Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Crossing the Rivers of Fire and Water: A Parable*

Picture a traveler, journeying westward,
Having traversed mile after mile
A long road up hills and through valleys
But keeping his focus all the while.

All of a sudden, he encounters
An obstacle and doesn't know whether
He can continue. In front of him,
Two rivers are rushing together:

Extending north a river of water
Such as he had never seen prior
To that day; extending south
A spitting, spattering river of fire.

Dividing the rivers, there is a path--
A narrow one, five inches wide--
The only way for him to get
From one bank to the other side.

"Brigands and wild beasts are behind me,"
Gasps the traveler and lets out a cry.
"If I go back or stay here I perish.
But if I cross the rivers I'll die!"

He looks at the fiery, unending river
Extending south; then he looks north
At the raging, equally endless water
And boldly says, "I choose to go forth."

At times, waves of water surge
Over the path before him. And then
At other times, fiery flames
Scorch the path again and again.

He thinks he hears a voice behind him,
Urging him to keep going on.
Since he hears no other voices,
He wonders where the brigands have gone.

Coming from deep inside him perhaps
Or from the western bank a voice
Gives him greater confidence--
Gives him a reason to rejoice:

"Continue forward, traveler,
Sincere is your heart; single, your mind.
Grounded in right-mindedness,
You can leave your fears behind."

Then from the eastern bank he hears:
"Come back, or you will meet your death."
Offering empty promises,
The brigands only waste their breath.

Determined, our traveler keeps moving forward,
Knowing that all of his fears are groundless,
For once he reaches the western bank,
He is certain his bliss will be boundless.

The person who wrote the parable--
The venerable Shan Tao--explained
The meaning of every symbol therein,
But obviously, I have refrained

From saying too much. I have chosen
A way that's much more roundabout:
If you want to make sense of the story,
It's up to you to figure it out.

(10-31-17) By Bob B 

*Based on the parable by Shan Tao (613-681)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Dear Russia...

Dear Russia, since you're
Already meddling in our affairs,
And seem to have experience
Dealing with slippery billionaires,

Could you maybe take a peek
At Trump's personal IRS files
And share all of his tax returns
With the use of all of your wiles?

People have been asking, but
The man has been disinclined
To share the information with us.
If YOU do it, he shouldn't mind.

For some reason (why could that be?)
A president who loves to barter
Won't do something that was done
By all presidents since Jimmy Carter.

If he has a good excuse,
He should tell us; we're all ears.
The audit excuse doesn't hold water.
And what about all the other years?

If there's nothing to cover up,
There's no reason to fear a chiding.
He's so reluctant to be transparent
That we keep wondering what he's hiding.

And since you in our last election
Were one of Trump's top promoters,
We hope you will help us out.
Yours truly, American voters.

(10-30-17) By Bob B

Friday, October 27, 2017

If Not Collusion, Then What?

The Mueller-led investigation
Continues. Everyone wants to know
If the findings will prove what many
People suspected a year ago.

So much suspicious activity!
So many meetings occurred!
How many shady dealings
With how many people were secured?

We hear that Cambridge Analytica--
The data firm for Trump's campaign--
Reached out to Julian Assange
(Tool of the Kremlin) to obtain

Documents stolen by
A foreign government to attack
Our voting process. And now look:
We're stuck with a megalomaniac!

It sounds very much like collusion
According to every indicator.
What about obstruction of justice?
Oh, well, that came later.

Meanwhile Trump continues to make
False or misleading statements each day
In efforts to bolster his base of support,
Confuse the issues, and lead us astray.

"I'm a very intelligent person,"
He likes to tell us again and again.
(Won't they have fun with that--
The commentators on CNN?)

What is happening defies belief.
The craziness was unforeseen.
Who ever knew the magnitude
Of Trump's propaganda machine?

(10-27-17) By Bob B

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Having a limit of only so many
Characters when you're tweeting
Means that you must be concise,
Which can be self-defeating.

Why so short? Is it that
People don’t delight
In spending too much time reading
Words that others write?

Can you remember the days when TV
Programs could be seen
Without obnoxious tweets being
Flashed upon the screen?

Or when the news was real news
And not simply a lot
Of tweets from viewers watching the program
And saying what they thought?

Who cares what the viewers think?
Just give us the news--
Credible reports filled with
Facts and interviews.

Trump loves his tweets, we know.
Through tweets he vents his wrath,
Although he sometimes comes off sounding
Like a sociopath.

Regarding his attention span,
Would it be so wrong
To say that it is only one hundred
Forty characters long?

Welcome to Tweetworld--a place where
Specifics are obsolete.
And heaven forbid that anything written
Be longer than a tweet!

(10-25-17) By Bob B

Monday, October 23, 2017

The Lesson*

One day a wealthy father
Decides that it is time to give
His privileged son a lesson on
How the poor actually live.

After spending a day and a night
On a poor, humble farm with his son,
The father asks on the drive home,
"How was your stay? Did you have fun?"

"Oh, yes indeed," says the son.
"They're very poor. Did you see?"
Asks the father. The son nods,
Having no reason to disagree.

The father continues: "Tell me what
You learned about being poor."
The son thinks and says, "We
Have only ONE dog; they have FOUR.

"In our garden, we have a fountain;
They have an endless stream that runs by.
Our garden has boring lamps;
They have all the stars in the sky.

"Our property stops at our fence.
To see beyond the garden is hard.
For them, on the other hand,
The entire horizon is their backyard."

The father doesn't know what to say.
Smiling from across the car,
The son says, "Thank you so much, Dad,
For showing me how poor we are."

(10-23-17) By Bob B

*A popular tale retold here in verse

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Just Call It Fake News (2)

When critics say what you don't like,
Here's a simple solution:
Call them all untrustworthy,
And you'll get restitution.

Just call it fake news--
No matter what they say.
Help your fans to see that facts
Only get in the way.

Facts are inconvenient, so that's
Why you call them fake.
Acknowledging that you are wrong
Would be a big mistake.

If you play your cards right, then
The people on your side
Will not know or will not even
Care that you have lied.

You can easily spread your lies
To help you reach your goals
With the help of some of Russia's
Finest Internet trolls.

Colluding with other countries can
Also boost your chances
Of building a base of gullible fans
Despite the circumstances.

As long as fans do not see
That they are being played,
And you can turn them against the press,
You have got it made.

Just call it fake news--
No matter what they say.
Help your fans to see that facts
Only get in the way.

(10-21-17) By Bob B

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Bumbler in Chief

During Trump's campaign we saw
How very low the man could stoop
When it came to insulting any
Individual person or group.

The Gold Star family Khan, for example,
Received a heap of Trumpian abuse
As Trump blasted the family with
Insults, childish but profuse.

But even when Trump makes an attempt
To say the right thing, he still bumbles.
His team can pass him the ball, but then
The clueless president still fumbles.

He can have General Kelly
Speak in his defense, but then
On the next opportunity,
He'll stick his foot in his mouth again.

From someone in Trump's position we
Expect much more finesse, but alas!
In the meantime all we can do
Is say to ourselves, "This, too, will pass."

(10-20-17) By Bob B

Thursday, October 19, 2017

On Those Who Drop "Christ" from "Christian"

Found all over the world,
And spreading the deadly views
Of hate-mongering preachers
From whom they get their cues,

Unchristianly Christians
Peddle their thou-shalt-nots
And never question the dogma
That slyly poisons their thoughts.

“It has to be right for you,
Since it's right for me.”
That’s what most of them think
Who judge to the nth degree.

If your beliefs are different
Or vary from theirs, forget
Heartfelt understanding;
You're too much of a threat.

Other religions, too,
Are certainly not exempt
From dangerous fanatics
Whose actions draw contempt.

Twisting the sacred scriptures
To suit their misinformed needs,
They act without perceiving
The shallowness of their deeds.

People are ostracized
And even lose their lives
When shameful ideology
Or noxious ignorance thrives.

And hypocrites abound.
We often hear of them—
The ones who criticize others,
Then do what they condemn.

How sad it is when people’s
Actions demonstrate
How little they love to love
But how they love to hate!

(10-19-17) By Bob B

Thursday, October 12, 2017


People say Trump is "reckless," "unhinged,"
"Consumed by his dark moods,"
"Unfit," "unstable" and that he's like
A "tantrum-throwing child" that broods.

He's "unraveling," "losing a step…."
He's "dangerous for the country," too.
"Deteriorating on the job"
Has been said by more than a few.

White House staffers must protect him
From himself. And SO much
Chaos exists, that some say he
Has the "reverse Midas touch."

When he's behind a teleprompter,
The man sounds less obtuse.
But when he speaks off the cuff,
My goodness! all hell breaks loose.

So has the White House now become
An adult day care center? How sad!
Bush 2 is probably thinking,
"And YOU thought that I was bad!"

(10-12-17) By Bob B

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A Tangled Web All Right!

Vladimir Putin had nothing to do
With THIS poem. Let me be clear.
(Nowadays it's hard to tell
How much the Russians interfere.)

Oh, of course, he could assign
An Internet troll to try to denounce me--
To criticize my rhythm and rhyme,
To shame, condemn, or verbally trounce me.

But Putin, alas, has many more
Important matters to address--
How to influence American elections
And cause confusion, more or less.

Long ago many Americans
Were troubled by the "Red Scare."
Now they welcome with open arms
This autocratic billionaire

Who stifles dissent, stomps on rights,
And benefits from corruption as well.
How many opponents has Putin
Disappeared? Hard to tell.

How people see the things they see
Is strangely and fearfully odd--
How they perceive a leader's illusion
And miss the monster behind the façade.

As more experts connect the dots,
They are wondering what protections
Can be implemented to stop
Outside meddling in future elections.

To quote Sir Walter Scott, "Oh,
What a tangled web we weave…."
How much more interference
Does Putin have up his sleeve?

(10-10-17) By Bob B

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fifty-nine Dead; Hundreds Wounded

Fifty-nine victims have died so far--
Children, lovers, husbands, wives,
Parents, siblings, cousins, friends….
Fifty-nine have lost their lives

To senseless violence: a mass shooting
In Las Vegas--a night of hell.
And nearly 500 people
Attending the concert were wounded as well.

Read their names; read their stories.
They're the innocent; they're the ones
Who faced unspeakable horrors that
Occur when madmen have access to guns.

No, not merely access to guns,
But access to bump fire stock devices.
Does the "right" to such contraptions
Justify human sacrifices?

Are we surprised at the reaction?
In many a weapons showcase room
Or online site there has been
A bump stock sales boom!

At one time many people thought
That Sandy Hook would be the last straw.
Then came Orlando, and now Las Vegas.
Somewhere there's a serious flaw.

Donors grease the politicians'
Palms; lobbyists state their demands.
I would NOT want to be
A politician with blood on my hands.

(10-7-17) By Bob B

Friday, October 6, 2017

And Another Hypocrite Bites the Dust

Tim Murphy° of Pennsylvania--
Proud of his anti-abortion stance
And long-time anti-abortion record--
Was caught doing a different dance:

Murphy's former mistress wonders
How the man has reconciled
His pro-life pretensions while also wanting
Her to abort their unborn child.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mr. Murphy.
But maybe the cloud has a silver lining
When you step down from your position,
For word is out that you're resigning.

Oh, you hypocrites! You love to decide
What's good for other people. How true!
But you do what you damn well choose,
For rules do NOT apply to you!

(10-6-17) By Bob B

°Congressman from Pennsylvania's 18th District