Thursday, June 7, 2018

How to Do It According to Pruitt

As scandal after scandal envelops
The head of the EPA--
Scott Pruitt--let's hear what
He might have to say:

"Having my aide do personal tasks…
That wasn't bad, was it?
Personally, I believe
That everybody does it.

"A condo deal from a lobbyist…
Sure, it might've been sweet.
So I like to travel first class--
Why am I taking heat?

"Circumventing the White House
To give my aides huge raises.
Whoever has a problem with that…
Well, they can go to blazes!

"A 43,000-dollar soundproof
Office telephone booth
Will give me secrecy to make
More deals; and that's the truth!

"Fifteen hundred dollars for a set
Of pens is not a waste--
Especially when you know your friends
Have expensive taste.

"It isn't easy to rollback so many
Environmental rules.
I can toss out many more
If I have the right tools.

"Special deals with a lobbyist…
Come on: give me some slack.
Can't you see that we are only
Scratching each other's back.

"Millions spent on a massive security
Detail? Don't you agree
That it makes sense to go all out
To protect someone like me?

"So what if I'm the target of
Thirteen investigations.
I'm still helping the industries
And ending regulations.

"The president says I'm doing a great job.
I am not on my own.
Damn the environment; full speed ahead!
Let my motto be known."

-by Bob B (6-7-18)