Monday, May 11, 2020

Hoping a Vaccine Will Soon Arrive

When I wear my mask,
It feels like a disguise.
If I smile, I hope that you
Can see it in my eyes.
I admit a mask
Is not so fun to wear.
And if it makes me look a little
Dorky, I don’t care.

I know my mask is not
Foolproof, but I suppose
It’ll keep some viral droplets
Out of my mouth and nose.
And when I take it off
At any time or place,
What I have to tell myself is
“Do not touch your face!”

Trying to keep my sanity and stay alive,
I’m hoping a vaccine will soon arrive.

My designer masks
Are really quite unique.
But frankly, I won’t go so far
To say that I look chic.
Who would have guessed?
What a crazy year!
Ten months ago I never thought
About protective gear.

We all know, of course,
Pandemics are not fun.
All the repercussions touch
Each and everyone.
But we do not know
All that might ensue
If we do not carry out
The things we ought to do.

Trying to keep my sanity and stay alive,
I’m hoping a vaccine will soon arrive.

If scientists create
A new vaccine, then we
Also have to wonder how
Effective it will be.
But I look forward to
A lovely future day
When I can leave my masks off and
Can put them all away.

Trying to keep my sanity and stay alive,
I’m hoping a vaccine will soon arrive.

-by Bob B (5-10-20)