Sunday, July 31, 2016

People Are Asking...

Is something going on between Trump
And the Russians and rubles they pump
Into his accounts?
Are these amounts
Sums made in payments or lump?
People are asking…

How much did Trump put away
Of the money he made students pay
To attend his sham uni
For fees that weren't puny?
How many victims fell prey?
People are asking…

He brags about how much he earns,
But where are the man's tax returns?
Requests are denied.
What's there to hide?
Who doesn't have some concerns?
People are asking…

It's so hard for Trump to resist;
Let's see: whom has he missed
In insulting and blaming
And verbally maiming?
Who will be next on his list?
People are asking…
And asking…

(7-31-16) By Bob B