Thursday, May 5, 2016

And Then There Was One

After months of debating,
Name-calling, and the like,
One GOP candidate's
Popularity hit a spike.

All of the other candidates
Dropped out of the race
With tails between their legs
Or a little egg on the face.

The remaining GOP candidate
Is Donald T. Trump.
All along people thought
His popularity would slump.

How he made it this far
Despite inglorious attacks
On women, Latinos, and Muslims
Amazes me to the max.

His pompous and egotistical
Comments take the cake.
A misogynist and xenophobe:
What a president he'd make!

Many top Republicans
Don't even trust the man.
(Though one of the losing candidates
Is now his biggest fan.)

To the baffled people of other
Countries it’s unclear
How Trump became so popular
And what is happening here.

Trump’s now softening his tone
To woo those who eschew him--
An attempt a bit too late,
For people can see right through him.

A climate of fear and anger
And a path we soon would regret:
If that's what Americans want,
That's what they're going to get.

(5-5-16) By Bob B