We know that most politicians aren't
Famous for their brevity.
Nonetheless, they can often
Provide us with moments of levity.
WHEN he becomes the next president--
Yes, the man at the top--
Marco Rubio promises us
That he would never swap
Prisoners for hostages.
His strategy, or plan,
Would be like Reagan's in that he wouldn't
Negotiate with Iran.
Rubio's a bit confused, however,
Or he doesn't have a handle
On history. Or does he disremember
The Iran-Contra scandal?
Trading arms for hostages--
Wouldn't you agree?--
Is a form of negotiating
To set hostages free.
Comparing himself to Reagan makes him
Come off sounding hollow.
Particularly in this case Reagan's
The wrong example to follow.
(1-19-16) By Bob B