Living in this world
Means making important decisions,
Many of which will cause
International divisions.
Our country's made difficult choices,
And sometimes we have been wrong.
We've ended up in places
Where we didn't belong.
At times we've supported figures
Of questionable democracies--
Figures who ran their countries
More like scary autocracies.
We must examine our motives
For decisions we have to make.
Are they people-centered?
If not, then for goodness' sake,
Why do we get involved?
To protect business dealings?
For resources? Power? Control?
What about people's feelings?
When making choices in life,
We have to come to our senses.
We know that every decision
Involves consequences.
We are one voice of many;
Knowing that requires
That we work with other nations
If we want to put out the world's fires.
If our decision-makers
Decide on a path and stand fast,
Let's hope that they don't repeat
Mistakes that we made in the past.
By Bob B (9-10-14)