But he was mainly a
phony, a fake.
Killing seven flies
with one blow
Does NOT a super
hero make.
But, oh, he thought
a lot of himself.
Let's just say he
was full of hot air.
His ego grew to such
an extent,
He wanted his fame
to spread everywhere.
Street smart he
was--clever and wily.
He quickly learned
how to con the crowd.
Winning by playing
deceptive games
Made him feel
accomplished and proud.
Subduing giants was
not a problem
Since he had
numerous tricks up his sleeve,
Like pitting them
against one another.
His motto should
have been, "Deceive!"
Inciting discord was
part of his plan.
To make his point he
also would tap
Into confusion
around him, hoping
That his opponents
would land in his trap.
The people never
witnessed first hand
The valiant tailor's
heroic acts.
All they had to go
on was his
Side of the
story--his made-up facts.
Through guile he won
the princess's hand
And half of a
kingdom. Becoming a king,
He rose to the
highest level of
Incompetence. That
was his thing.
Although the Brothers
Grimm recorded
The story many years ago,
Doesn't the tailor
seem familiar?
He sounds like
somebody else we know.
-by Bob B (5-4-20)