The Republican presidential debates
Have become extremely boring.
Debaters sidestepped pertinent questions
And placed their focus more on scoring.
Still confusing facts and figures
And resorting to wild exaggeration,
The debaters made it their ultimate goal
To blast the current administration.
Rubio ignored questions and spouted
Talking points--yes, the ones
He's been saying all along,
Such as the president's after our guns.
Carson wondered if Americans have
Standards and values, which really is
A stupid question. Of course, we do--
Just not intolerant ones like his.
Trump's still spouting anti-immigrant
Rhetoric, which caused some dispute.
He just can't help making such statements
As "People come in; they live; they
Cruz, who is a skillful debater,
Made the mistake, by the way,
Of criticizing "New York values."
What a clumsy thing to say!
Bush criticized the president's recent
Executive orders and wondered why
The president hadn't worked with Congress.
Ha! Poor Jebby! What a guy!
Kasich often makes sense; however,
His problem is that in this race,
He's a little TOO sensible
For the right-wing Republican base.
And Christie, well, as usual
His talking points were planned out fully.
It's SO hard for him NOT to come off
Sounding like a childish bully.
Notice there wasn't a single question
About climate change. (Or did I snooze?)
Oh, I just remembered: the debate
Appeared on Fox Business News.
Were there insightful moments? A few.
But most were overshadowed when
The debaters bickered back and forth
And spewed their venom again and again.
(1-15-16) By Bob B