There is a member of Congress--
His name is Andrew Clyde--
Who in January
Was barricaded inside
The chambers of the House
While thugs were yelling "Kill,"
As they stormed the building--
The one called Capitol Hill.
We've seen camera footage
Of the despicable scene,
Which will remain in the annals
As one of the worst days we've seen.
Mr. Clyde, however,
Now has a different spin
On what happened that day.
What a mess we are in!
Tourists paying a visit:
That's what they really were,
Mr. Clyde now says.
And many colleagues concur
That they were there to take photos,
Not to storm the halls.
So is it normal for tourists
To piss and wipe crap on the walls?
Is it tourist behavior
To brutally beat the police
Who were defending officials
And trying to keep the peace?
Do tourists normally break
Into buildings? No, correction!
Call it what is was:
A violent insurrection
By people perpetuating
Not the truth but a lie.
Many people were injured,
And some had to die.
Liz Cheney reminds us--
Acting as the town crier--
If we ignore the truth,
We merely embolden the liar.
Orwell warned us how
Scary it will be
When people are told what to think
And lose the right to be free--
When one is told to distrust
What one sees and hears,
Rejecting evidence of
Both the eyes and ears.
-by Bob B (5-18-21)