The clown show in Arizona
Still hasn't come to a close.
When will the nonsense stop?
Well, good gracious! Who knows?
A group called the Cyber Ninjas
Is making a horrible mess.
How they could be so obnoxious
Is anybody's guess.
Trying to squeeze blood from a turnip,
They want to show everyone
That voter fraud ran rampant,
When most of us know there was none.
Among the crazy theories
That they have up the wazoo
Is that the ballots might show
Fragments of Chinese bamboo!
The crazy, preposterous theory
For which they have affection
Is how the Chinese attempted
To meddle in our election.
In states where Republicans won,
Republicans shout out, "Yippee!"
Where Democrats won, however,
The Right says, "No, that can't be."
Matthew Gaetz was joined
By Marjorie Taylor Greene,
The bully who's also known as
The wacko QAnon Queen.
The two showed up at a rally
To offer their support,
Showing how low they'd stoop--
To what they will resort.
Tampering with equipment
With actions so obtuse,
The "auditors" now have put
The voting machines out of use.
This all shows what can happen
When people get their high
Not by believing in reason,
But instead by promoting a lie.
The news of this clown show is spreading.
Moreover, from what we can tell,
You might be seeing the same
Buffoons in your state as well.
-by Bob B (5-23-21)