Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Spotlight and Spectacle

Spotlight and spectacle: That's what Trump wants.
Give him the spotlight and watch how he flaunts
His wealth, his power, his contacts, his name.
His cutthroat tactics are tied to his fame.
Instead of intelligent issues it seems
That verbal assaults are his primary themes.
His not-so-articulate reprisals and attacks
Are spat out with smugness as he looks for cracks
In the armor of fellow presidential contenders.
And of course the bully has his defenders.
Ah, but there's the rub, you see,
For his handful of followers eventually
Will see that there's no substance at all
Behind his façade--his smart-aleck wall.
His tactics resemble those of a brat
As he stoops to childish tit-for-tat.

McCain, Trump says, was really no hero,
And Lindsey Graham is batting zero.
Moreover, Trump, cattier than ever,
And thinking he was being very clever,
Shared Graham's mobile phone number
In front of the cameras, hoping to encumber
Graham with hassles. So much for class;
Trump is being a pain in the ass.
It's apparent that he has quickly aborted
Ties with the people he once supported,
And while he sucks up attention, the views
Of legitimate candidates aren't on the news.
Graham had called Trump a jackass, that's true,
And McCain had said something quite funny, too:
That Trump fires up the "crazies." I'm fain
To say that for ONCE I agree with McCain.

(7-22-15) By Bob B