Thursday, May 28, 2020

"I Can't Breathe!"

"I can't breathe!" said a handcuffed man
Lying on the ground, trying to explain
That HE COULDN'T BREATHE! Sadly his words,
Falling on deaf ears, were said in vain.

"I can't breathe!" he said to the cop
Who had him on the ground to keep him in check.
"I can't breathe!" he told him again,
While the cop pressed his knee against his neck.

"I can't breathe!" said the man accused
Of possibly passing a counterfeit bill.
"I can't breathe!" For seven long minutes
The man repeated those words that chill.

"I can't breathe!": words reminiscent
Of Eric Garner's death in twenty fourteen.
"I can't breathe!" should have sent a signal
To others, but why did no one intervene?

"I can't breathe!" George Floyd's words
Were caught on video by someone firsthand.
"I can't breathe!" What about those words
For some of our police is hard to understand?

"I'm about to die!" the suspect added.
Will more black men suffer the same fate?
Finally, the cop removed his knee
From George Floyd's neck, but it was too late.

-by Bob B (5-28-20)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Might Hamlet Rhyme?

To wear, or not to wear a mask. The question:
Whether we wear a mask and stay protected
From possible contraction of a virus,
Or NOT and have to face the unexpected.

And if we thus throw caution to the wind,
Endangering the lives of those around us,
We will find the consequences costly.
The sad and dire statistics will astound us.

When we question what the experts say
And let ourselves be fooled by sly deceivers,
Then we end up on a wild pursuit
With other dazed conspiracy believers.

Confounded when some leaders give reports
That artfully confuse the truth with lies,
We MUST rely on facts that keep us from
Performing actions that would be unwise.

Experts say if we do not act now,
Later we'll experience regret.
It's not about just saving our own skin,
But other people's lives, lest we forget.

I don't think I'm wrong to say that life
Is something that most people value most.
Therefore, I reiterate that I
Am not so keen on giving up the ghost.

When we see behavior that is careless,
We should know to sound a loud alarm.
Some folks out there do not stop to think
How their recklessness is causing harm.

To wear a mask, of course, is not a pleasure;
For now it's just a necessary task.
But getting folks to wear one: that's the rub.
But tell me: is it way too much to ask?

Spread the word: oh, please put on your mask!

-by Bob B (5-26-20)

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

What a year this has been!
A virus has paid an unwelcome call.
Our world is filled with the lovely smell
Of Lysol, Purell, and alcohol.

Of course, there's a push to "open up,"
But opening up must be done right.
Some people are going about it
In ways that truly aren't very bright.

And then there are those compelled to defy
Rules to protect us. For goodness' sake!
Hanging the governor in effigy?
Come on, people: give us a break!

Keep your distance and wear your mask
When out in public. Surely this way
You and your loved ones will hopefully have
A peaceful and safe Memorial Day.

-by Bob B (5-25-20)

Friday, May 22, 2020

Praise to All Who Do Their Part

Praise to essential service providers
Who daily put their lives on the line.
Such a giant debt we owe them!
May their hearts forever shine!

A special shout-out to doctors and nurses
And other health care workers who strive--
With limited equipment--to keep
Patients with COVID-19 alive.

Praise to epidemiologists
Who give us guidance and rules to follow
When the advice given by some
Of our topmost leaders is hard to swallow.

Praise to all who do their part
To keep a deadly virus from spreading,
Despite scary uncertainties
That make it hard to know where we're heading.

Praise to all who listen to
The voices of reason and do not let
The voices of ignorance cause them to
Behave in ways they'll one day regret.

And while we're praising all these people,
Remember the victims who had to die.
When a government's responses
Are muddled, the cost in lives can be high.

-by Bob B (5-22-20)

Thursday, May 21, 2020


“I’m not going to wear a mask,”
The man says with a look of defiance,
As he stands in the midst of a crowd,
Defying common sense and science.

"I don't like the government,"
The man without a mask proceeds.
It only comes in handy for him
When it happens to suit his needs.

"The government is not," he adds,
"Going to tell me what to do."
Only his unreliable
Sources tell him what is true.

"The CDC can't be trusted,"
He says with a look of disdain,
Letting too many conspiracy theories
Seep into his paranoid brain.

"No business or place of work
Can make me wear a mask," he declares.
When it comes to the safety of all,
His words show how little he cares.

"Freedom is what it's all about,"
He shouts, but he just doesn't see
That it has nothing to do with freedom;
It’s merely utter stupidity.

-by Bob B (5-21-20)

Monday, May 18, 2020

Beyond the Mountains

I want to see beyond the mountains,
Know what's hiding deep in the sea,
And survey the fascinating features
Of the human heart's topography.

We can scale the towering peaks
So we can see what lies beyond,
And we can probe the ocean’s depths
To understand that giant pond.

The human heart's more problematic;
So many secrets are hidden deep.
At times its depths are hard to fathom,
Its self-protective walls too steep.

We must always keep on searching
And NOT assume that we comprehend
All that can be known, for knowledge
Has no boundaries, no end.

If going beyond our human knowledge
We tap into the Absolute,
Imagine the bliss of suddenly seeing
A transformed being taking root!

-by Bob B (5-17-20)

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Meet Mr. C

I’m a tiny virus;
Corona is my name.
I love stealthiness.
That's my claim to fame.

If you would prefer,
You could call me Mister.
How’d you like to meet
My brother and my sister?

It’s really very easy.
They are all around--
Sometimes in the air;
Sometimes on the ground.

We like it when you gather
Together in large groups.
That’s when we decide
To call out all our troops.

We rely on people
To let down their guard.
For some careless ones,
That’s NOT very hard.

If you want to meet us,
Look for crowded places,
Where there aren’t a lot
Of masks on people’s faces.

Of course, you know that our
Ubiquity demands
That people everywhere
Do not wash their hands.

We really love it when
People do not pay
Attention to the experts
Or let them have their say.

Spreading conspiracy theories
Helps you to meet us
And drowns out the voices
Of those out to defeat us.

We rely on leaders
With questionable goals
And people who believe them
And frown on safe controls.

I hate it when I hear
The ugly word "vaccine."
How could people be
So thoughtless and so mean?

I won't make it easy
For those who want me dead,
For MY raison d'être
Is "Spread, Baby, Spread!"

-by Bob B (5-16-20)

Friday, May 15, 2020

Scary Aspirations

He longs to rewrite history--
For us to see the world through his eyes,
With help from his favorite TV station,
Which scandalously spreads his lies.

He'd love to control the media,
Eliminating the critics who
Point out his flaws. Watch him try
To shoot one on Fifth Avenue.

He caters to his oligarchs--
To those who use their power and wealth
To fill their pockets and gain control,
Often through fraudulence and stealth.

He uses kowtowing appointees to help
Create dirt on his critics to draw
As ugly a picture as he can
And violates the rule of law.

When we have a national
Emergency, and things look dim,
He does his best to cover up
The truth and makes it all about him.

He even wants political
Opponents to be locked away.
Yep, Trump is acting more
Like Vladimir Putin every day.

-by Bob B (5-15-20)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

There's a Virus Going Around!

(This poem could be sung to the melody of Stephen Sondheims's song "Giants in the Sky" from INTO THE WOODS.)

There's a virus going around!
There's a harmful, horrible virus going around!

When you wake each day,
And you hear the news,
And you'd like to think
That it's just a ruse--
That it's maybe a dream--
And so you refuse
To let it change your life.

Then you realize
That the dream is real,
And you learn that you
Simply can't conceal
The troubling facts
That the signs reveal.
You know…you must
Decide to place your trust
In people who don't put on airs.
Their message scares
Us because there's
A harmful, horrible virus going around--
A harmful, horrible virus. Oh, yes, that's what they've found.
And it is a threat
To both you and me.
Yet some people say
That they don't agree.
Though it creeps up close
And it doesn't make a sound,
It's all around.

If only we knew how
To fight it best.
One thing we know is
We can take a test.
But the president seems
To be so obsessed
With other matters, so…

Each state is stuck with
Figuring it out.
And you're out of luck
Unless you've got clout.
So you distance yourself
From others, no doubt.
And you wonder how
The delays came about.
But hey!…Just say,
"We can make this go away!"
But to find a path
Will not be a breeze.
We need expertise
In times like these.
Some say that our economy must come first.
If that is more important than lives, then we’re at our worst.
Yes, we have to work to live and thrive,
But to work a person must be alive.
There are some things that
Can or cannot be reversed.
It's all around.

There's a virus going around!
There's a harmful, horrible, awful, deadly, dangerous
Virus going around!

-by Bob (5-13-20)

(Listen to Lin Manuel Miranda sing Sondheim's song on YouTube.)

Monday, May 11, 2020

Hoping a Vaccine Will Soon Arrive

When I wear my mask,
It feels like a disguise.
If I smile, I hope that you
Can see it in my eyes.
I admit a mask
Is not so fun to wear.
And if it makes me look a little
Dorky, I don’t care.

I know my mask is not
Foolproof, but I suppose
It’ll keep some viral droplets
Out of my mouth and nose.
And when I take it off
At any time or place,
What I have to tell myself is
“Do not touch your face!”

Trying to keep my sanity and stay alive,
I’m hoping a vaccine will soon arrive.

My designer masks
Are really quite unique.
But frankly, I won’t go so far
To say that I look chic.
Who would have guessed?
What a crazy year!
Ten months ago I never thought
About protective gear.

We all know, of course,
Pandemics are not fun.
All the repercussions touch
Each and everyone.
But we do not know
All that might ensue
If we do not carry out
The things we ought to do.

Trying to keep my sanity and stay alive,
I’m hoping a vaccine will soon arrive.

If scientists create
A new vaccine, then we
Also have to wonder how
Effective it will be.
But I look forward to
A lovely future day
When I can leave my masks off and
Can put them all away.

Trying to keep my sanity and stay alive,
I’m hoping a vaccine will soon arrive.

-by Bob B (5-10-20)

Sunday, May 10, 2020

"Plandemic" Rubbish

Far-right extremists have made
A film to promote their crusade.
It's just a stupid series
Of conspiracy theories.
So far from the truth they have strayed!

It's frightfully scary how some
Could do something that is so dumb.
Immune to reproaches,
Just like creepy roaches,
From out of the woodwork they come.

-by Bob B (5-10-20)

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The COVID-19 Blues

Life as we knew it has changed for now,
With concerts, theater, and sports on hold,
For COVID-19, a nasty virus,
Is NOT your typical flu or cold.

Daily life is a challenge lately.
Former routines are now a chore--
Little things, like going shopping
And bringing groceries home from the store.

So much that we took for granted,
We now see from a different perspective.
Functioning while saving lives
Has to be our main objective.

Every day it's coronavirus!
Every day it's in the news.
Day and night it's coronavirus.
I've got the COVID-19 blues.

The Center for Disease Control
Is muzzled by the current regime.
We hear White House "happy talk,"
But things are likely worse than they seem.

Trump and his White House staff all know
That testing is crucial--at least for them.
And yet they say that WE don't need it.
Misinformation with a capital "M."

We deserve expert guidance;
We need the truth and a workable plan.
We've heard one lie after another
Since this deadly pandemic began.

Every day it's coronavirus!
Every day it's in the news.
Day and night it's coronavirus.
I've got the COVID-19 blues.

It's hard to watch the public displays
Of ignorance and the flouting of rules.
Conspiracy theories are rapidly spreading,
And truthers continue to act like fools.

Although it's easy to feel depressed
When listening to the White House clown,
It's important that we do NOT
Let adversity get us down.

As much as I'd love to hug my family,
Go to the theater, and be with friends,
I will do my best to remain
Healthy until the danger ends.

But meanwhile, it's coronavirus!
Every day it's in the news.
Day and night it's coronavirus.
I've got the COVID-19 blues.

-by Bob B (5-9-20)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Forward, Trumpian Warriors!

(This poem can be sung to the melody of "Onward, Christian Soldiers.")

Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.
Trump, the royal leader,
From a White House room,
Calls for you to fight for him though
It could mean your doom.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

When a deadly virus
Moves across a land,
We know gear to fight it
Has to be on hand.
Trump wants states to battle
Fully on their own.
He sends warriors to the front lines
Tweeting from his phone:
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

Trump says be a hero;
Make a sacrifice.
To keep money flowing
All must pay a price.
Your life for your country.
How's that for a deal?
To hear his priorities just
Listen to his spiel.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

Trump says many experts
Have mistaken views.
He gets his advice from
His friends on Fox News.
While the people suffer,
Trump has fans like Mitch.
They will make for certain that the
Rich will still stay rich.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Dropping row by row.

-by Bob B (5-6-20)

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Helping Grandma

According to Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm,
When Grandma wasn't feeling so good,
Mom packed up some wine and cake
And sent it with Little Red Riding Hood

To Grandma's house, deep in the forest.
Along the path Little Hood met
The hungry Wolf who ultimately
Taught her a lesson she'd never forget.

Having devoured Grandma, and now
Waiting to eat the grandchild as well,
The Wolf couldn't stop thinking about
Gobbling up the little belle.

We all know that Little Hood
Ended up in the Wolf's big belly,
Along with Grandma. It must have been
A place overly cramped and smelly.

A hunter came by and saved the day
By putting an end to the dangerous thug.
Grandma enjoyed her cake and booze;
The Wolf became the hunter's rug.

My favorite moral is as follows:
When Grandma is sick and lying supine,
To help raise her spirits, take her
A little cake and a bottle of wine.

-by Bob B (5-5-20)

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Valiant Tailor

The valiant tailor claimed to be valiant,
But he was mainly a phony, a fake.
Killing seven flies with one blow
Does NOT a super hero make.

But, oh, he thought a lot of himself.
Let's just say he was full of hot air.
His ego grew to such an extent,
He wanted his fame to spread everywhere.

Street smart he was--clever and wily.
He quickly learned how to con the crowd.
Winning by playing deceptive games
Made him feel accomplished and proud.

Subduing giants was not a problem
Since he had numerous tricks up his sleeve,
Like pitting them against one another.
His motto should have been, "Deceive!"

Inciting discord was part of his plan.
To make his point he also would tap
Into confusion around him, hoping
That his opponents would land in his trap.

The people never witnessed first hand
The valiant tailor's heroic acts.
All they had to go on was his
Side of the story--his made-up facts.

Through guile he won the princess's hand
And half of a kingdom. Becoming a king,
He rose to the highest level of
Incompetence. That was his thing.

Although the Brothers Grimm recorded
The story many years ago,
Doesn't the tailor seem familiar?
He sounds like somebody else we know.

-by Bob B (5-4-20)

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Perilous Protests

Careless protesters gather together
In cities across the United States,
Criticizing stay-at-home orders
And thumbing their noses at the Fates.

Unmasked demonstrators stand
Only two or three feet apart,
Indicating a lack of caution
And showing us they are NOT being smart.

It doesn't help when the president
Encourages foolish behavior. What's more,
Far-right militia thugs show up
And look as though they're waging war.

Nobody cherishes not being able
To socialize with family and friends.
All of us look forward to
The day that social distancing ends.

Everybody wants to get
Back to normal as soon as we can.
But to do it we need to have
A thoughtful, safe, reliable plan--

A plan assembled by experts for whom
Saving lives is the main goal
In order to help us back on our feet
While getting the virus under control.

Ignorance is a poor companion.
When life throws us a wild curve ball,
Remember: people's stupid behavior
Endangers not only them but us all.

-by Bob B (5-3-20)

Friday, May 1, 2020

Poem 1,000

I’ve made it! Where? To poem one thousand--
"Published" for people to read online.
Every time I finish a new one,
I get a feeling that's hard to define--

Not because it's a tour de force,
A magnum opus, or masterpiece;
It's just the idea of letting thoughts flow
And then feeling a sense of release.

Call it a marriage of thoughts and expression:
That's what writing is tantamount to.
I sometimes wonder: do you find
A poem, or does a poem find you?

I still enjoy the challenge of rhyme.
Up to now that's been my choice.
After hundreds of poems, rhythm
And rhyme have helped me to find my voice.

I like to merge poems and songs,
So, often I write with a tune in my head.
Some of my critics ask me, "Aren't
Some things better left unsaid?"

Oh, no, no! I have to reply.
When life gives you a little nudge,
You let thoughts out, come what may.
But true, the reader will be the judge.

Since there's such a wealth of topics,
And time's no issue since I'm retired,
So long as my Muse inspires me,
I'll write until I am labeled "Expired."

-by Bob B (5-1-20)