent your own:
Keep thinking obfuscation.

Quotations out of context make
Your arguments sound real
And distract the readers from the basic
Truths that you conceal.

Non-credible witnesses, too,
Are an absolute must--
Especially if they sound as though they're
Someone we ought to trust.

With selectively-edited evidence
And a clever distortion of facts,
Push any hoax to see what kind
Of people it attracts.

If your theories have been proven false,
The more you tell a lie,
The more the public will see your deceit
As truth by and by.

Rehash a number of debunked myths;
You don't have to worry.
Readers will take your words as the truth--
No matter if those words are blurry.

Find a publisher who is out for a buck--
Any so and so.
Then find promoters who believe your nonsense,
And you're good to go.

Sit back and watch your book come out
And land on many a shelf.
You might feel some satisfaction
(If you can live with yourself).

By Bob B (9-9-14)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Showing Gratitude

How do we show gratitude
When our lives are comfortable and fine--
When most things that we want or need
Are graspable, and trouble's benign?

With a complacent attitude,
Can we still show gratitude?

It would be amazing if
The noun "gratitude" became a verb;
Wouldn't the world be different then?
How exciting! How superb!

Gratitude's not about being thankful
For all of our THINGS--our many possessions.
Gratitude's not about giving lip service
To how much we care--empty expressions.

Gratitude's not about singing praises;
It's more about trying to explore
The deeper truth behind behavior
That brings the here and now to the fore.

True gratitude is in our actions
And comes directly from the heart;
It's more than just good intentions,
And selfishness plays no part.

Gratitude's reflected in our giving--
Giving in more ways than one:
In caring, helping, smiling, sharing--
Without a hint of being outdone.

Appreciation and thankfulness
Provide a feeling of satisfaction,
Which in turn touches all hearts,
Causing a positive chain reaction.

A truly heartfelt attitude
Expresses heartfelt gratitude.

By Bob B (9-8-14)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Handy Advice

I ran into a guy one day,
When I was feeling down.
He took it on himself to make
A smile of my frown.
He seemed to be a happy guy--
Courteous and nice.
He looked me in the eyes and said,
"Here's some good advice:

"Be kind to others,
And they will be kind to you.
Don't give up on dreams;
There's always a chance they'll come true.
Don't eat too much,
Or you're going to gain weight;
Be heedful of time:
Better early than late.
Watch out whom you vote for,
Or you're going to get screwed.
Don't talk about others;
Such behavior is rude.
Take care of your health,
Or you are going to regret it.
If people try to insult you,
It will only hurt if you let it."

"Tell me more," I said to him;
"Don't keep me in suspense."
His words rang true and definitely
Made a lot of sense.
He closed his eyes, looked down and thought,
And then he raised his head.
He looked me in the eyes again
And this is what he said:

"Live each day to the fullest;
You know you can never repeat it.
Don't start a project
Unless you plan to complete it.
Don't air dirty linen
In public; that's a no-brainer.
Maintain a positive attitude;
Then you'll feel a lot saner.
Be mindful of
What you do and say.
Don't cross your partner,
Or there'll be hell to pay.
Offer help to others--
At least once in a while.
And last of all don't forget
To smile, smile, smile."

We parted ways then--he and I;
My spirits had been raised.
That gentle guy seems to have
Gone through life unfazed.
His words of wisdom resonate
With me; they're a boon.
And so I thought I'd put them
In a catchy tune:

"Be kind to others…"
Etc., etc., etc…

By Bob B (9-7-14)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

An Acoustic Guitar, a Voice, and a Song

I enjoy a good band with its
Drums and fine guitars,
A keyboard and a couple of singers
At concerts, clubs, and bars.
A mellow band with harmonizing
Voices is a treat—
Not a loud rambunctious one
That blasts me out of my seat.
An exciting band can really send me—
That I will concede.
But an acoustic guitar, a pleasant voice,
And a song are all I need.

Take me to a symphony;
That can be exciting.
Beethoven, Brahms, and Mozart
All can be inviting.
Chamber music with a string quartet
Can often do the trick;
A grand concerto that gives me goose bumps
Has a definite kick.
Big band, pop, or classical
Music are fine indeed;
But an acoustic guitar, a pleasant voice,
And a song are all I need.

Opera can be scintillating
If you like the score.
A giant chorus or a plaintive aria
Makes your spirits soar.
Mozart, Wagner, Puccini, Verdi
Massenet and the rest
Make me realize that I am
Listening to the best.
But as much as I like opera
When it's up to speed,
An acoustic guitar, a pleasant voice,
And a song are all I need.

I like music from all around
The world as a rule.
Both modern and traditional
Sounds to me are cool.
German, Japanese, Norwegian,
Mexican, and Chinese
Music makes me feel good;
It puts my mind at ease.
But as much as I like all music,
One thing's guaranteed:
An acoustic guitar, a pleasant voice,
And a song are all I need.

(9-6-14) By Bob B

Friday, September 5, 2014

Frustrating Technology!

Technology's changing so very fast 
That trying to keep up is a pain. 
I'd hardly call myself a Luddite, 
But sometimes I feel left out in the rain. 

They come out with Windows 10
When you've barely learned Windows 8. 
Every time I open a program
It seems as though there's a new update. 

Then you're back to square one again. 
Good luck learning the fancy new features. 
If you get stuck, don't hesitate  
To find some kids to serve as your teachers. 

It’s amazing how kids at such a young age 
Are already showing familiarity 
With swiping, sliding, and tapping their fingers 
On touch screens AND with great dexterity. 

You can't just have a phone these days; 
It has to be a smart phone, you see. 
How we ever survived in the past 
With our not-so-smart phones is way beyond me. 

With smart phones you can lock your doors, 
Turn on the air or adjust the heat. 
Having a phone just to make calls 
In this day and age would be obsolete. 

Try to find a simple clock radio 
Or a simple phone without any frills. 
Young people don't know what it's like 
To need postage stamps to pay their bills. 

Practically everything needs recharging-- 
Laptops, tablets, cameras, phones. 
Our cars now operate by computers; 
Without technology we wouldn't have drones. 

Recharging batteries all the time
Is NOT as handy as it looks.
That's why I usually prefer
My good old-fashioned paper books.

(9-5-14) By Bob B

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Red-Eye Flight to Washington, D.C.

Pfmmmpf! went the door. The engine started;
The “Fasten Seat Belts” signs were lit.
My screen showed emergency instructions.
I thought to myself, “Well, this is it!”

The plane shook as it rolled down the runway.
I gulped and curiously looked around.
With white knuckles I clutched the armrest
As the plane lifted up off the ground.

Holding my breath as we ascended,
I glanced out the window, and what do you know:
Houses, streets, and cars grew smaller
In the ever-shrinking world down below.

I wondered, “Has my Xanax kicked in yet?
Will it hurt to have ONE glass of wine?”
The plane leveled off; the flight attendant
Smiled and said, “Honey, you’re doing fine.”

The screen on the back of the seat in front of me
Displayed a map of our cross-country route.
If I sat there and watched that screen,
I knew that I was going to freak out.

Sleep? Forget it. How is that possible
With all of the vibrating, bouncing, and roaring,
And lights going on and off and overhead
Cabinets clicking and people snoring?

No leg-room for stretching my legs:
The dreadful curse of economy class.
The constant shifting around in my seat
Was a literal pain in the ass.

I tried in vain to get some sleep
With my book lying in my lap.
I'd peek at the screen. We'd moved only
A millimeter across the map.

I felt like Sisyphus pushing his rock;
The night seemed to have no end.
Finally, to my great relief,
Our plane started to descend.

“Yay!” We landed and rolled to a stop.
On leaving the plane, I felt signs of fall.
Breathing in the fresh air, I thought,
“That wasn’t so bad after all.”

I'd passed the test with flying colors—
Sort of. At least I wasn’t too frantic.
And as it turned out my very next flight
Was going to take me across the Atlantic.

(9-3-14) By Bob B

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Daily Dose of Deutsch

People often think that I’m weird
Because I love to read
German grammar and usage texts.
Okay, I concede:

It’s not normal to read through
Such books from cover to cover;
But it’s not so strange when you are considered
A German language lover.

It also makes sense when one’s
A German language learner
To read a book most people consider
NOT a real page turner.

But German—Ach!—I love the language;
I love to speak it and hear it.
I love how it bounces off the tongue.
(It’s a shame that some won’t go near it.)

The language really tickles my ears;
To me it doesn’t sound snooty.
Because of its crispness and clarity, I
Appreciate its beauty.

Unlike the Italians, the Germans don’t
Talk with their hands.
They also don’t sound like drill sergeants
Shouting out commands.

And Germans, unlike speakers of English,
Don’t confuse “her” with “she”;
They also don’t have a problem knowing
When to use “I” or “me.”

The German language sounds fresh and vivid,
Vivacious, spirited, and zestful.
It’s not a language that lulls you to sleep
In a manner quiet and restful.

Listen to the great German poems
That go back many years
By Eichendorff, Goethe, and Heine.
Music to my ears!

Don’t forget that English is
A Germanic language. It’s true!
But many words come from Latin now,
And other languages, too.

When I’m feeling down in the dumps,
Sad or a little morose,
All I need to perk me up
Is German in a large dose.

Beauty is in the eye of the viewer;
That idea holds sway.
It’s also in the ear of the listener.
What more can I say?

(9-2-14) By Bob B

Monday, September 1, 2014

Food for Thought

Everything is a lesson
Whether we like it or not.
Everything has a meaning.
Everything’s food for thought:

Unfortunate times, our triumphs,
Days both happy and sad,
People who warm our hearts,
People who drive us mad,

Illnesses and wellness,
Incidents that we regret,
Things we’ll remember forever,
And things we would like to forget.

Life makes more sense when
We open our eyes and our minds.
It’s like a light bulb going on,
Or like someone opening the blinds.

When we see interconnectedness—
When everything’s not about US—
Causes and conditions
Show us there’s always a THUS.

BOTH seeing and knowing
Guide us in understanding
The world around us; however,
The truth is also demanding.

You wonder: Does all of this knowing
Provide us with much consolation
When we feel so helpless
In effecting a transformation?

Some things seem so simple,
And yet they’re complicated.
It turns out the golden rule
Is far too underrated.

Too many people can’t see
The forest for the trees.
They claim to offer assurance,
But end up causing unease.

Sometimes the lessons we learn
Are hard to reconcile—
Especially when fanatics’
Tactics are cruel and vile.

Blinded by ideologies,
They lack genuine caring;
Their means for achieving their goals
Are violent and overbearing.

Is it that they do not see?
Or is it that they do not care?
Lying to themselves prevents them
From becoming truly aware.

It’s sad for the many victims
Whose lives are miserably affected
By those ideological thugs
Whose goals are misdirected.

It’s how we USE what we’ve learned
To help us make changes—to act—
To help us make smart decisions,
Using our wisdom and tact.

Learning from all of life’s lessons,
Combined with introspection
Or getting in touch with ourselves,
Is a step in the right direction.

Just always keep in mind
That whether we like it or not,
Everything has a meaning;
Everything’s food for thought.

(9-1-14) By Bob B