Friday, July 29, 2016

Now THAT Was a Convention!

The DNC*: Now THAT was a convention!
After some controversy at the start,
Things settled down as speakers appeared
And showed a side of America with heart.

Cory Booker spoke of a "Nation of Love."
But Michelle Obama was a shining light.
A real class act and a hard one to follow,
Mrs. Obama reset the night.

Senator Warren spared no words
In describing Trump and his pessimistic ways.
We mustn't be a hate-filled country.
She offered a cure for the Trump malaise.

Representative Keith Ellison,
A Minnesotan message sender,
Reminded us that NOT voting
Is NOT a protest; it's a surrender.

Senator Bernie Sanders came out
Upon the stage to thunderous applause
And vowed to help the American people
Continue to fight for each worthy cause.

Bill Clinton spoke of the years
That Hillary has spent making lives better.
As a change maker, she will fight
For ALL people--if we let her.

Survivors of shootings and families of the fallen
Appeared on the stage to share a word.
Despite their pain, they talked of healing,
And LOVE was the message most often heard.

The incredible Joe Biden gave
One of the best speeches of all.
The audience was so enraptured that you
Could hear a pin drop in the hall.

He said it's not good to bet against America;
It's by the power of example that we lead.
Trump sows division for his own gain;
Is that the kind of leader that we need?

Michael Bloomberg said he knows a con
When he sees one: Trump, of course.
VP candidate Tim Kaine
Might turn out to be a dark horse.

President Obama's marvelous speech
Was a high spot of the entire convention.
Witty and intelligent, he’s a master speaker,
Which I hardly need to mention?

"Reject cynicism and fear," he said.
He kept his address on an uplifting note.
When the audience booed Donald Trump,
He merely responded, "Don't boo. Vote!"

Hillary ended the historic event
With a powerful speech on day number four.
She will be an impressive contender.
It's not a matter of EITHER OR.

It's clear who can lead us into the future.
If we really care, it's an easy decision.
Here's ONE who will build BRIDGES, not WALLS;
Who'll break down barriers; who has a vision.

Trump's response to the DNC speeches?
In his immature fashion, with no chagrin,
He says he wants to hit some speakers
"So hard that their heads will spin."

The DNC and the RNC--
The two as different as night and day.
The two candidates equally different.
But I'm with HER all the way!

(7-29-16) By Bob B

*Democratic National Convention