Ikkyu as a very
young child
Displayed signs of
being clever.
That he would one
day be a great master,
There was no doubt
His teacher had one
small treasure--
A precious teacup, a
rare antique.
Its beauty was
beyond compare,
Its style and
craftsmanship unique.
One day Ikkyu
happened to break
His teacher's cup.
He heard his
teacher's approaching footsteps,
And there he was: a
sitting duck.
Ikkyu quickly picked
up the pieces
And held them behind
his back. "Why,"
He asked his
sagacious teacher,
"Is it that
people have to die?"
"Dying is a
natural thing,"
The teacher replied,
trying to give
A meaningful
"Everything has
just so long to live."
Ikkyu slowly held
out his hands,
Showing his teacher
the broken cup.
Then he demurely
said, "It appears
As though your
teacup's time was up."
(2-3-17) By Bob B
*An old anecdote retold here in verse