Rudy Giuliani is
throwing a tantrum:
He thinks that the
Is anti-police, and
so he's ranting
In typical
If he listened and
paid attention
And shut his mouth
for a while,
He'd realize how
wrong he was
And maybe contain
his bile.
Trump, the consummate
Sees a chance to woo
Disappointed Bernie
The ones who are
tried and true--
To vote for him--for
Trump, that is--
Because they're
feeling distraught.
They might be
disappointed, but
CRAZY they are NOT!
On opening night
Michelle Obama
Gave an impassioned
And mentioned living
in a house built by slaves.
Controversial? Yes.
Bill O'Reilly was
offended by what
Mrs. Obama had said.
Slaves helped build
the White House, he says,
But THEY were very
well fed.
(7-28-16) By Bob B
*Democratic National