Easterners had to
stay up late
To watch the
Democratic debate
In Vegas, but we out
here in the West
Tuned in early to
watch the slugfest.
'Twas bound to
happen, but oh, my God:
What a circular
firing squad!
Right from the
start, the hell raising
Debaters entered
with all guns blazing.
Warren attacked
Bloomberg with force
For purchasing the
election, of course.
Then she attacked
the others as well,
Going for the throat
and giving them hell.
Amy and Pete, the Midwestern neighbors
Went toe to toe and
brandished their sabers.
Biden was stronger
this time, but again
He sounded like one
of the twelve angry men.
Bernie, well, Bernie
is always the same.
He tosses his
daggers and shrugs off the blame.
He holds on tight to
the aspiration
Of later securing
the nomination.
Though Bloomberg
indeed has bundles of money,
His boring demeanor
is far from sunny.
As a debater, he
didn't seem ready
And came off sounding
weak and unsteady.
The moderators'
questions were not
So wonderful and
needed more thought.
The six debaters
were fine on the whole,
Although at times
they were out of control.
To separate the
wheat from the chaff
Is crucial, and
sometimes it's good to laugh.
Though some have
expressed the apprehension
That we'll end up
with a brokered convention,
Whatever happens, we
will survive,
And may our final
candidate thrive!
What's most
important is that we can dump
The current
president--Donald J. Trump.
-by Bob B (2-20-20)