Thursday, March 23, 2017

If Your Birth Sign is Aries...(3-21 to 4-19)

A doer--yes, that's what you are.
A challenge is always good for you.
But people around you learn very quickly
That you resent being told what to do.

Though you are a hard worker,
Too many details can be a shackle.
But you are eager to initiate
Projects that others don't want to tackle.

You are assertive and impulsive.
New adventures always thrill you.
Showing others that you are a leader
Motivates and helps fulfill you.

Being a lively participant
In the everyday bustle of life excites you.
Being able to finish what
You start always thrills and delights you.

Physical accomplishments
Show that your energy is abundant.
To say that you are always in motion
Would, of course, be redundant.

In fact, to everything that happens,
You have a physical reaction.
To anything that's enterprising,
You have a natural attraction.

You have a lot of inner strength;
You are open and direct.
But a disregard for others
Occurs if energy goes unchecked.

Your independent nature is fine,
Since inwardly you are so strong.
But you can also be self-centered.
To say that wouldn't be wrong.

Generous in many ways
With time and energy, you know
That keeping high ideals in mind
Is the surest way to go.

You march headstrong into combat--
Verbal or physical. Forward you trudge.
Your anger never lasts for long,
And seldom do you hold a grudge.

But you can be impatient, pushy,
And sometimes a little overzealous.
But because of your honesty,
If something is wrong, you will tell us.

Watch that your self-confidence
Doesn't end up being excessive.
Learn the difference between being
Confidently and rudely aggressive.

Ready to try anything once,
You always maintain a frantic pace.
But disappointment of stifled efforts
Shows up clearly on your face.

You're always ready to fight injustice.
There are few doubts--if any--
Whether you can accomplish your tasks.
Just try NOT to take on too many.

(3-23-17) By Bob B