Donald Trump has no shame.
Every day he looks more pathetic
As the egomaniacal mogul remains
Completely unapologetic.
He stands by his recent offensive
Against the Mexican people despite
All of the fallout that has resulted.
The man actually believes he is right!
It's humorous watching his misinformed
Supporters defend his statements and
The legitimacy of his critical message
When they have to know that it's horse
According to data, Trump's way off
He's merely a windbag, full of hot air.
It makes you wonder what is bigger:
His gigantic ego...or his hair.
--Bristol Palin--
Bristol Palin is back in the news.
And guess what: She is pregnant again.
What is this thing she has about
Hooking up with the wrong men?
Palin earned two hundred sixty thousand
As "abstinence ambassador." Isn’t
that funny?
Will the group that paid her insist
That she return all of the money?
--Death from Fireworks--
A man died in Maine after setting off
A fireworks mortar tube on his head.
Combine two things, booze and fireworks,
And chances are good that you'll end up
(7-7-15) By Bob B