Friday, August 30, 2019

While the Earth Burns...

Credible scientists
Agree, and it is quite concerning.
We are seeing destructive effects
Of global warming: Earth is burning.

Brazilian agri-business has been
Carelessly throwing fuel on the fire,
Destroying the "lungs" of our planet and making
The situation even more dire.

The Amazon's on fire right now.
Fires are taking a heavy toll
In places all around the world.
The conflagration is out of control.

As heat-trapping gasses are
Released into the atmosphere,
Glaciers melt and oceans grow warmer,
Making hurricanes more severe.

Between climate change deniers
And a warming earth, we're in the middle,
And as Earth burns our president
Watches while he plays his fiddle.

Now he wants to roll back restrictions,
Erasing rules on methane emissions.
Methane as a heat-trapping gas
Will only worsen climate conditions.

With all his environmental rollbacks,
There is NO silver lining.
He wants to open Alaskan national
Forests to logging, drilling, and mining.

If there is a method to damage our
Environment, he will employ it.
Rather than fight to protect our earth,
The president would rather destroy it!

With all the damage Trump is doing,
If anyone says on his behalf
That he's an environmentalist,
All we can say is, "That's a laugh!"

-by Bob B (8-30-19)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A New Low

Many people wonder what
Trump can do to cause more woe.
Never ceasing to find a way,
The man has reached an all-time low.

He is still separating
Families that have been here for years--
Deporting parents and leaving their kids
To fend for themselves. Imagine their fears!

Crossing the line again, he's showing
How cruel and hateful his policies are,
For now the man is pushing one
That's more inhumane than others so far:

Non-citizens being treated
For life-threatening illnesses must
Leave the country in thirty-three days.
Trump thinks that's fair and just.

The Trump administration is saying,
"Sorry, but the time is nigh
For you to leave the United States."
In other words, "Go home and die!"

The White House Nazi Stephen Miller
Has to have his hand in this.
Whatever he can do to hurt
Immigrants gives him infinite bliss.

How sad it is when leaders are
Devoid of human compassion and heart!
Do we stand idly by and watch
The president tear the country apart?

-by Bob B (8-29-19)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Certainly the Man Has Flipped His Lid

(The poem can be sung to the melody of Gilbert and Sullivan's song "A Policeman's Lot Is Not a Happy One.")

When a president's completely off his rocker
--Off his rocker--
And has no sense of how to right his wrongs,
--Right his wrongs--
The fact that people like him is a shocker,
--Is a shocker--
For they should know he's not where he belongs
--He belongs.
A leader should be honest and insightful
--'Nest insightful--
And not behave as though he is a kid.
--Is a kid--
But when he is delusional and spiteful--
--'Nal and spiteful--
We know that he's completely flipped his lid--
--Flipped his lid.

When a president behaves worse than a kid,
--Than a kid--
We know that he's completely flipped his lid
--Flipped his lid.

When a leader feels that global warming's silly--
--Warming's silly--
And even wants to nuke a hurricane,
And everything he does is willy-nilly,
One questions what's going on inside his brain
--'Nside his brain.
When everything he says is senseless chatter--
--Senseless chatter--
And his super ego's vanquished by his id--
--By his id--
People wonder what the hell's the matter,
--Hell's the matter--
For certainly the man has flipped his lid
--Flipped his lid.

When a president behaves worse than a kid
--Than a kid--
We know that he's completely flipped his lid
--Flipped his lid.

-by Bob B (8-27-19)

Saturday, August 24, 2019


I want to buy Greenland.
Hey, this is fun!
I will turn the island into
State fifty-one.
They say ice is melting.
Bah! That’s okay.
When you mine and drill on the land,
Ice gets in the way.

I am going to buy Greenland.
You just wait and see.
I dare anybody
To say "NO!" to me.
I can’t wait to get my
Hands on all that gold,
Oil, copper, lead, and zinc.
I WON’T be undersold.

I plan to buy Greenland
With all its wolves and seals
And polar bears and penguins.
I’m so good at deals.
Polar bears will make terrific
Rugs. I don't care!
What? You say there are no penguins?
I will bring some there.

So I want to buy Greenland.
Is THAT unorthodox?
It should be so easy;
You know money talks.
Tell me: how could there be
Objections to my plan?
The whole world loves me;
I’m their favorite man.

I am buying Greenland.
I'm sure you've heard reports.
I'll construct my tower AND
I'll build some big resorts.
Greenlanders will love being
Part of my domain.
If anybody loses here,
Their loss will be my gain.

I can’t wait to buy Greenland.
This is not a ruse.
I’ll give them an offer—
One they can’t refuse.
If the Danes say "No," I'll
Do what I've done before:
I'll just have to start another
Blasted tariff war.

I want to buy Greenland,

-by Bob (8-24-19)

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Chosen One

He says he is the "chosen one."
Could the man be more deluded?
That he's totally lost his marbles
Could easily be concluded.

Listening to his rants can drive
The conscientious person insane.
How much more nonsense does he
Harbor in his addled brain?

To save us from what? That's the question
One must ask. One thing's clear:
His strategies divide the country,
Causing hatred, doubt, and fear.

Keeping track of all his lies
Is a monumental task.
Could he be more unfit for the office
Of president? one must ask.

He couldn't care less whether
His policies are in error
Or if he mistreats immigrants
During his odious reign of terror.

Our history of cruelty
From slavery to internment camps
Has haunted us for years, but Trump
Is gleefully upping the amps.

Was he "chosen" to help the wealthy,
Damage the economy, take away rights,
Inflict deep pain, hurt the environment,
And pander to evangelical whites?

If he was chosen to do all of that,
He has been doing an excellent job.
Just to know how much chaos he's wreaked
Certainly makes his cruel heart throb.

So if he must be chosen for something,
If only he forevermore
Could soon be the one CHOSEN
To EXIT through the White House door!

-by Bob B (8-22-19)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wow! 70!

It's hard to believe it, but now it's official.
I've reached an important milestone today:
I am now a septuagenarian.
I can't help saying, "Hip hip hooray!"

It's not that being this old is so great,
But what I mean--and that's no jive--
Is how it beats the alternative.
Although I'm older, I'm still alive!

Alive and well; so far, so good.
I'm not ready to take my last bow,
Kick the bucket, or give up the ghost.
What is important? To live in the now.

Many friends and relatives didn't
Make it this far, which is sad.
Our times together make up some of
The fondest memories that I've had.

Life with all its exigencies
Can at times be overly demanding.
But knowing that life is impermanent
Is vital to our understanding.

Our bodies are like a river or stream--
Constantly flowing, constantly changing.
And, yes, when we advance in years,
We often need some rearranging.

Sixty was nice, but frankly the word
"Seventy" gently rolls off the tongue.
There are languages still to be learned,
Books to be read, songs to be sung.

I've been lucky all these years.
No, I really can't complain.
I'm ready to make a toast to life,
So pop the cork and pour the champagne!

-by Bob B (8-15-49)

Friday, August 2, 2019

Weep, America

Six-year-old Stephen Romero,
An energetic, vibrant boy,
Was full of curiosity,
Gregariousness, life, and joy.

On Sunday morning, young Stephen
And mom were both unaware
Of what was going to happen to them
During their Sunday trip to the fair.

Keyla Salazar was called
"La luchadora"° by her dad.
The thirteen-year-old's smile was one
Of the greatest treasures her father had.

On Sunday morning, Keyla, too,
Was totally unaware
Of what she was going to encounter
During her fateful trip to the fair.

Trevor Irby, twenty-five,
Was getting ready to propose
To someone very special to him.
At least so the story goes.

On Sunday, Trevor, along with a friend,
Decided to spend a day at the fair.
Surely, they had no idea
What they were going to encounter there.

Nineteen-year-old Santino Legan,
For reasons hard to understand,
Went to the Gilroy Garlic Festival
On Sunday with his gun in hand.

There he took the lives of Stephen,
Keyla, and Trevor. More blood was shed:
Thirteen other people were injured
Before the police shot him dead.

Weep, America; weep for our youth,
Killed by messengers of hate
Because we cannot draw the line
At how much we can tolerate.

Weep, America; weep again
That access to weapons goes unchecked.
Weep for murdered ones whose lives
Our lawmakers are supposed to protect.

Weep for all of us, for we
Cannot feel safe anywhere:
At school, at work, at stores, at concerts,
At places of worship, or at a fair.

-by Bob B (8-1-19)

°the fighter