Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Forward, Trumpian Warriors!

(This poem can be sung to the melody of "Onward, Christian Soldiers.")

Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.
Trump, the royal leader,
From a White House room,
Calls for you to fight for him though
It could mean your doom.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

When a deadly virus
Moves across a land,
We know gear to fight it
Has to be on hand.
Trump wants states to battle
Fully on their own.
He sends warriors to the front lines
Tweeting from his phone:
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

Trump says be a hero;
Make a sacrifice.
To keep money flowing
All must pay a price.
Your life for your country.
How's that for a deal?
To hear his priorities just
Listen to his spiel.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Marching row by row.

Trump says many experts
Have mistaken views.
He gets his advice from
His friends on Fox News.
While the people suffer,
Trump has fans like Mitch.
They will make for certain that the
Rich will still stay rich.
Forward, Trumpian warriors!
Off to war you go--
Off to fight a virus,
Dropping row by row.

-by Bob B (5-6-20)