Friday, July 31, 2015

Praise to the Sagacious Masters

Praise to the sagacious masters
Who tapped into the light
Of ineffable, infinite wisdom
That penetrates the night.

Praise to wondrous ones
Who sought neither glory nor fame--
Who opened their hearts to humanity
And remained unfazed by acclaim.

Those whose approach to life
Was guided by truth--we applaud them.
May our gratitude deepen
As we gratefully laud them.

Surely their noble dreams
Have relevance for today.
Their incomparable wisdom
Casts its light on the Way.

If we come to realize
The limitations of the ages
In which the wise ones lived--
As reflected on history's pages--

Then the truths of their words
That connect the present to the past
Will not get lost in the details
And fail to endure--to last.

With hearts of understanding--
In a manner of speaking--
Let’s follow the great wise masters
In a spirit of constant seeking.

(7-31-15) By Bob B