Sunday, July 31, 2016

People Are Asking...

Is something going on between Trump
And the Russians and rubles they pump
Into his accounts?
Are these amounts
Sums made in payments or lump?
People are asking…

How much did Trump put away
Of the money he made students pay
To attend his sham uni
For fees that weren't puny?
How many victims fell prey?
People are asking…

He brags about how much he earns,
But where are the man's tax returns?
Requests are denied.
What's there to hide?
Who doesn't have some concerns?
People are asking…

It's so hard for Trump to resist;
Let's see: whom has he missed
In insulting and blaming
And verbally maiming?
Who will be next on his list?
People are asking…
And asking…

(7-31-16) By Bob B

Saturday, July 30, 2016


At the Democratic National Convention
A Muslim father did more than stun
The American audience when he spoke
Of the great sacrifice of his son.

Muslim-American Humayun Khan
Was killed by a bomb in Iraq when
The U.S. Army captain took
Heroic efforts to protect his men.

The father, Khizr Khan, denounced
Trump's xenophobic solution
For fighting terrorists and asked if Trump
Had ever read the Constitution.

The father pulled out the document
And held it up--in case Trump might need it--
And said that Trump could borrow his copy
If the candidate would read it.

"You have sacrificed nothing," he added.
To think about it makes me shiver.
What DID Trump have to sacrifice
As he sold people down the river?

(7-30-16) By Bob B

Friday, July 29, 2016

Now THAT Was a Convention!

The DNC*: Now THAT was a convention!
After some controversy at the start,
Things settled down as speakers appeared
And showed a side of America with heart.

Cory Booker spoke of a "Nation of Love."
But Michelle Obama was a shining light.
A real class act and a hard one to follow,
Mrs. Obama reset the night.

Senator Warren spared no words
In describing Trump and his pessimistic ways.
We mustn't be a hate-filled country.
She offered a cure for the Trump malaise.

Representative Keith Ellison,
A Minnesotan message sender,
Reminded us that NOT voting
Is NOT a protest; it's a surrender.

Senator Bernie Sanders came out
Upon the stage to thunderous applause
And vowed to help the American people
Continue to fight for each worthy cause.

Bill Clinton spoke of the years
That Hillary has spent making lives better.
As a change maker, she will fight
For ALL people--if we let her.

Survivors of shootings and families of the fallen
Appeared on the stage to share a word.
Despite their pain, they talked of healing,
And LOVE was the message most often heard.

The incredible Joe Biden gave
One of the best speeches of all.
The audience was so enraptured that you
Could hear a pin drop in the hall.

He said it's not good to bet against America;
It's by the power of example that we lead.
Trump sows division for his own gain;
Is that the kind of leader that we need?

Michael Bloomberg said he knows a con
When he sees one: Trump, of course.
VP candidate Tim Kaine
Might turn out to be a dark horse.

President Obama's marvelous speech
Was a high spot of the entire convention.
Witty and intelligent, he’s a master speaker,
Which I hardly need to mention?

"Reject cynicism and fear," he said.
He kept his address on an uplifting note.
When the audience booed Donald Trump,
He merely responded, "Don't boo. Vote!"

Hillary ended the historic event
With a powerful speech on day number four.
She will be an impressive contender.
It's not a matter of EITHER OR.

It's clear who can lead us into the future.
If we really care, it's an easy decision.
Here's ONE who will build BRIDGES, not WALLS;
Who'll break down barriers; who has a vision.

Trump's response to the DNC speeches?
In his immature fashion, with no chagrin,
He says he wants to hit some speakers
"So hard that their heads will spin."

The DNC and the RNC--
The two as different as night and day.
The two candidates equally different.
But I'm with HER all the way!

(7-29-16) By Bob B

*Democratic National Convention

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Bizarre Reactions to the DNC

Rudy Giuliani is throwing a tantrum:
He thinks that the DNC*
Is anti-police, and so he's ranting
In typical hyperbole.

If he listened and paid attention
And shut his mouth for a while,
He'd realize how wrong he was
And maybe contain his bile.

Trump, the consummate opportunist,
Sees a chance to woo
Disappointed Bernie supporters--
The ones who are tried and true--

To vote for him--for Trump, that is--
Because they're feeling distraught.
They might be disappointed, but
CRAZY they are NOT!

On opening night Michelle Obama
Gave an impassioned address
And mentioned living in a house built by slaves.
Controversial? Yes.

Bill O'Reilly was offended by what
Mrs. Obama had said.
Slaves helped build the White House, he says,
But THEY were very well fed.

(7-28-16) By Bob B

*Democratic National Convention

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Insecurity of Security

In our world of computers along with
Hackers and scammers, be prepared
To discover that e-mail messages you wrote
And thought were private have been "shared."

You have a right to your own opinions,
But don't think that your code can't be cracked.
You'll be doing lots of damage control
Once your e-mail account has been hacked.

(7-25-16) By Bob B

Friday, July 22, 2016

The RNC: Largely Fact Free

The recent Republican National Convention
Was a grueling four-day event,
With its MAIN focus on how bad things are,
Violent immigrants, and discontent.

After an exploited grieving mother
Confused facts on Benghazi nonstop,
Giuliani gave his blustery
Speech that was pretty much over the top.

Trump introduced his wife, Melania,
Whose speech appeared to underscore
Words uttered by Michelle Obama
In a speech that we had heard before.

Ryan and others talked about giving
Our vets the help that they deserve.
(Then why do Republicans keep opposing
Bills to help veterans? They've got nerve.)

Christie incited mob mentality
In "trying" Clinton with his obnoxious rant,
Blaming Hillary with his trumped up "facts"
While the crowd blabbered its Lock-Her-Up chant.

In a typical Ben Carson manner,
Carson found a line and crossed it
When linking Hillary with Lucifer.
That poor man has really lost it!

Walker's speech reminded us
Why he left the race long ago.
Rubio offered a taped address;
He wasn't even at the show.

When Cruz refused to endorse D.T.,
The audience flew into a rage.
And after he said, "Vote your conscience,"
They booed the smirking man off the stage.

Judges upholding the Constitution:
That is Mike Pence's passion--
Which means judges that interpret laws
In Mike Pence's right-wing fashion.

Of course, some billionaires had to speak,
And Trump's kids praised their dad.
To them he's the greatest pop in the world
And not at all a pompous cad.

Finally, Trump got his turn
To give his lengthy campaign address,
Making it sound as though America
Is nothing but a complete mess.

According to him we can't afford
Political correctness any longer.
"Buh-lieve me," he said. He'll bring
Law and order and make us stronger.

He's going to do everything QUICKLY.
In fact, he told us that he has ways
To solve many of America's problems
Within his first one hundred days!

Currying favor of evangelicals,
He told us all to start "buh-lieving"--
That politicking from the pulpit
Is a goal worth achieving.

The funniest line is his speech occurred
When he tried to legitimize
The whole event by saying that
At his convention there'd be no lies!

Needless to say, I'm happy it's over.
Obviously, I'm not a fan.
The past thirteen months have shown me
That THIS is a scary man.

(7-22-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The "P" Word--Parts I & II

Part I

So Melania Trump PLAGIARIZED
Parts of Michelle Obama's speech.
Must her own, original address
Be totally out of reach?

If Donald Trump subscribes to the theory
That plagiarism doesn't matter, he
Now will have to come out and say
That imitation's the best form of flattery.

(7-19-16) By Bob B

Part II

Although Mrs. Trump had elicited
Help for writing her convention address,
When asked earlier, she claimed she had written
Most of what she was going to express.

Taking parts of an earlier speech
By Michelle Obama to plagiarize
Might fool many, but you cannot pull
The wool over everyone's eyes.

The Trumps have provided a few excuses.
Trump's not seeking tit for tat
And claims he wants to avoid a witch hunt.
But his Party is so GOOD at that!

(7-20-16) By Bob B

Following Facebook

Social Media has changed our lives
In ways both good and bad.
Will it stick around or is it
Just a temporary fad?

Know people's current location.
Even see what they had for dinner!
Find out election results:
Who's the loser? Who's the winner?

Keep abreast of births and deaths,
Weddings and celebrations.
Send your condolences,
Comments or congratulations.

Read up on current trends;
Catch the latest breaking news.
Share a joke or witty saying;
Find out people's political views.

Watch a video clip or listen
To a friend's brand-new song.
Post your favorite recipe.
(Hey, with that you can't go wrong.)

Read a poem or view people's
Photo albums on their wall.
Sift through scores of unchecked "facts."
Yes, Facebook has it all.

Sometimes there is TMI;
Sometimes there is not enough.
Sometimes there is powerful info;
Sometimes there's a lot of fluff.

You don't have to read my postings.
No, that would not offend me.
However, if you choose to block them,
I'd prefer that you unfriend me.

(7-19-16) By Bob B

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Struggle of Robert E.

In rural Georgia lived a loving
Man known as Robert Eads.
People with a heart as big as his
Are more of what this world needs.

Life has in store for us
A future we can never foretell.
As loving and kind as a person is,
That doesn't mean that all will go well.

In 1996, Robert
Found out he had ovarian cancer.
Ovarian? How could that be? you ask.
He was transgender--a simple answer.

Experiencing abdominal pain,
Robert knew he needed assistance.
But because of his gender identity,
The sick man met with careless resistance.

As Robert grew sicker and sought treatment,
More than a dozen doctors would meet him.
But fearing he'd make their practice look bad,
Those same doctors refused to treat him!

Shirking their responsibility,
Those doctors sealed Robert's fate.
By the time he found one who would help him,
The cancer had spread; it was too late.

A year of aggressive medical treatment,
Gave him time with those he'd befriended,
And time with family, until the day
In '99, when his life ended.

Robert had never understood
How people could be so cruel, and yet
He bore no hatred and took each day
As it came without blame or regret.

How he had loved his girlfriend, Lola--
A transgender woman and love of his life!
If he were still alive today,
I'm sure that they'd be husband and wife.

In Robert's memory, a pine tree was planted.
His ashes were scattered at the base of the tree.
How often in life people must struggle
To be the person that they must be!

(7-17-16) By Bob B

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Honor, My Foot!

This year Qandeel Balach
Was strangled by none other
Than a family member:
Her very uptight brother.

The young woman died--
As reported in the news--
Because she defied traditions
And maintained liberal views.

Having received death threats,
She didn't hesitate
To say she wanted to flee.
Sadly, now it's too late.

Her death was an "honor killing."
In Pakistan they say
That such killings occur
Almost every day.

The killers are often a relative.
Based on an ancient decree,
The family can forgive them,
And so they usually walk free.

Pakistani women
Live in a country that lacks
The will to stop such murders
And grisly acid attacks.

"Honor killings" they call them!
They more resemble insanity.
The absurd practice brings
Dishonor to humanity.

(7-16-16) By Bob B

Friday, July 15, 2016

Toppling the Walls of Jericho

It's frightening when in America
Trump's extremism becomes the norm.
For months we have watched as the man's
Demagoguery has taken form.

"It can't happen here," people have thought.
But how naïve we are! It's true:
Destructive storms of intolerance churn
And crash upon us from out of the blue.

The Party of Trump has taken over.
Yielding sheep have entered the fold.
They, along with many others,
Are waiting to be auctioned or sold.

Not only has Trump erected walls
Within America, but he's also trying
To persuade us to build a wall around us.
What he is doing is horrifying.

Demonstrators have raised their voices
And railed against the Trumpian scheme,
Underscoring the need to know
That this is NOT just a bad dream.

Strive to protect the soul of democracy;
Let the trumpets of reason blow.
Let the sounds of peaceful protest
Topple the walls of Jericho.

(7-15-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

E-mails, Schme-mails

House Republicans, eager to see
Clinton embroiled in a damaging scandal,
Found the FBI's findings
On her e-mails too hard to handle.

Trey Gowdy, the ghost of Congress,
With tactics matching his pasty look,
Is obsessed with manufacturing
A way to prove that Clinton's a crook.

This obsession with Clinton's server,
This paranoia, this mad fixation,
This desperate grasping at straws all have
The goal of character defamation.

Much ado about nothing, really.
A storm in a teacup. A giant yawn.
Let's get down to real issues.
E-mails, shme-mails. Let's move on!

(7-12-16) By Bob B

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Violence Must Stop!

Five policemen were killed in Dallas--
Ruthlessly shot by an angry vet.
We mourn the loss and denounce the killings.
At the same time, let's not forget

That other lives were also lost
In situations, which, of course,
Were also senseless and carried out
By cops who shouldn't have been on the force.

It's not a matter of taking sides.
Many families and friends are grieving.
Not to acknowledge the multi-faceted
Issues of violence is self-deceiving.

All of this killing has to stop!
You'd have to be heartless to get behind it.
Together we must take a stand
Against violence wherever we find it.

(7-11-16) By Bob B

Saturday, July 9, 2016

El Corrido de "El Chapo" (The Ballad of "El Chapo")

If you know the tale of El Chapo,
You know then what will befall
Even the person who's known as
The most famous drug lord of all.

Exporting more drugs to America
Than anyone else in the past,
El Chapo lived like a king
On the millions of bucks he amassed.

You didn't mess with El Chapo.
Woe betide you if you did!
Not only would you suffer,
So would your spouse or your kid.

Back in the 90s El Chapo
Found himself in a scrape
And landed in a Mexican prison,
But he found a way to escape.

A protracted stay in the slammer
For him was not in the cards:
He bought his way to freedom
By bribing the prison guards.

For thirteen years El Chapo
Evaded capture and hid.
He kept up his shady dealings
While trying to stay off the grid.

Authorities in Chicago
Gave this man on the run
Notoriety as Public
Enemy Number One.

In 2015 the drug lord
Was back in prison again.
This time he fled through a tunnel
Dug by some of his men.

One day marines closed in.
They thought they'd caught their man.
El Chapo held a child
In his arms as he ran.

Soon El Chapo got sloppy.
No one could catch him, he thought.
Alas, the marines tracked him down.
Back to a cell he was brought.

The Americans wanted him badly.
Through extradition they
Hoped he would be an example
To show that crime doesn't pay.

Now awaiting his trial,
He sits in a federal jail.
There's no way El Chapo

Is going to get out on bail.

So, say good-bye, El Chapo,
As you sadly wipe your tears.
We hope you like your new home;
You're going to be there for years.

Yes, say good-bye, El Chapo,
To your Sinaloa Cartel.
A maximum security prison
Will be your new citadel.

-by Bob B (7-9-16; 2-4-18)

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Another Tragedy

In a small central Californian town
On a summer afternoon in July,
A tragedy occurred, which forces
All of us to ask ourselves, "WHY?"

A three-year-old child, who with her mother
Was visiting family friends, is dead.
The girl, playing with a gun that she'd found,
Put a bullet through her head.

What a tragedy waiting to happen!
The gun was NOT equipped with a lock!
It lay in a bedroom somewhere, loaded.
What would it say if it could talk?

"I have bullets and I have a trigger;
I'll share the blame for the suffering you see here.
But you made me; not I you.
If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here."

The gun was registered to a friend
Of one of the women living there.
Of all involved, who'll be held
Responsible for this sad affair?

How can such a tragedy happen?
Your guess is as good as anyone's.
We do know one thing: there are people
Who should not be in possession of guns.

(7-7-16) By Bob B

Sunday, July 3, 2016

More Than Just Prayers

How many members of Congress are there
Who have blood on their hands--
Who receive cash from the NRA
And then obey its demands?

Back in the 1990s there was
A study by the CDC*
On what the effect of all our guns
On public health might be.

The NRA--objecting, of course,
To any regulations--
Sent lobbyists to legislators
To have some "conversations."

What a surprise! The CDC's
Budget was suddenly slashed
By a few million, and consequently,
The research program was trashed.

When dealing with special interest groups,
We've been too Pollyannish.
Challenge the NRA and then
Watch your funding vanish.

These "compassionate" members of Congress
Want to honor the dead
And NOT pass pertinent laws that might
Save some lives instead.

They want us to PRAY for victims of violence;
That's their insidious distraction.
Solving the problem of gun violence
Requires not prayers, but action!

(7-3-16) By Bob B

The top 20 Congressional lifetime recipients of cash from the NRA (1998 to 2016)**:

Sen. Roy Blunt (R) MO
Rep. Don Young (R) AK
Rep. Steve Chabot (R) OH
Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R) VA
Rep. Pete Sessions (R) TX
Sen. John Thune (R) SD
Rep. Mike Simpson (R) ID
Rep. Robert Aderholt (R) AL
Rep. Hal Rogers (R) KY
Rep. John Kline (R) MN
Rep. Sanford Bishop (D) GA
Rep. Ken Calvert (R) CA
Rep. Greg Walden (R) OR
Rep. Sam Graves (R) MO
Rep. Paul Ryan (R) WI
Sen. Richard Burr (R) NC
Sen. David Vitter (R) LA
Rep. Ed Whitfield (R) KY
Rep. Tim Murphy (R) PA
Rep. Joe Barton (R) TX

*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
**From THE NATION, Vol. 303, Numbers 1&2, July 4/11, 2016