Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day 2023

2023--Memorial Day.

Remembering those who lost their lives

Defending this country, we should continue

To hope that democracy survives.


Many died protecting our land

From countries under fascist rule--

Whose authoritarian

Rulers were abusive and cruel.


Rights were restricted and scapegoats received

Treatment brutal and inhumane.

And humankind suffered another

Bitter, sad, and indelible stain.


Vigilance is required here,

For there are people who prefer

To overlook the lessons from

The past. The horrors could reoccur.


In nations that seek out people to blame

For all the ills that beset the land

And blatantly flout the rule of law,

Democracy loses the upper hand.


Countries are in a great deal of trouble

When voting's restricted and people aren't fazed,

When institutions come under attack,

And when violent thugs are praised.


Those who died defending this country

In the air, on land, or on the waves,

When seeing how some are abusing our rights,

Have to be rolling in their graves.

-by Bob B (5-29-23)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Stand by Ukraine (2)

(This poem could be sung to the song "Stand by Your Man" by Tammy Wynette and Billy Sherrill.)


It can be hard to be a country

When a bully lives next door to you.

He will cause strife

And try to make life

A nightmare. Know what you must do.


You'll have to count on other nations

For supplies to help defend your land.

Don't you grow weary

When things look dreary.

Someday you'll get the upper hand.


Stand by Ukraine.

Don't let the world forsake it

When Putin tries to break it.

Give it the help that it needs.


Stand by Ukraine.

Show it how much you love it.

Don't let its struggles be in vain.

Stand by Ukraine.


Stand by Ukraine.

Show it how much you love it.

Don't let its struggles be in vain.

Stand by Ukraine


-by Bob B (5-23-23)