Friday, July 31, 2015

Praise to the Sagacious Masters

Praise to the sagacious masters
Who tapped into the light
Of ineffable, infinite wisdom
That penetrates the night.

Praise to wondrous ones
Who sought neither glory nor fame--
Who opened their hearts to humanity
And remained unfazed by acclaim.

Those whose approach to life
Was guided by truth--we applaud them.
May our gratitude deepen
As we gratefully laud them.

Surely their noble dreams
Have relevance for today.
Their incomparable wisdom
Casts its light on the Way.

If we come to realize
The limitations of the ages
In which the wise ones lived--
As reflected on history's pages--

Then the truths of their words
That connect the present to the past
Will not get lost in the details
And fail to endure--to last.

With hearts of understanding--
In a manner of speaking--
Let’s follow the great wise masters
In a spirit of constant seeking.

(7-31-15) By Bob B

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Who Is Going to Bell the Cat?: An Old Fable Retold in Verse

All of the mice gathered together
To discuss a problem, and no doubt it
Demanded immediate attention; they knew
They had to do something about it.

The cat, they agreed, was ruining their lives:
"No longer do we have free rein in this house."
"Our lives are miserable since the cat's
Become a threat to every mouse."

"Gone are the days when we could stealthily
Steal from the owners and plunder their food."
"Our spirits were high; our lives were easy.
The cat has seriously dampened our mood."

"I miss the days when we had the freedom
To chew and nibble and gnaw at will."
"We could come and go as we pleased.
But now--no more. This makes me ill."

The mice were at a loss as to how
To fix their urgent situation.
"I know what we can do," said one.
The others listened in desperation.

"The cat so quietly sneaks around
On muffled paws, so what the heck?
The solution is simple: Let's just put
A warning bell around the cat's neck."

The mice all cheered in unison until
An old sage raised his hand.
"I like your enthusiasm;
Your idea sounds really grand."

He paused for a moment, and then he continued:
"But I have a question for you, and that
Is WHO from among this noble crowd
Is going to secure the bell to the cat?"

Not one mouse had an answer.
"Ah. That's what I thought you'd say:
Nothing!" said the wise old mouse
As he turned around and hobbled away.

The moral of our story should
Be plain for everyone to see,
So I will NOT disclose it to you.
Think about it, and you tell me.

(7-30-15) By Bob B 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Intelligent Life? Where?

Astronomers have found what appears to be a planet
One thousand four hundred light years away
Called Kepler 452b.
What incredible news to convey!

If the universe has one hundred billion
Galaxies--give or take a few--
Then astronomers' dreams of encountering other
Living beings just might come true.

With a possible seventy trillion stars,
It's very likely we're not alone.
More than a few of these solar systems
Could have what is called a "habitable zone."

The orbit of Kepler 452b
Makes a 385-day year
As it circles a G2-type star--
One that's like our own solar sphere.

The newly discovered planet--it appears--
Is sixty percent larger than Earth
And was formed 1.5 billion
Years before our planet's birth.

If we determine it can't sustain
Life as we know it, chances are
There are other possible planet
Candidates circling another star.

What could the other life forms look like?
The creatures from ALIEN, STAR WARS, E.T.?
Are they beyond our imagination,
Or do they resemble you and me?

Some say be careful what you ask for;
Other life forms might hurt or annoy us.
Or even more frightful than that,
Other life forms could simply destroy us.

That's scary! But consider mankind's destruction
Of our planet Earth, and it's just getting worse.
It might be refreshing to know there's intelligent
Life somewhere in this universe.

(7-24-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Spotlight and Spectacle

Spotlight and spectacle: That's what Trump wants.
Give him the spotlight and watch how he flaunts
His wealth, his power, his contacts, his name.
His cutthroat tactics are tied to his fame.
Instead of intelligent issues it seems
That verbal assaults are his primary themes.
His not-so-articulate reprisals and attacks
Are spat out with smugness as he looks for cracks
In the armor of fellow presidential contenders.
And of course the bully has his defenders.
Ah, but there's the rub, you see,
For his handful of followers eventually
Will see that there's no substance at all
Behind his façade--his smart-aleck wall.
His tactics resemble those of a brat
As he stoops to childish tit-for-tat.

McCain, Trump says, was really no hero,
And Lindsey Graham is batting zero.
Moreover, Trump, cattier than ever,
And thinking he was being very clever,
Shared Graham's mobile phone number
In front of the cameras, hoping to encumber
Graham with hassles. So much for class;
Trump is being a pain in the ass.
It's apparent that he has quickly aborted
Ties with the people he once supported,
And while he sucks up attention, the views
Of legitimate candidates aren't on the news.
Graham had called Trump a jackass, that's true,
And McCain had said something quite funny, too:
That Trump fires up the "crazies." I'm fain
To say that for ONCE I agree with McCain.

(7-22-15) By Bob B

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Listen to the Parrots

Listen to the parrots--
Parroting the words
Of all the other parrots--
Of all the other birds--

Parroting profusely
All the same refrains--
Parroting the constant patter
In their parrot brains--

Parroting the preaching
From the pulpit to the pews--
Parroting their parents'
And their parents' parents' views--

Parroting their leaders
And their pompous platitudes--
Parroting their peers'
Pretentious attitudes--

Parroting the patriarchs'
Proselytizing that'll
Put your teeth on edge
With their pathetic prattle--

Parroting the poppycock
Of trite pontifications--
Parroting pernicious
And sly manipulations--

Parroting the pretty birds
Whose pageantry and glory
Appeal to their prurient tastes
In each pathetic story--

Parroting the songsters
With parasitic pleasure
And counting out the rhythm
Of every paltry measure--

Parroting the powerful
Whose attacks are so profuse,
Leaving the powerless
Pummeled with abuse--

Parroting with passion
Presumptuous prophesies
With putative contrition,
"Humbly" on their knees--

Parroting themselves--
Together all in sync--
How they love to parrot
So they don't have to think!

(7-19-15) By Bob B

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Slaughter in Chattanooga

The day started out as business as usual
In Chattanooga, Tennessee
At two military complexes until
A cowardly killer went on a spree

Killing four U.S. servicemen.
A day that started out calm instead
Became a nightmare of mayhem and horror,
And two days later one more was dead.

Sergeant Sullivan and Lance Corporal Wells
Were two servicemen killed at the scene,
Along with Staff Sergeant Wyatt,
And Sergeant Holmquist, another Marine.

Naval Officer Randal Smith
Died in the hospital two days later.
All five were unfortunate victims
Of a misguided thug--a vindictive hater.

The gunman was also killed at the second
Site of the shootings. That put an end
To the killer's savage, senseless slaughter
That is so hard to comprehend.

The murdered servicemen were not just soldiers,
But also husbands, fathers, and sons.
Their fate was not to escape the bullets;
They weren't among the lucky ones.

As we mourn these five we must
Also mourn the fate of humanity:
When hatred, ignorance, and twisted ideas
Kill so many, that is insanity!

Did the killer murder "for God"
To secure a place in Paradise?
That doesn't make any sense at all.
If so, he's in for a big surprise!

(7-18-15) By Bob B

Thursday, July 16, 2015

These Times in Rhymes: July 16, 2015 (Trump--Iran)

Trump--a product of Citizens United--
Revealed the details of his massive wealth.
With all of his billions that man could afford
Some guidance in the area of mental health.

You see, he's having a difficult time
Distinguishing between fantasy and fact.
Is it that he just takes great pride
In not making sense? Or is it an act?

He says Hispanics LOVE him and insists
That he'll get their votes, which seems to negate
The fact that polls among Hispanics show
An 81% unfavorable rate.

Some voters fall for Trump's inflated
And pompous oratory; but not all.
The Republican debates are going to be humorous
When all their backs are against the wall.

--Negotiations with Iran--
The U. S. along with other world powers
Negotiated a nuclear agreement with Iran.
Twenty months or so have passed
Since these important talks began.

Capping uranium and plutonium production
And 24/7 monitoring of facilities
Are among the arrangements to limit
Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities.

Not all people are in agreement.
Certain critics have let rip
Some harsh criticisms involving hostages.
But HERE that wasn't a bargaining chip.

Did the Saudis oppose the deal
Because the Iranians are terrorists? Maybe, uh…
Didn't most of the 9-11
Terrorists come from Saudi Arabia?

Diplomatic solutions are best.
That's a key point to underscore.
The hawks have a different idea;
For them a better solution is war.

(7-16-15) By Bob B

Friday, July 10, 2015

Those Glorious Summer Days!

Summers at a South Dakotan lake
Were a constant delight.
My brothers and I--three young boys--
Lived each day outright.

Having been sent to stay with our grandparents,
We certainly didn't mind,
For every day was a new adventure;
We'd left our worries behind.

Mornings Gramp brewed our coffee--
He was the first to awake.
We drank it together as the morning sun
Shimmered on the lake.

He'd pour some coffee into his saucer,
Then lift it to take a sip.
I'd copy him and lift my own--
Mindful of my grip.

I'm sure I pestered him with questions.
He probably wanted to enjoy
The calm, peaceful summer mornings
Without a pesky boy.

But the loving man never complained;
The kindness showed in his eyes.
Those were special moments we shared
As we waited for the others to rise.

As soon as we could, we boys would dash
Outdoors to explore and play.
So many wondrous possibilities
And never a boring day!

My favorite activity was cowboys and Indians--
I got to wear feathers, you see.
I laugh when I look at photos of then;
We weren't very PC.

I don't know how I did it, but
We would catch frogs until
We had enough to cook frog legs
On a makeshift grill.

We also caught catfish, bullheads, and perch
As we fished off the pier;
Or we'd take the boat out on the lake
When the weather was clear.

Once when we were out on the water,
A summer storm approached.
We had to speed back to shore as dark,
Threatening clouds encroached.

Back at the house all hell broke loose
With lightning, thunder, and rain.
Gram feared a violent tornado,
Which was her constant bane.

She and I fearfully sat
By the cellar door and waited,
While Gramp snored away in his room
Until the storm abated.

When Gram and I weren't playing cards,
She would be making a feast.
In the kitchen she displayed her skills
As a culinary artiste.

I'll never forget her scrumptious cookies,
Rhubarb pies, and bread.
Needless to say, she saw to it
That we remained well-fed.

Gramp kept busy working on projects--
Building, maintaining, repairing.
Once in a while--to Gram's dismay--
We could hear Gramp swearing.

The days passed so gloriously by,
And it wasn't long before
Our parents set out for South Dakota
And suddenly appeared at our door.

Soon we left to visit more relatives
Before heading west.
Though we had left our childhood paradise,
We were wonderfully blessed.

Much older now, I'm more reflective
And still seeking wisdom and truth.
But I'll always cherish those glorious days
Of my carefree, golden youth.

(7-10-15) By Bob B

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Where the Stars and Bars Waves

Looking at the Confederate flag
And considering all that it embraces,
We're now in the middle of a heated debate
As to whether it belongs in public places.

Supporters insist that the flag represents
Their heritage, to which they want to hold fast.
To non-supporters the flag stands for
A painful reminder of the past.

I try to imagine the feelings of many
African-American descendants of slaves
Who daily face a bitter reminder
When passing a building where the Stars and Bars waves.

What do you think? Would descendants of Loyalists
Raise some eyebrows or get some flack
If they remembered their ancestors publicly
By proudly flying the Union Jack?

Since the Southwest was once a part
Of Mexico, would descendants there hit a snag
If they honored their heritage by flying
On government buildings the Mexican flag?

At issue here are government properties--
Places that should unify our views.
Private property is another story;
People will fly whatever they choose.

To love and honor the Stars and Bars,
You have to be a Southerner and...Cripes!...
And white, too, and…well, let's just stick with
A state flag and the Stars and Stripes.

(7-9-15) By Bob B

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

These Times in Rhymes: July 7, 2015 (Trump--Palin--Death from Fireworks)

Donald Trump has no shame.
Every day he looks more pathetic
As the egomaniacal mogul remains
Completely unapologetic.

He stands by his recent offensive insults
Against the Mexican people despite
All of the fallout that has resulted.
The man actually believes he is right!

It's humorous watching his misinformed
Supporters defend his statements and assure
The legitimacy of his critical message
When they have to know that it's horse manure.

According to data, Trump's way off base.
He's merely a windbag, full of hot air.
It makes you wonder what is bigger:
His gigantic ego...or his hair.

--Bristol Palin--
Bristol Palin is back in the news.
And guess what: She is pregnant again.
What is this thing she has about
Hooking up with the wrong men?

Palin earned two hundred sixty thousand
As "abstinence ambassador." Isn’t that funny?
Will the group that paid her insist
That she return all of the money?

--Death from Fireworks--
A man died in Maine after setting off
A fireworks mortar tube on his head.
Combine two things, booze and fireworks,
And chances are good that you'll end up dead.

(7-7-15) By Bob B

Thursday, July 2, 2015

These Times in Rhymes: July 2, 2015 (Cuba--Trump--Christie)

Diplomatic relations with Cuba
Are being established once again.
In 1961 our ties
Were cut and have remained so since then.

Our two countries are opening embassies
And easing travel and banking restrictions.
Lifting the trade embargo will be
Much more difficult, according to predictions.

While some are not in favor, others
Say that it's time to move forward at last.
See how this works; if things go sour,
It's back to restrictions and back to the past.

Macy's, too, has joined NBC
In severing ties with Donald Trump.
Fox News rallied--Are you surprised?--
To defend the comments of their chump.

Hannity says he agrees with the man.
Would you expect anything less?
How a person could take either one of them
Seriously is anyone's guess.

In a recent interview Trump, by the way,
Praised "traditional" marriage. Of course,
In HIS case it's pretty obvious that he
Is more in favor of "traditional" divorce.

--Chris Christie--
This week Chris Christie launched
His 2016 presidential bid.
He's not that well liked in his OWN state,
So whom is Christie trying to kid?

(7-2-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

With All of the Problems That Exist in the World...

With climate change threatening the world
And severe weather taking its toll;
With terrorism running rampant
And militant terrorists out of control;

With overpopulation placing
A burden on resources worldwide;
With increasing joblessness in many countries
And nothing happening to stem the tide;

With nations facing bankruptcy and people's
Income disparity ever increasing;
With the disenfranchised caught in between
Hopelessness and careless policing;

With hunger and starvation persisting
And no apparent remedy in sight;
With violent domestic shootings occurring
And little effort to end the plight;

With dwindling funds for education
And costs of college reaching the skies;
With millions struggling without health care
And homelessness, too, on the rise;

With racism prevalent and poisoned minds
Perpetuating discrimination;
With people waiting in limbo while leaders
Fail to solve issues on immigration:

With all of the problems that exist in the world,
Certain leaders would rather battle
Marriage equality, about which they blather
On and on with their inane prattle.

By emphasizing a non-issue,
They make the denial of rights their focus,
Which they try to substantiate
With their mumbo-jumbo and hocus-pocus.

Can't they see how destructive they are
And how they hurt the people involved?
How sad to see their heartless behavior
And to see how they leave real problems unsolved!

(7-1-15) By Bob B