Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Sum of Our Experiences

The sum of our experiences:
That's who we are.
Do our experiences guide us
To reach for that distant star?

Do they allow us to see
Through a person's façade?
Do they help us uncover
Dangerous deceit and fraud?

Do they take us to places
Of deep and profound thought
Outside our ego selves,
Where we're something we're not?

Or do our experiences hold us
In a superficial realm
Or on a ship of mindlessness
With ignorance at the helm?

Do they allow us to open
Both our minds and our hearts--
To discard superstition
And embrace what reason imparts?

Since we're made up of all
That we have seen and known,
How reassuring it is
To know we're not alone.

That reassurance
Should make us mindfully strive
To work for the good of all people
So that our planet can thrive.

(9-23-14) By Bob B