Wednesday, May 30, 2018

So Long, Roseanne!

So "Roseanne" is off the air;
ABC has cancelled the show.
Hats off to the company
For its decision. Way to go!

After recent NFL
Corporate cowardice, people wonder
Whether the TV station would
Fail to act and therefore blunder.

Sadly, many people now
Are out of a job because of Roseanne.
(Although the show was popular,

I must admit, I wasn't a fan.)

People tweet many things,
Often vulgar or asinine,
But this time the comedienne
Has unashamedly crossed the line.

Writing that an African-American
Woman was a cross between
Muslims and apes, Barr has shown
That her attacks are far beyond mean.

Once aware of the repercussions,
Roseanne Barr came out with the claim
That Ambien had made her do it--
Yes, Ambien was to blame.

The manufacturer of Ambien
Has responded with a shrug:
Racism is not a known
Side effect of the drug.

-by Bob B (5-30-18)

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

How to Muddy the Waters

While you're being investigated,
If "witch hunt" is often repeated,
Your eager-to-please fan base will say,
"Oh, poor guy. He's being mistreated!"

Maintain the false allegation
That during your election campaign
The FBI "spied" on you.
America's loss will be your gain.

Spread distrust of our institutions.
Just repeat lie after lie,
And fans will scarf it down as though
It's honey falling from the sky.

Although a foreign country assisted
Your campaign, cause confusion
By fervently repeating the words
"No collusion. No collusion."

Conspire with any members of Congress
Willing to sell their souls to the devil.
Your shared obstruction of justice will give you
Success in which you later can revel.

Discredit the media and call them fake
When you dislike what they're relaying
So people in your echo chamber
Won't believe what reporters are saying.

Say that the truth is relative;
Raise doubt in what's true and real.
Do whatever it takes to cover up
Everything that you want to conceal.

It's so easy to muddy the waters.
Getting ratings: that is the key.
Generate conspiracy theories.
Create your own reality.

-by Bob B (5-29-18)

Saturday, May 26, 2018


If we are a compassionate land
That genuinely cares about others,
We shouldn't separate families
And rip kids out of the arms of their mothers

And then place them in foster care,
Or in what John Kelly would call
"Whatever," thus allowing the Trump
Administration to play hardball.

Refugees seeking asylum:
Look at how we cruelly mistreat them.
They follow the rules and knock on our door,
And then look at how we greet them?

Ah, so being cruel is supposed
To be a deterrent. That will explain
Why certain leaders feel that they
Can justify being inhumane.

The children--one was just a year old--
Are often taken to different states!
In both the mother and in the children,
Imagine the trauma that this creates.

And then Trump further muddies the waters--
Playing the usual Trumpian game--
And writes an obnoxious tweet saying
That Democrats are the ones to blame!

My country 'tis of thee, it's not our liberty
Or our humanity of which we sing.
Don't spout that righteous stuff, for we have had enough.
If it's all just a bluff, to what can we cling?

-by Bob B (5-26-18)

Monday, May 21, 2018

His Royal Highness

Democratic policies and
Procedures: what the heck are those?
Merely obstacles at which
The president thumbs his nose.

His loyal lackeys and sycophants
Kowtow to his every whim.
It's not about what's best for the people;
Unfortunately, it's all about him.

One must wonder: when the man
Vociferously attacks the feds,
Is he the Queen of Hearts in his dreams,
Madly yelling, "Off with their heads!"?

For a country built on democratic
Values it's a scary thing
When an elected official forgets
That he's the president--NOT the king.

-by Bob B (5-21-18)

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Bloodbath in Gaza

While American and Israeli officials
Clink their champagne glasses and schmooze
At an embassy in Jerusalem,
One thing is barely making the news:

Over one hundred twelve° Palestinians
Have been killed at the Gaza Strip
Since March 30 by Israeli soldiers
Demonstrating their marksmanship.

Over 13,000° have been
Injured, having wounds that consist
Of large, gaping holes in the victims--
Bullet holes the size of a fist.

The bullets shot from high-velocity
Weapons on hitting their target explode
Expanding and mushrooming inside the body.
Israeli cruelty à la mode?

People from all walks of life gathered
To demonstrate and express their frustration
For living conditions in their Gaza prison--
An abominable situation.

Conditions, in fact, are among
The worst that the world has seen.
May 14 was the bloodiest day
Since the strife in twenty fourteen.

Israelis call it "self-defense";
It's really shoot-to-injure or kill.
Are snipers keeping track of how many
Palestinian coffins they'll fill?

One uncle never imagined
That he would need a body bag.
He carried home his 8-month old niece
Wrapped in a Palestinian flag.

The people want a place that's home.
But while negotiations stall--
And marginalized by circumstances--
They live inside or outside a wall.

-by Bob B (5-19-18)

°Based on a report by journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous

Monday, May 14, 2018

Inexcusable Behavior

Nominee Gina Haspel
To head the CIA? No way!
How can senators ignore
The ugly truths on her resumé.

Having run a black site in Thailand
Where prisoners were tortured, she
Then erased the evidence
In hopes to clear the agency.

And now our leaders want to promote her?
Damn! Please excuse the profanity,
But one would think it more apropos
To try her for crimes against humanity?

"Enhanced interrogation techniques"--
What a sickening euphemism
Used to justify the use
Of torture to fight terrorism.

According to Trump, waterboarding
Is an acceptable practice; what's more,
He would push it further and do
What conscientious people deplore.

Apparently, justifications
For cruelty are easy to spin
When democratic values are being
Attacked from both without and within.

-by Bob B (5-14-18)

Friday, May 11, 2018

Torture Again

Torture. Yes, once again
The topic of torture is in the news,
And whether honor, humanity,
And decency will win or lose.

Trump's nominee to head
The CIA was put on the spot
And couldn't answer the question whether
Torture is immoral or not.

That was enough for Senator
McCain to say his vote would be "Nay."
A White House aide said, No big deal;
"He is dying anyway."

No comment came from the White House.
Was nobody shocked or annoyed?
Or does this show how the Oval Office
Operates in a moral void?

George Washington said that the treatment
Of POWs should be humane.
Of course, that was before Donald Trump--
When presidents tended to be more sane.

-by Bob B (5-11-18)

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Storm(y) in May

Months have passed, and now we're in
The very merry month of May,
And much to Trump's consternation,
Stormy* hasn't gone away.

Trump's attorney Michael Cohen
Has also gotten himself in a bind.
Now he's under investigation.
Just imagine what they'll find!

Stormy's lawyer, Avenatti,
After digging was able to unearth
Some pertinent and interesting
Information, for what it's worth:

Millions of dollars have flowed in and out
Of Michael Cohen's LLC.
It seems that access to Donald Trump
Doesn't happen without a fee.

Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg
Deposited a substantial sum,
Along with a few corporations.
A lot of people ask, How come?

Suspicious explanations abound,
Though we are tiring of the charades.
Is Cohen really an all-around expert
At everything--a jack of all trades?

Members of Congress say follow the money.
One says that without a doubt
Shake any tree in the forest of Trump,
And what do you know? a Russian falls out.

More dots are being connected,
Which to Trump must be a bummer.
We've had a Stormy winter and spring;
Will we have a Stormy summer?

-by Bob B (5-10-18)

*Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford)

Monday, May 7, 2018

You Call That a Choice?

Wise adults know the value
Of leaving foolish thoughts unexpressed.
Somehow that message has been lost
On rap singer Kanye West.

When mentioning the many years
Of suffering when the enslaved had to toil
And live in fear of whippings and lynchings
And rape here on American soil,

West has now made slavery
A topic to which he's given voice:
That it lasted for so many years
Means that it must have been a choice!

West claims that he's a freethinker.
Critics, of course, will disagree.
Anyone who knows the past
Would substitute "non" for "free."

If that's his desire for recognition,
He's found an odd way to gratify it.
What a way to promote an album!
Who the hell would want to buy it?

The singer, desperate for attention,
Is just like somebody else we know.
Money, fame, and power can turn you
Into a real so-and-so.

-by Bob B (5-7-18)

Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Dollars Keep Flowing In

Trump said there would be no
Conflicts of interest. No siree!
That conflicts of interest have continued
Nonstop is plain to see.

Millions of dollars keep flowing in.
The company's bank accounts keep growing.
His snow job is SO convincing that many
Don't even see how hard it's "snowing."

Since January 2017
The RNC has spent more
Than 700,000 dollars
At properties owned by Trump; therefore,

It doesn't matter how much he says
That he has cut major ties
With businesses. He really hasn't;
It's all just a pack of lies.

Since he took office, political groups
And agencies have in fact
Spent 15.1 million dollars
At TRUMP properties! Caught in the act!

No matter what you want to call it--
No matter how you want to construe it--
You can make money from politics;
There are numerous ways to do it.

It shows what can happen when
The spirit is weak but the flesh is willing.
The office of the presidency
Can help a businessman make a killing.

-by Bob B (5-5-18)