Tuesday, January 19, 2016

At Least We Can Laugh

We know that most politicians aren't
Famous for their brevity.
Nonetheless, they can often
Provide us with moments of levity.

WHEN he becomes the next president--
Yes, the man at the top--
Marco Rubio promises us
That he would never swap

Prisoners for hostages.
His strategy, or plan,
Would be like Reagan's in that he wouldn't
Negotiate with Iran.

Rubio's a bit confused, however,
Or he doesn't have a handle
On history. Or does he disremember
The Iran-Contra scandal?

Trading arms for hostages--
Wouldn't you agree?--
Is a form of negotiating
To set hostages free.

Comparing himself to Reagan makes him
Come off sounding hollow.
Particularly in this case Reagan's
The wrong example to follow.

(1-19-16) By Bob B