Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Into the All

Lest we hopeful humans forget
That glory ever fades,
Dashing hopes of permanence.
Ah, the ace of spades.

The morning dew on leaves and blossoms
Evaporates in the sun,
Bearing deep significance
When all is said and done.

Holding on to attempts to glimpse
Into eternity
Defrauds the mind that wants to believe
What wasn't meant to be.

What was, what is, and what shall be
Will manifest despite
All attempts to categorize
What is wrong or right.

Relaxing into the universe--
Into the constant flow--
We release the bonds, the fetters,
Of what we think we know.

That must be the ultimate--
The effortless release,
Blissless bliss, beingless being,
Indescribable peace.

(5-3-16) By Bob B