Whether we wear a
mask and stay protected
From possible
contraction of a virus,
Or NOT and have to
face the unexpected.
And if we thus throw
caution to the wind,
Endangering the
lives of those around us,
We will find the
consequences costly.
The sad and dire
statistics will astound us.
When we question
what the experts say
And let ourselves be
fooled by sly deceivers,
Then we end up on a
wild pursuit
With other dazed
conspiracy believers.
Confounded when some
leaders give reports
That artfully
confuse the truth with lies,
We MUST rely on
facts that keep us from
Performing actions
that would be unwise.
Experts say if we do
not act now,
Later we'll
experience regret.
It's not about just
saving our own skin,
But other people's
lives, lest we forget.
I don't think I'm
wrong to say that life
Is something that
most people value most.
Therefore, I
reiterate that I
Am not so keen on
giving up the ghost.
When we see behavior
that is careless,
We should know to
sound a loud alarm.
Some folks out there
do not stop to think
How their
recklessness is causing harm.
To wear a mask, of
course, is not a pleasure;
For now it's just a
necessary task.
But getting folks to
wear one: that's the rub.
But tell me: is it
way too much to ask?
Spread the word: oh,
please put on your mask!
-by Bob B (5-26-20)