Monday, May 31, 2021

Remembering the Tulsa Race Massacre

The year: 1921.

The date: the 31st of May.

A White lynch mob gathered at

The Tulsa courthouse late that day.


The goal: to lynch a nineteen-year-old

Black man, who'd been accused of assault,

Perpetuating the racist idea

That Black men are guilty by default.


The man, Dick Rowland, had been accused

Most likely because of a misunderstanding.

Nevertheless, the angry mob--

Thirsty for blood--showed up demanding


To take the law into its own hands.

The news spread; the mob grew in size.

Some Blacks--among them some veterans--came

To stop the lynching. Not a surprise.


All of a sudden, shots were exchanged.

A few people died on the spot.

The group of Blacks retreated while

Rumors flourished and tempers grew hot.


The African-Americans lived

In a bustling district called Greenwood. Its fame

Was rapidly spreading; America's Black

Wall Street was its popular name.


Mobs rampaged through Greenwood streets,

Setting businesses on fire,

Looting homes and murdering people.

Rumors and hatred stoked their ire.


Firefighters, who rushed to the scene,

Were under attack and forced to flee.

For eighteen hours angry White mobs

Carried out their murder spree.


At least thirty-five city blocks

Lay in ruins on June 1st.

Of low points in American history,

This has to be one of the worst.


It's hard to know how many people

Died, for numbers were underreported.°

Historians are grappling still

With information that's been distorted.


Thousands of people were homeless, for over

Twelve hundred homes had been destroyed.

A once thriving, exciting district

Became a charred, horrendous void.


The massacre was not unique;

Others have happened here as well.

The country--though great in many respects--

It has other ghastly stories to tell.


Time does not erase the past.

Don’t let memories become obscure.

We must work together so such

Atrocities never reoccur.

-by Bob B (5-31-21)

°Initially, the state reported 36 deaths. Historians say the death toll was much higher, from 150 to 300 people.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Clown Show in Arizona

The clown show in Arizona

Still hasn't come to a close.

When will the nonsense stop?

Well, good gracious! Who knows?


A group called the Cyber Ninjas

Is making a horrible mess.

How they could be so obnoxious

Is anybody's guess.


Trying to squeeze blood from a turnip,

They want to show everyone

That voter fraud ran rampant,

When most of us know there was none.


Among the crazy theories

That they have up the wazoo

Is that the ballots might show

Fragments of Chinese bamboo!


The crazy, preposterous theory

For which they have affection

Is how the Chinese attempted

To meddle in our election.


In states where Republicans won,

Republicans shout out, "Yippee!"

Where Democrats won, however,

The Right says, "No, that can't be."


Matthew Gaetz was joined

By Marjorie Taylor Greene,

The bully who's also known as

The wacko QAnon Queen.


The two showed up at a rally

To offer their support,

Showing how low they'd stoop--

To what they will resort.


Tampering with equipment

With actions so obtuse,

The "auditors" now have put

The voting machines out of use.


This all shows what can happen

When people get their high

Not by believing in reason,

But instead by promoting a lie.


The news of this clown show is spreading.

Moreover, from what we can tell,

You might be seeing the same

Buffoons in your state as well.

-by Bob B (5-23-21)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The War on Truth

There is a member of Congress--

His name is Andrew Clyde--

Who in January

Was barricaded inside


The chambers of the House

While thugs were yelling "Kill,"

As they stormed the building--

The one called Capitol Hill.


We've seen camera footage

Of the despicable scene,

Which will remain in the annals

As one of the worst days we've seen.


Mr. Clyde, however,

Now has a different spin

On what happened that day.

What a mess we are in!


Tourists paying a visit:

That's what they really were,

Mr. Clyde now says.

And many colleagues concur


That they were there to take photos,

Not to storm the halls.

So is it normal for tourists

To piss and wipe crap on the walls?


Is it tourist behavior

To brutally beat the police

Who were defending officials

And trying to keep the peace?


Do tourists normally break

Into buildings? No, correction!

Call it what is was:

A violent insurrection


By people perpetuating

Not the truth but a lie.

Many people were injured,

And some had to die.


Liz Cheney reminds us--

Acting as the town crier--

If we ignore the truth,

We merely embolden the liar.


Orwell warned us how

Scary it will be

When people are told what to think

And lose the right to be free--


When one is told to distrust

What one sees and hears,

Rejecting evidence of

Both the eyes and ears.

-by Bob B (5-18-21)