Monday, September 1, 2014

Food for Thought

Everything is a lesson
Whether we like it or not.
Everything has a meaning.
Everything’s food for thought:

Unfortunate times, our triumphs,
Days both happy and sad,
People who warm our hearts,
People who drive us mad,

Illnesses and wellness,
Incidents that we regret,
Things we’ll remember forever,
And things we would like to forget.

Life makes more sense when
We open our eyes and our minds.
It’s like a light bulb going on,
Or like someone opening the blinds.

When we see interconnectedness—
When everything’s not about US—
Causes and conditions
Show us there’s always a THUS.

BOTH seeing and knowing
Guide us in understanding
The world around us; however,
The truth is also demanding.

You wonder: Does all of this knowing
Provide us with much consolation
When we feel so helpless
In effecting a transformation?

Some things seem so simple,
And yet they’re complicated.
It turns out the golden rule
Is far too underrated.

Too many people can’t see
The forest for the trees.
They claim to offer assurance,
But end up causing unease.

Sometimes the lessons we learn
Are hard to reconcile—
Especially when fanatics’
Tactics are cruel and vile.

Blinded by ideologies,
They lack genuine caring;
Their means for achieving their goals
Are violent and overbearing.

Is it that they do not see?
Or is it that they do not care?
Lying to themselves prevents them
From becoming truly aware.

It’s sad for the many victims
Whose lives are miserably affected
By those ideological thugs
Whose goals are misdirected.

It’s how we USE what we’ve learned
To help us make changes—to act—
To help us make smart decisions,
Using our wisdom and tact.

Learning from all of life’s lessons,
Combined with introspection
Or getting in touch with ourselves,
Is a step in the right direction.

Just always keep in mind
That whether we like it or not,
Everything has a meaning;
Everything’s food for thought.

(9-1-14) By Bob B