The Bundy outlaws are back in the news,
Once again stirring up both cheers and boos.
This time it's Cliven Bundy's son
Ammon Bundy who's packed up his gun
And headed for Oregon with his outlaw band,
Willing to make it "Bundy's Last Stand."
They call themselves a "militia," but no,
"Right-wing insurgents" is more apropos.
Fighting an ideological battle
That centers on more than ranchers and cattle,
The outlaws have made it their goal to thwart
A reversal made by a federal appeals court--
A legal decision, which extends
The sentence of two arsonist "friends,"
Who, by the way, turned themselves in,
Having decided to take it on the chin.
Who, by the way, turned themselves in,
Having decided to take it on the chin.
An idea spurs the protesters along:
That federal ownership of land is wrong--
At least when it limits livestock from grazing
On government land. Thus the hell-raising.
At least when it limits livestock from grazing
On government land. Thus the hell-raising.
The gun-toting thugs have occupied
A federal building, where they'll abide.
How much support would they receive
For seizing a building and refusing to leave
If they weren't white? Good question, yes?
Not very much would be my guess.
(1-4-16) By Bob B