Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Corrido of the Bundy Brothers (Corrido de los hermanos Bundy)

This is a tale of two Bundys--
Ammon and Ryan by name.
They and the FBI
Both played the waiting game.

The brothers' dad, Cliven Bundy,
At one time had a close call
With the feds. I guess that he
And his sons are "tal para qual."

The brothers and their compadres
With rifles and pistols in hand
Headed north to Oregon
And occupied federal land.

A national wildlife refuge
Served as the activists' fort.
There they were holed up for weeks,
Until their plans were cut short.

Ammon says they were there
To serve a "righteous cause."
He says that the "Lord" disagrees
With our American laws.

(How does he know that? you wonder.
Does he have Aaron's rod
Or maybe a miraculous link--
A direct-line connection with God?)

Along with "Captain Moroni,"
The protesters said they would stay
Until they got what they wanted.
People said, "Take them away."

Agents moved in on the outlaws
On rural #395.
Shots rang out in the skirmish.
One outlaw didn't survive.

The others were arrested.
Off to jail they would go,
Leaving behind their footsteps
And blood spots in the cold snow.

The protesters’ use of force,
Intimidation and threats
Brought about their downfall.
I doubt they have any regrets.

Giving the land to the people
Is one of their muddled demands.
But aren't wildlife refuges
And parks the people's lands?

So it's addios to the Bundys.
Right now their fate is unclear.
But a new conspiracy theory
Will occupy them next year.

(1-27-16) By Bob B