Friday, July 15, 2016

Toppling the Walls of Jericho

It's frightening when in America
Trump's extremism becomes the norm.
For months we have watched as the man's
Demagoguery has taken form.

"It can't happen here," people have thought.
But how naïve we are! It's true:
Destructive storms of intolerance churn
And crash upon us from out of the blue.

The Party of Trump has taken over.
Yielding sheep have entered the fold.
They, along with many others,
Are waiting to be auctioned or sold.

Not only has Trump erected walls
Within America, but he's also trying
To persuade us to build a wall around us.
What he is doing is horrifying.

Demonstrators have raised their voices
And railed against the Trumpian scheme,
Underscoring the need to know
That this is NOT just a bad dream.

Strive to protect the soul of democracy;
Let the trumpets of reason blow.
Let the sounds of peaceful protest
Topple the walls of Jericho.

(7-15-16) By Bob B