Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Why, Brian, Why?

What a shame to watch Brian Williams'
Credibility go south!
I wonder if Williams now regrets
Having put his foot in his mouth.

He WAS in a helicopter over Iraq;
That part of his story is true.
But HIS wasn't hit by enemy fire
That endangered him and his crew.

So what's going on here? A lapse of memory?
Seeking importance or fame?
Or could it be ALL about ratings?
We know that's the name of the game.

Misleading the public is a ploy
I never thought Williams would choose.
That is a tact we're more apt to see
On a station such as Fox News.

The wheel of fortune is constantly turning;
You rise to the top for a spell,
And before you know it, suddenly it seems
That everything’s going to hell.

The lesson? Well, making up stories
That boost your ego or delight you
Will ultimately bring about your fall
As your stories come back to bite you.

By Bob B (2-10-15)