Looking at the Confederate flag
And considering all that it embraces,
We're now in the middle of a heated
As to whether it belongs in public
Supporters insist that the flag
Their heritage, to which they want to
hold fast.
To non-supporters the flag stands for
A painful reminder of the past.
I try to imagine the feelings of many
African-American descendants of slaves
Who daily face a bitter reminder
When passing a building where the Stars
and Bars waves.
What do you think? Would descendants of
Raise some eyebrows or get some flack
If they remembered their ancestors
By proudly flying the Union Jack?
Since the Southwest was once a part
Of Mexico, would descendants there hit
a snag
If they honored their heritage by
On government buildings the Mexican flag?
At issue here are government properties--
Places that should unify our views.
Private property is another story;
People will fly whatever they choose.
To love and honor the Stars and Bars,
You have to be a Southerner and...Cripes!...
And white, too, and…well, let's just
stick with
A state flag and the Stars and Stripes.
(7-9-15) By Bob B