People often think
that I’m weird
Because I love to
German grammar and
usage texts.
Okay, I concede:
It’s not normal to
read through
Such books from
cover to cover;
But it’s not so
strange when you are considered
A German language
It also makes sense
when one’s
A German language
To read a book most
people consider
NOT a real page
But German—Ach!—I
love the language;
I love to speak it
and hear it.
I love how it
bounces off the tongue.
(It’s a shame that
some won’t go near it.)
The language really
tickles my ears;
To me it doesn’t
sound snooty.
Because of its
crispness and clarity, I
Appreciate its
Unlike the Italians,
the Germans don’t
Talk with their
They also don’t
sound like drill sergeants
Shouting out
And Germans, unlike
speakers of English,
Don’t confuse “her”
with “she”;
They also don’t have
a problem knowing
When to use “I” or
The German language
sounds fresh and vivid,
Vivacious, spirited,
and zestful.
It’s not a language
that lulls you to sleep
In a manner quiet
and restful.
Listen to the great
German poems
That go back many
By Eichendorff,
Goethe, and Heine.
Music to my ears!
Don’t forget that
English is
A Germanic language.
It’s true!
But many words come from Latin now,
And other languages,
When I’m feeling
down in the dumps,
Sad or a little
All I need to perk
me up
Is German in a large
Beauty is in the eye
of the viewer;
That idea holds
It’s also in the ear
of the listener.
What more can I say?
(9-2-14) By Bob B