Saturday, February 14, 2015

Please Don't Be My Valentine

Please don't be my Valentine
UNLESS your heart's sincere--
Unless you get all tingly
Whenever I come near.

You can't be my Valentine
If dreaming's obsolete--
If without me in your life
You wouldn't be complete.

How can we be Valentines
If we cannot laugh
At all our idiosyncrasies
That speak on our behalf?

There's NO way we'll be Valentines
Unless you find me charming--
Unless you find my silly habits
Pleasantly disarming.

We cannot be Valentines
Unless it means forever--
Unless our solid love is one
That even death can't sever.

No, we won’t be Valentines
Unless my words ring true,
And feelings that you have for me
Are just like mine for you.

But IF we CAN'T be Valentines,
Nothing else then matters--
My WORLD will be an empty shell;
My HEART will be in tatters.

By Bob B (2-14-15)