Friday, January 29, 2016

The Elephant NOT in the Room: GOP Debate #7

The GOP presidential wannabes
In debate number seven tried to shine.
How many more of these can we take?
Somebody has to draw the line.

"The elephant NOT in the room," Trump,
Was absent for fear that Kelly would dis him.
There went some entertainment value.
But did anyone really miss him?

Rubio, always so agitated,
Covered insecurity with sass.
He always sounds as though he's running
For president of his high school class.

For humor at the two-hour debate,
Carson proved to be indispensable.
Asleep at the wheel, he'd suddenly awaken
And mutter something incomprehensible.

Cruz and Rubio went back and forth
Each applying the art of riposte
Regarding issues on immigration
And which politician flip-flops the most.

Bush tried REALLY hard
To turn around his current rejection
And prove that he is the best candidate
To beat a Democrat in the election.

Kasich insisted that he could solve
Our nation's problems in a jiffy,
Based on his previous record,
Which, some say, is a little iffy.

Christie's merely an angry lout.
His words always cut and chide.
It seems he's overcompensating
For something he is trying to hide.

Rand Paul was back on the stage.
To him the others are all out to lunch.
He claims he's the most fiscally
Conservative one in the bunch.

Pulling out the religion card,
Dodging questions, and giving stump speeches
Characterize the seventh debate.
Is that what Politics 101 teaches?

(1-29-16) By Bob B