Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Crisis Continues

The current coronavirus crisis
Continues to spread worldwide.
Its seriousness is NOT something
People ought to be brushing aside.

And yet at a recent rally, Trump
Called the deadly crisis a HOAX,
Which makes the situation worse
From all the ignorance that he stokes.

Muffling the experts endangers us
Even more as the virus spreads.
The truth-sayers and truth-deniers
Sadly are at loggerheads.

Contradicting our health officials,
The president sees everything through
The lens of his political prospects.
And who suffers? All of us do.

Some say, "Oh, not to worry."
But there is something to bear in mind:
COVID-19 has already caused
More deaths than MERS° and SARS° combined.

We need more tests and honest guidance.
And in the meantime it would be wise
To keep your unwashed hands far
Away from your mouth and nose and eyes.

-by Bob B (2-29-20)

°Other respiratory illnesses caused by coronaviruses

Friday, February 28, 2020

Attack of a Deadly Virus

When dealing with a serious crisis,
We need a leader whose words inspire us,
Not one who tries to cover up facts
In dealing with the spread of a virus.

Coronavirus (COVID 19)
Around the globe is quickly spreading.
If we--the public--remain uninformed,
Into what dark abyss are we heading?

At first the president seemed less concerned
About our welfare--our protection--
And more concerned about how the matter
Affects his chances of reelection.

Downplaying the words of the experts,
He doesn't want the markets to panic.
If we aren't told the truth, however,
The consequences could be titanic.

Censoring the information
From health officials isn't wise.
We will be subjected to more
Of the Trump administration's lies.

For Mike Pence to lead the response
Doesn't make any sense at all.
When dealing with a health crisis
In Indiana, he dropped the ball.

Governmental agencies
Created to deal with crises as such,
Have been hollowed out by Trump,
Who has the reverse Midas touch.

The head of the HHS:° guess who.
A former lobbyist! Oh, yes.
And for big pharma. Watch him make
The crisis into a bigger mess.

Trump must be the protagonist
In every drama, someone has said.
While he blathers, how many people
Will die from having been misled?

A leader needs certain qualities
To fight all kinds of vicious attacks:
Honesty and competence--
Two important things ours lacks.

-by Bob B (2-28-20)

°Health and Human Services

Friday, February 21, 2020

Hiding the Truth

Joseph Maguire.° Who the hell
Does he think he is?
As DNI, to share the truth,
He thinks the task is his.
To work for me--Donald Trump--
Anyone should see
That I expect--above all else--
Loyalty to me.

By now everybody should know
That things must go my way.
If they don't, you know there
Is going to be hell to pay.
When your biggest fans and supporters
Believe that you are royal,
Then anyone who disagrees
With you is being disloyal.

So what if various agencies
Find that there's a connection
Between the Russian government and
Our 2020 election.
When they give their intel briefings,
To them it should be clear
That such information is not
What I want to hear!

A national security threat?
Sorry, Uncle Sam.
You can say we're under attack,
But I don't give a damn.
Our intelligence agencies
Think they're being precise.
But frankly I would much prefer
To follow Putin's advice.

The less that Congress knows the better
It is for all of us.
Election meddling is a topic
I choose not to discuss.
I will give the position to
My lackey, Richard Grenell.
He will do my bidding, and so
Sorry, Maguire: farewell.

I have friends in Congress who
Defend me to the hilt.
Nunes°° will do whatever I ask
And not feel any guilt.
We can weaponize the intel
Community and manage
That we make sure it's used for my
Political advantage.

A national security threat?
Sorry, Uncle Sam.
You can say we're under attack,
But I don't give a damn.
Our intelligence agencies
Think they're being precise.
But frankly I would much prefer
To follow Putin's advice.

-by Bob B (2-21-20)

°Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
°°U.S. Representative for California's 22nd District

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Las Vegas Debate

Easterners had to stay up late
To watch the Democratic debate
In Vegas, but we out here in the West
Tuned in early to watch the slugfest.

'Twas bound to happen, but oh, my God:
What a circular firing squad!
Right from the start, the hell raising
Debaters entered with all guns blazing.

Warren attacked Bloomberg with force
For purchasing the election, of course.
Then she attacked the others as well,
Going for the throat and giving them hell.

Amy and Pete, the Midwestern neighbors
Went toe to toe and brandished their sabers.
Biden was stronger this time, but again
He sounded like one of the twelve angry men.

Bernie, well, Bernie is always the same.
He tosses his daggers and shrugs off the blame.
He holds on tight to the aspiration
Of later securing the nomination.

Though Bloomberg indeed has bundles of money,
His boring demeanor is far from sunny.
As a debater, he didn't seem ready
And came off sounding weak and unsteady.

The moderators' questions were not
So wonderful and needed more thought.
The six debaters were fine on the whole,
Although at times they were out of control.

To separate the wheat from the chaff
Is crucial, and sometimes it's good to laugh.
Though some have expressed the apprehension
That we'll end up with a brokered convention,

Whatever happens, we will survive,
And may our final candidate thrive!
What's most important is that we can dump
The current president--Donald J. Trump.

-by Bob B (2-20-20)

Herman, the Fussbudget Cat

Herman is known as a fussbudget cat.
When you observe him, right off the bat
You cannot help but notice that
He's ALWAYS sulky and cross.
He doesn't like to be nagged or disturbed.
His grouchy behavior cannot be curbed.
He is the kind who is always perturbed
If HE can't be the boss.

He likes being pampered if you obey
His orders, which means he MUST have his way.
He wants what he wants and expects no delay.
You've got to follow his rules.
He thinks that you are wrong and misguided
Unless your attention remains undivided.
People must do what he has decided;
They merely serve as his tools.

Sometimes you'll find him on top of a heap
Of clothes from the dryer, trying to sleep,
And lying there without making a peep.
If so, leave him alone.
For if you move him, boy will he howl,
Chatter and scold you and let out a yowl,
And let the world know that something's afoul,
With rage and fury full-blown.

If he's asleep on your favorite chair,
You MIGHT try to move him (though I wouldn't dare),
For if you do, you'd better beware.
He's not going to be happy.
His response will be very clear,
Far from subtle, and rather severe--
The very last thing that you'd want to hear.
And don't ask why he's so snappy.

At dinnertime, finding a meal
For Herman becomes a daily ordeal.
It can't be beef or tuna or eel,
Too wet, too soft or too hard.
It can't be greasy, slimy, too cold,
It can't be too fresh, nor can it be old,
And heaven forbid if the flavor's too bold.
Oh, and he also hates lard.

His cat box needs a daily cleaning.
Not to do so is very demeaning,
For Herman depends on careful preening
And asks, What about you?
Would you want to continue to go
In a toilet without flushing it? NO!
You can thus see why he's fussy, and so
You know the right thing to do.

Despite the bothered look on his face,
He wants to assist the human race
By letting us know that just in case
He can be of service.
Herman can catch a mouse in a flash,
Keep other critters away from the trash,
And scare away bugs when you open the sash,
Though rats can make him nervous.

If Herman's so owly, you might wonder why
People still love the obstreperous guy.
Well, there are times when he'll honestly try
To be a likable fellow.
He'll calmly lie on your lap and contently
Purr when you pet him ever so gently
And kiss your hand, which consequently
Proves he can sometimes be mellow.

-by Bob B (2-19-20)

(Photo from online source)

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Pardon Party

The president's having a pardon party
To prove that he's a big wheel.
He's showing us that corruption here
Is NOT a very big deal.

Extortionists, swindlers, and liars
Now are going free,
While those accused of lesser crimes
Must pay a penalty.

Financial crimes are not a problem
For person number one.
Then let us see his tax returns
To see what HE has done.

In Trump's previous presidential
Pardons people saw
A whimsical and similar
Assault on the rule of law.

He wants to send a message to
His fellow partners in crime:
"Remain loyal to me and you'll
Avoid serving time."

And he claims he was concerned about
Corruption in Ukraine!
What a farce! Everyone knows
Corruption is HIS domain.

-by Bob B (2-19-20)

Miss Muffins, the Corpulent Cat

Miss Muffins is a corpulent cat--
A trait she hasn't really bemoaned.
However, she likes to see herself
Not as obese, but rather…big boned.

Big boned she isn't. Let's be frank.
But BIG she is: twenty-five pounds!
Once she discovered la bonne vie,
She put on weight in leaps and bounds.

The first time guests encounter Miss Muffins,
Their comments might sound picayune,
For they remark in disbelief,
"I didn't know you had a raccoon!"

Miss Muffins, who is highly offended,
Would love to dash from the room in disdain,
But since her poundage limits her movement,
Such an attempt would be in vain.

As long as she can lie by the window
And warm herself with the rays of the sun,
She doesn't have a care in the world
And wonders what could be more fun.

It's been a few years since Miss Muffins
Could jump up onto the bed or couch.
Her last attempt: a complete disaster.
She hit the floor with a thud and an "Ouch!"

Now she merely sits by the sofa
And looks up at her masters and cries,
As if to say, "Help me, please;
You could use the exercise."

There she curls up into a ball
And dreams of manifold savory things--
Things like tuna, goat cheese, sardines,
Chicken gizzards, and turkey wings.

If a mouse enters the room,
She says, "Ah, Mousie, I'm not in the mood.
Go ahead and eat what you like;
Just stay far away from all of my food!"

The only time Miss Muffins will run--
Well, sort of--happens each day when
She hears her masters call "Kitty, Kitty."
She knows its dinnertime again.

After her meal, Miss Muffins finds
A comfy place in the house to rest.
According to her theory, that
Is how one lets her food digest.

When little children come to visit,
Poor Miss Muffins lets out a moan.
"Why," she asks, "do they have to tickle
And prod me? Make them leave me alone!"

The best way to win her affection
Is simply to give her something to eat.
You will become best friends forever
By offering her a tasty treat.

If, however, you give her a taste
Of something she hates, she'll be quite candid.
You will know that you have erred,
For you'll be severely reprimanded.

Every so often, Miss Muffins hears
Something that fills her with great disquiet:
When she's at her doctor's office,
A four-letter word is mentioned: diet.

"Ah, it's time to change the subject,"
Thinks Miss Muffins. "Lovely weather."
To counter unwanted suggestions, she knows
We all have to band together.

“Okay,” Miss Muffins now concedes,
"I admit I’m a weight-challenged cat."
She can accept that label, but
Whatever you do, don't call her fat.

-by Bob B (2-18-20)

(photo from online source)

Monday, February 17, 2020

Socrates, the Professor Cat

Socrates, the professor cat,
Loves to teach and lecture.
Whether he gets his point across
Is sometimes merely conjecture.

When left alone for a period of time,
He'll meet you at the front door
Where he will greet you on your return
And also give you what for.

"Excuse me," he says in his feline way,
"But you would be obtuse
If you failed to see that your actions
Border on cat abuse.

"Yes, we're independent, BUT
Frankly, my dear, you seem
To want to exploit our autonomy
By taking it to the extreme."

He lectures for quite a while, for he
Wants you to do your best
When the time approaches for you
To take another test.

"You know we value promptness," he adds,
"And I don't mean to be rude,
But when our dinner is not on time,
We're NOT in a very good mood.

"Research, you know, is vital and your
Failure to study impedes
A total understanding of what
Constitutes our needs."

He constantly tries to teach you patience
And thinks your dedication
To knowing his mind for both of you
Is a win-win situation.

If you misplace something, such as
Your watch, your keys, or a ring,
He'll stare at you as if to say,
"Oh, you poor, poor thing."

When you're frazzled, his calm demeanor
Implies that you at least
Would benefit from the study of ancient
Wisdom of the East.

He likes to observe from afar as you
Go about your activities,
Ever watchful to see if you are
Developing harmful proclivities.

At other times he just sits back
To see how much you've learned
And tries to silently calculate
How much praise you've earned.

If he desires a tasty treat
And thinks that you're withholding
Something from him, you'd better watch out:
You'll be getting a scolding.

Admonishingly, he says, "Do NOT
Think my methods nefarious,
It's just that learning broadens your being.
Take it from THIS Sagittarius."

You think you're one step ahead of him--
At least so you assume.
But Socrates will let you know
Who is teaching whom.

-by Bob B (2-16-20)

(photos from online sources)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

What to Do?

What should Americans do when they see
The president tearing the country apart?
What should we all rely on to guide us?
What are solutions? Where do we start?

We can't rely on our institutions,
For Trump's destroying them one by one.
That makes it harder to stop the man
And his partners in grime. Pardon the pun.

We can't rely on the DOJ,
For Trump's henchman is running the show.
Barr is there to do Trump's bidding,
To cover-up truths as the scandals grow.

Can congressional oversight
Stop the megalomaniac?
No, not when the Senate is full
Of Trumplican toadies who have his back.

It's up to the people to take to the streets,
To march, make phone calls, show our persistence
In striving to stop this brutal assault
On democracy through passive resistance.

Voting, too, will be crucial
If there are freedoms you want to save.
Through apathy and blind allegiance,
What you'll do is dig your own grave.

-by Bob B (2-15-20)

Friday, February 14, 2020

Fiesta, the Party Cat

Fiesta is the party cat.
She won't play second fiddle;
Whenever there's a party going on,
She is smack in the middle.

Shrimp cocktail and salmon croquettes--
That's what she prefers.
Don't abandon your plate or else
Fiesta thinks it's hers.

"A lot of cats are skittish," she says,
"And thus they have a bad rap.
I, on the other hand, don't mind
Sitting on anyone's lap.

"Of course, I have an ulterior motive
That guests don't always see.
When I give them attention, there's always
Something in it for me.

"When caviar is served, you'll find me
Walking on a cloud.
I must apply all of my charm
To butter up the crowd.

"I love it when guests rub my tummy
And tickle me under the chin.
When I smell clam dip on their fingers,
My head starts to spin!

"I must admit I have no patience
For guests who shout, 'Achoo!'
And then stentoriously blow their nose
And rudely tell me, 'Shoo!'

"The nerve of them to stifle my pleasure!
For me, goal number one
Is to enjoy each precious moment--
To live means having fun!"

As soon as the dancing begins, Fiesta
Finds a safe location
Far away from dancing feet,
For height is her limitation.

Fiesta waits to hear the hosts
Say, "Let's go to bed.
We can clean up the mess tomorrow."
Then she raises her head.

With everybody gone there's no one
There to scold or berate her.
She can survey each bowl and plate
To see what treasures await her.

"Sally Bowles was right," she says;
"Life is a cabaret!
Why can't my servants put on
A party every day?"

She eats till her stomach is ready to burst,
Heedless of any warning.
Everyone wonders why she is so
Listless in the morning.

-by Bob B (2-14-20)

(photos from online sources)

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Taking an Axe to Democracy

Watch our mob boss president
Take an axe to democracy,
Bringing us another step closer
To what we'd call an autocracy.

Calling on AG Barr for help,
Trump shockingly intends
To put the Department of Justice to use
To harm his opponents and help his friends.

Trump has been politicizing
The DOJ for quite some time.
If you thought he was bad before,
Well, now he is in his prime.

Watch our spineless Senators
Turn their heads and look askance
As Trump defies the rule of law
And does his banana republic dance.

Career officials are resigning;
They can't take it any longer:
Watching Trump retaliate
And seek out ways to make himself stronger.

Woe to us if we can't stop
This maniac who's out of control.
Has America lost its will?
Has America lost its soul?

-by Bob B (2-12-20)

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Hercules, the Alley Cat

Hercules is the alley cat
Who stalks the alleys at night
And climbs into the trash containers
To find a tasty bite.

“Cat food is a bore,” he says,
“And doesn’t suit my taste.
Besides,” he adds, “it’s silly to let
Good food go to waste.”

The local cats admire his skills
To manage on his own
And how he’s able to clean remaining
Meat off any bone.

Before the trash collectors come by
To empty the bins, ol’ Herc
Rummages through the open containers,
Keeping busy at work.

Rodents are no match for him
When he’s in the mood
To supplement his diet with
A fresher type of food.

“Residents don't,” he says with sigh,
“Appreciate us cats.
Because of our great diligence,
The streets have fewer rats.

“A problem nowadays," he laments--
“A definite no brainer--
Is how to manage when there is
A lid on the trash container.

“You must learn to be dexterous, agile,
Sneaky, snappy, and clever."
Some give up when they are challenged,
But Hercules will never!

It's said that Herc often receives
The blame for being a pater
After encounters with lady cats--
Sixty-some days later.

“I’m known for being promiscuous,
But that is just a rumor,”
He says with a wink to let us know
He has a sense of humor.

“It’s dangerous at night,” he says,
“For there’s a threatening owl
That flies in from the park, and dogs
Are always on the prowl.

“In order to survive in life--
You can take it from me--
You always need alternatives--
What you call Plan B.

“I am an expert at dodging and prancing;
My skills are hard to beat.
When YOU take a fall, are you always
Able to land on your feet?

"Fate has given me obstacles,
Which I call my 'Labors.'
If you don't believe me, well,
Just ask all the neighbors."

So Hercules, or Herc, if you will,
While not seeking fame,
Hopes that he, nevertheless,
Can live up to his name.

-by Bob B (2-10-20)

(photos from online sources)

Friday, February 7, 2020


When a loved one dies,
Our lives take a sudden turn.
It’s something we often forget--
Something we have to relearn.

Reasons and explanations
Remain beyond our ken.
We learn our lives will never
Be the same again.

Our heart, laden with sorrow
And pushed to the point of breaking,
Becomes overwhelmed
With painful, relentless aching.

Memories might console us
And give us some relief,
But nothing can prevent
Another visit from Grief.

When he pays a visit,
He tells us he's our friend,
Although his true intentions
Are hard to comprehend.

Quietly, he approaches
And whispers in our ear,
"Know that in the future
I will always be near."

-by Bob B (2-7-20)

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Great Cover-up

The Great Cover-up. That's what it was.
The trial in the Senate--a sham.
The Trumplicans want the process behind them.
Water over the dam.

Witnesses were not allowed
To testify, which meant
That many of us were disappointed
With how the process went.

Whatever the outcome would have been,
The truth was highly suppressed.
That's what happens when evidence
And facts are not addressed.

Praise to Romney, the only Republican
Senator who admitted
That Trump at least on one of the charges
Should NOT have been acquitted.

The other Republican Senators
Chose absolution.
They backed their cultish leader instead of
Defending the Constitution.

Good-bye, rule of law. Good-bye,
Democratic protections,
For Trump's been given carte blanche to
Corrupt future elections.

-by Bob B (2-6-20)

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Just Watch Him Now

If Trump was uncontrollable,
Which made you unconsolable,
Just watch him now.
If it's hard to understand
How lying can get out of hand,
Just watch him now.
If his supporters in Congress don't muster
The courage to tell him that he's nothing but bluster,
And instead they bow to him,
Grovel and kowtow to him,

If his nominations
Never met your expectations,
Just watch him now.
If you thought his judges
Would help support his grudges,
Just watch him now.
If you found his polices unfair and perverse,
Thought the situation here could never get worse,
And simply found the man unfit
And basically a hypocrite,

He loves to stir up
A hullabaloo.
Just imagine how much
More damage he'll do.

If you thought his major pitch
Went to help the filthy rich,
Just watch him now.
If you thought he wouldn't dare
To tamper with our Medicare,
Just watch him now.
If he thought himself above the law, then
He is going to break the law again and again.
So, Senators, you who cower,
As Trump takes away your power,

-by Bob B (2-5-20)

Monday, February 3, 2020

Leader of the Cult

(This poem can be sung to the tune of the Shangri-La's 1964 pop hit "Leader of the Pack.")

Are they really voting for him?
Well, yes, they are. Just ask them.
Voters, are those MAGA hats that you're wearing?
Gee, it must be strange voting for him.
Did you think he'd make the country great again?
Tell us why you support him.

We watch him on the TV screen.
It seems his simple words ring true--
That's what we think. (Yes, you do.)
That's why we follow (the LEADER OF THE CULT).

He says that he is the chosen one (one, one).
And knows how the country ought to be run.
(Whaddya mean when he says he knows how the country should be run?)
He says he can't do wrong--
That with him we'll be strong.
That's why we follow (the LEADER OF THE CULT).

He says the president's like a king.
Silencing his critics is his thing.
(Whaddya trying to say when you say he's like a king?)
He will defy Congress, he said.
And that's how we will get ahead.
That's why we follow (the LEADER OF THE CULT).

He doesn't care if Russia's involved
In our elections--that's all right.
In his opinion, Russia is absolved.
If he acts out of spite,
As long as he wins, that'll be delight!

Right now! Right now! Right now! Right now!

He says that his intentions are real.
We don't care what things he tries to conceal.
We'll let him get his way;
We're going to do whatever he'll say.
We will always follow (the LEADER OF THE CULT).

-by Bob B (2-2-20)